Chapter 9

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In the Dark World....

In the Dark World, the aftermath of the explosion at Under Eden left a huge mark and set back a lot of business opportunities for many patrons. 

But the most affected by this was the Yazaki Brothers that consisted of Real aka Toshiji Yazaki

 and his younger brother Muneichi Yazaki. 

These men were solely responsible for capturing Shiranui and tasked with brainwashing her but she proved to be more resilient than anticipated and now that she was freed, the brothers were in a panic since they failed. 

Muneichi: *Panicking* This is bad! This is bad! This is so fucking bad! What the fuck are we gonna do?!

Toshiji: What the fuck do you think we're gonna do?! We're gonna get Shiranui back! 

Muneichi: But how? We don't even know where she is? 

Toshiji: Obviously she's back at with the Taimanin. I don't know how but they must've got wind of her imprisonment and freed her. But my question is how could they've known? We made sure everything was secured and secret. 

Muneichi: Lord Ryuji's gonna be so pissed when he finds out we lost Shiranui....

Toshiji: He won't find out. Cause we're gonna get her back before he does. 

Then they heard an echoey voice. 

Echoey Voice: It's too late for that. I already know. 

The Yazaki brother's stood in fear before a purplish cloud came into view and then manifested into Ryuuji Kuroi aka the king of all Succubus and Incubus.

Muneichi/Toshiji : L-Lord Ryuuji.....

Ryuuji:'ve lost Shiranui it seems....

The brothers started to come up with every excuse imaginable while Ryuuji just stayed silent and raised his hand up to silence them. 

Ryuuji: Enough. Regardless of how Shiranui escaped, I should've known keeping her imprisoned wasn't going to be so easy. This time I will take her back myself and her daughter too. You two continue things as planned. This is nothing more than a minor setback. 

With that, Ryuuji left the brothers to rebuilding Under Eden as he began his plot to being back Shiranui along with Yukikaze and Rinko to form his grand army of slaves to take over the Dark World. 

Ryuuji: (Tsk. If those two fat buffoons weren't such great contributions to my plans I would've already gotten rid of them. I don't know how Shiranui managed to escape or who helped but it doesn't matter. With my power, bringing her back along with taking her daughter and Rinko should be easy)

A smirk formed on Ryuuji's face as he continued on his way, confident in his abilities but unaware of how outclassed he was compared to Shiranui's savior Flukey. 

Author's Note

Two chapters completed in a short time and I know they're short but hopefully the next chapter makes up for it cause it's gonna be a lemon and the first in the story!

Now the big question is.....which girl should have the first lemon ranging between....




Or Shiranui

Let me know who you all think the lucky Taimanin should be. 

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