School project

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So I've talk about this before but I haven't gotten into detail about this subject. Basically the school I go to does this thing where we are split up into communities. Now you get to choose which one you are in more or less but think of it almost as house in Harry Potter (I've never read them but from what my friend says I know this is correct) basically Apex is learning is technology based and they are probably further behind in classes then the other communities due to training? Global is more of learning about the world around us, so if we are learning about percents I believe their would be a math problem dealing with the percent of how many people a year lose a job in North America. They also get field trips. Imagine, well their learning is more art based and I honestly find it tedious. Lastly my community which is Exploration which is a combination of all of the communities and is more of finding yourself and your preferred way of learning. We also get a lot of projects. Basically though in my community we do this thing called iTime which is a passion project with an outcome. Now take note that this project is due before Christmas break. My project is writing a book and I just started like two weeks ago. Now we started these projects in August.... yea.... so the point of this is that I won't be updating to much on here for a bit until I'm finished with it. Now we do two projects. My next project is to get that said book published and work on a sequel maybe. Now where's the outcome in the first project? Well it's getting a book done and written and it's something that's not fanfiction. The second projects outcome is... well it's getting a book published and out there! So yea.... I won't be updating until possibly Christmas break.

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