Random Facts that you wouldnt know unless i told you!

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I'm doing this since I haven't updated in awhile.

1. I love cereal! Like I'm eating a bowl right now!

2. I'm the Queen of Hell.

3. I'm also the cat goddess.

4. Cats follow me to the bus stop and jump on my windows.

5. My only talent is failing and I'm ok with that!

6. When I say I'm sorry and have an explanation I'm usually am sorry unless I am not and I say that and end up typing up an apology full of sarcasm. I tend to only do that on the internet though due to that fact that people get Sodapop butt hurt about shit like opinions. (Sorry I sounded like SolarSands for a second)

7. Most of my OC's are characters that I write into books! Yes and Zachary is finally getting one! Along with this girl

Who I have yet to name.

8. I'm in dauntless!

9. I've never read Harry Potter but I am planning on to once I finish the Divergent series.

10. Gabriel is my spirit animal

11. I actually quite enjoy doing QnA's and plan on doing some for characters of my books but since whenever I host the,pm I never get questions.

12. If I run into a wall or locker I will turn towards it and say sorry.

13. If I know you enough I will let you untie my shoes

14. I'm a bitch

That's all for now!

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