Chapter 4

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Later at night....

It was nighttime now and Asagi and Flukey were doing some reconnaissance via rooftops to avoid being spotted and keep up the element of surprise in case any thing happens. 

So far there was nothing out of the ordinary until they spotted a suspicious-looking troll and in almost any circumstance when there's a troll nearby, trouble is soon to follow if it already hasn't. 

They followed the troll stealthily until it led them to an abandoned building where other trolls and some orcs were and also there was Asagi's arch enemy Oboro.

Flukey could feel Asagi's anger rise next to him as his eyes looked towards her and decided to speak to her telepathically.

Flukey: (Judging from your expression I'd say you and that woman aren't the best of friends)

Asagi, still angered, didn't pay much mind to the fact that Flukey was talking to her in her mind and spoke back. 

Asagi: (Trust me Flukey, I'd no sooner give myself to a group of ravenous orcs than become a friend of Oboro's. The things I've lost.....The people I've lost....because of her) 

Flukey stayed silent and listened to Asagi's little rant as he understood her feelings, given that his wife was taken from him because of someone, rendering him a widow and Florin motherless. 

The duo continued to listen in on Oboro talking to the trolls about what their objectives were before she had a look on her face and then smirked.

Oboro: Well well well. If it isn't my old friend.....Asagi!

Flukey: (Damn we've been spotted)

Asagi: (I guess there's no point in hiding anymore) 

With the element of surprise no longer in their favor, Flukey and Asagi jumped down from their hiding spot.

Oboro: Heh. I thought I smelled a whore. And I see you've brought a guy with you on your little patrol this time. And a handsome one at that~.

Flukey: Flattered but don't think that simple flattery is going to get you out of this. 

Oboro wasn't at all fazed by Flukey's comment. 

Oboro: Handsome and full of bravado~. I think I'll take you, after Asagi's dealt with. Boys, do whatever you want with Asagi but bring him to me after you've roughed him up enough. I could use a new plaything. 

Oboro ran off, leaving Flukey and Asagi to face the trolls. 

The fight was very one-sided due to Asagi's combat skills and Flukey's divine powers and fighting capabilities as they were able to dispose of the trolls in a short amount of time. 

Flukey: Oboro got away. 

Asagi: But at least we managed to find out what her plans are. We just have to prepare for it. 

Flukey: Or better yet. Throw a wrench in her plans before she can go through with them. 

Asagi: My thoughts exactly. And with you on our side now, I think our war against evil with sway even further into our favor. 

Flukey: Glad I'm able to help. Alright let's head back to my place. No doubt Florin and the girls are probably asleep at this point. 

Asagi: True. 

Asagi then yawned and upon seeing this, Flukey offered to let her sleep at his home, which she was grateful for. 

Flukey teleported back home with Asagi in tow and inside, the girls were asleep along with Florin in the living room, who was sleeping on Sakura's chest. Not wanting to ruin the scene, Flukey left his son with them. 

Asagi and Flukey ended up taking turns showering before going to bed after an eventful encounter. 

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