Real or Not

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Real or not what's the difference?
I rather live in a world of make believe then one full of pain
I rather live in a world with my fictional friends
Then the one filled of fake ones
They where there for me when you weren't
Your heroes may where a cape
But mine headphones and hoods.
What exactly is the difference maybe I'm the only one who sees them
Maybe I'm just seeing things
Maybe I'm a person living in two worlds
Maybe my past demons is the second world I live in
Maybe I'm not It real and I'm a figment of imagination
Maybe I'm a would trying to get people to cross over to the real world
Maybe the real world is nothing but pain and my fantasy is full of heartless and ruthless killers
Maybe I don't want to wake up
Yet I cry three tears for you and hope maybe
You would cry three tears for me
Maybe that mark on my wrist I draw everyday I should wipe off
Maybe I should take my cat ears off
Or sell all my games
Maybe burn all my books
And start living in the real world
Where I'm alone
I've been betrayed bullied stressed abused and numb and drowned in ways you wouldn't understand
Nobody understands the pain or logic behind my words
Nobody cares
Because I'm just that girl in the corner of the party with my earbuds in drowning everyone out and keeping my walls up so I don't have to go through pain again.
God put me on this world because I am strong enough to live it
But am I
I live in fear everyday
I don't have a real home and I run away from everything
I don't even know what my emotions are
Because they all just rush towards me all at once
I've dealt with to much pain and hurt that I can no longer feel emotions
Even as I run my finger across a dull blade I don't feel anything.
Music only makes me want to cry even more
But I can never let a tear out
I can't be that happy girl that everybody knows
I'm tired of pretending
I'm tired of being confused
I'm tired of not being able to keep a friend
I'm tired of living a lie
Walk away if you want
I have the voices in my head that keep my company
And I have my earbuds to drown everyone out
And my hood to hide under
I have my hopes and dreams to meet my idols
Maybe one day I will meet those ten people
Maybe that will return the light to my eyes
I'm the outcast the mist fit the hermit
And one day maybe I'll be a somebody.

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