Bye for now

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So I get that I'm a jerk. There's worst words to use, but we are going to stick with jerk. If you like replace the word with whatever you think fits best. I guess I make it seem like I know everything or I should say make it seem like I think I know everything. I don't. But I like to show how much I know because I fear people will find me unintelligent. It happens a lot quite frankly, buts that not the point now is it. Sometimes this upsets people, and hurts their feelings and I don't know. I know people who don't tell me things because they fear my reaction, or they don't think I'll understand. I'm apart of this mind set where I think more maturely then others my age. It's something I've been told all my life so I don't know what should or shouldn't be said because like I said I think more maturely. This means that I tend to see more reason then childishness behind things. We won't get into it. But because if this way of thinking, I do not think about how others may think differently and need a more sensitive way to be talked to. I'm not saying that they are sensitive or don't understand or that they are too childish, I'm simply saying that why they have the mind set of someone their own age I don't. I don't know how they think because it's foreign to me. But because of this I don't speak in a way that a normal person my age would speak so things that are meant to be helpful or are just poking fun come out more harsh and I don't realize this. There are some people whom have forgiven me many times when they didn't have to.  It they still did. This is why I say I'm not worth enough to have friends because I'm rude, I don't censor myself, I forget that people are people and have feelings, I don't know how to act in public, nor do I trust a lot of people. I don't even trust myself. So what I'm saying is, I won't be active on any social media until this situation that I have cause by my own carelessness clears up. Depending on how it ends depends on how sooner or later I'll come back. So until then. Bye.

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