Writing tips

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Now I know I'm not the best but I decided to share my tips on how I write.

1. Choose some music that you want dance to but will flow the ideas, lip singing is ok if you are still typing

2. Read other books! You can take an idea from one person but make it your own, believe it or not a lot of writers are like that.

3. Create your charcters, sketch them out, make a list of facts about them, create your backstories. Make the background character the true hero.

4. Cliches, I'm not a big fan of them but adding a few every now and then are ok.

5. Two words. Romance, Drama. But do to much of the drama that gets really anyoying to.

6. Think outside the box.

7. And most of all, keep trying and have fun, you won't get all the views the first time around so don't get upset if a book only gets a couple reads its fine and your first books are the stepping stones to your amazing books.

I hope this helps and that you use your creative ideas for the greater good :)

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