You do you

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Don't move to LA thinking you can get big by having looks or 'talent' and not even try. Having bigger breast or ass isn't going to get you anywhere and don't do it for the game or the money do it to change the world to help people because you want to do it because you love doing it. Its a job you're going to keep forever. And fame and fortune isn't easy you have to work for it. Yea I want to be a musician when I'm older but because I want people to see music has a meaning and it's not just banging women or doing drugs cause you think it's cool and having more money then other people. I want people to connect with eachother, I mean look at hollywood undead, they teach you to stand up be heard and that sucide isn't always the answer, yea they cuss do drugs drink but think about it they've all come from broken homes me and MistyMoss0271 have came from broken homes and if you really think about it they do it to forget. You're not going to become a famous rapper if you don't write songs work on your music and learn to rap as well as booking more then one concert because they are not all going to sign you. You have to learn to push against the hard times to see the good times. Don't do something for money do it because it is something you love. All the weight of all the world is right between your shoulders, heavy is the heart as the world keeps growing colder. -J3T think about that quote for a second. What dose it mean to you? I want you to answer that in the comments. What I think it means is when you're going through something you feel as if you have to make everyone else happy but you don't take the time to care about how you feel, you feel selfish of you did when really it wouldn't be. You're heart has lost the ability to tell you how you truly feel because you only career about others you feel responsible for them when you shouldn't be, but you fail to see that they don't care about you. The world grows colder every day.

Just remember you do you, do something because you want to or you love it don't do it because everyone else is doing it.

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