What is going on?

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Hi it's me for those who actually care. So lets talk about what if going on with this account and my life. So first things first, I came out to my mom as being bisexual. Theywere understanding although my moms boyfriend was a complete asshole about it. That and my mom tried to force me to talk about it which is hard for me. I am also fostering a kitten who we call Pudge! She's just a little fluffy ball that rolls around. Well we think Pudge is a girl, but even if Pudge isn't Pudge is a gendernetreual name so it doesn't matter. Also, I'm sorry if my spelling is off, my computer's spellcheck isn't working for some odd reasons. Also, I've been getting more and more depressed and anxiety ridden. But we wont get too far into that.

As for my account, I won't update as often as you can tell and will be slowly updating my books on here and rewriting. Expect for the supernatural ones... I havn't watched the show since last August so ya know. My art book will be updated soon for those who care. most of my writing however will be on @Kitty_inc and my quotev account. 

Thats all for now!


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