Marvel super villains

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I feel as if they don't get enough attention in the movies at least. I mean all villains in the marvel universe have enough spotlight, I mean I don't see any villains having their own movie, Thor doesn't count, why? Cause it's Thor's movie not Loki's and Deadpool doesn't count either, why? Cause he is an anti hero, he dose what is best for him and also read the comics, I mean he cut of his own pieces of flesh and nursed this one person back to health off it (I cannot remember who) also Bucky didn't have his own movie, how's that? The movie is called Captain America the winter solider, it's pretty much just stating that, that's the villain in that movie just like Iron Man 3 Age of Ultron. That dose t mean they have their own movies. But marvel villains lack the spot light and I feel as if they should have their own movie or comic at least one that explains more their past cause a villain may seem heartless but a heartless person was once someone who care too much.

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