Captain Marvel

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Now the rant isn't exactly about her it's more of the sexism around a conversation I had with a friend about her and it made

2018 marvel is finally making a movie on a female character (Captain marvel) I had told my friend Michael the news and how I was really excited about it. He had asked me to pull up a picture and I sighed and brought up a picture (take note I had my iPad in my hand) he looks at her and say "Yea nobody will watch that." Grrr I didn't say anything because I don't want to get in trouble for yelling (whenever i speak my mind about sexism I tend to raise my voice a lot) but seriously though just because she covers up most of her skin and doesn't show cleavage doesn't mean that nobody will watch it and that people only want to see male characters have a movie, quit frankly I want a movie on black widow or scarlet witch I mean they don't show off that much skin yet they are still pretty badass, *snorts* I know Michael so when he said nobody will watch it was strictly because he couldn't see her boobs. It just makes me mad, mostly because I'm a feminist. I mean shouldn't females get equal rights too? Anyways that's all I had to say it just really pissed me off that he did that.

This is what she looks like 

Short hair so in fights nobody can pull it, breast are covered so when she flies nothing happens and skin is covered which protects her from getting hurt, yet all that the guys care about at my school is how much she is showing.

Now let's talk about black widow

Oh what's that short hair and a suit that protects her sure it might be too tight for comfort and the belt and ringlets on her wrist are too much it's practical to cover up when you are going in to save somebody or fight.

Now scarlet witch

Sigh, yes it covers her skin but what's with the big red cape and the pink skin tight suit under the bathing suit? That's the comic book version of her

In the movie she looked more like that but not cartoonish, yes a dress is impractical but she do any hand in hand combat or any at that matter she uses her power. Quite frankly I prefer that look better.

Anyways I'm done with this rant.

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