Honest Confession.

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"Just tell Kiya that hiding from him will not do her any good. She is given a chance if Aiden is in hand reach... She should just go and ask him face-to-face!"

"Or she can just wait for his text... Maybe he will take 10 years to reply!"

Kiya saw Rimi's text and she thought, 'What if he never texts me back, what if we never get to see each other? What if he forgets about my confession, what if he forgets about me? Was my confession even honest, I was even ready to take back my confession because I thought he will leave me. At least I should be sincere about my feelings."

Kiya came out, she saw Aiden going out of the door. He was holding the takeout, "Aiden, wait!" Kiya yelled.

Aiden turned back and he saw her golden brown eyes. Her eyes looked different, they looked hurt.

"Kiya?" Aiden said with surprise and guilt all over his grey eyes.

Aiden stepped closer to Kiya, and Kai and Derek gave them some space.

"Do you have something to say?" Kiya said looking at Aiden's gray eyes.

Aiden looked at the menu board to avoid Kiya's gaze.

"Very well then, I will tell you what should be said. I love you, Aiden. I have never felt this way for anyone, One single text from you makes my day, you make my heart flutter. Talking with you gives me butterflies and at the same time it gives me a sense of belongingness." Kiya smiled softly and continued, "I find the lost calm in you, and I for one bit don't regret confessing my love to you. The only thing I regret is thinking about taking my confession back."

Aiden looked at Kiya with tear-filled eyes, he opened his mouth to say something but closed it seeing Kiya had more to say.

Kiya clenched her hands tightly to make a fist, trying her best not to cry Kiya continued, "I am not forcing you to take my confession, I will never do that. But I have only one request if you are going to leave me as you did ten years ago, this time please give me a reason. Ten years ago when you left without giving me a reason, I was so worried about you. I thought will I be able to meet my senior Aiden again? This time if you are going to disappear again just tell me, don't keep me longing for my Prince Charming. If you are gonna go away from me, just tell me. I promise you, I will not hate you."

"I am sorry Kiya," Aiden mumbled looking down at his shoes.

Kiya softly smiled, she bent down a little to meet Aiden's eyes and replied in a polite tone, "I am going to keep my promise, I will wait till you figure out your answer. And whatever your answer will be, I'll accept it. Just don't disappear without giving me the honest answer."

Kiya left the place, and Kai and Derek followed her.

While going out Derek gently patted Aiden's shoulder and said, "If you love her buddy, make it right."

Kai continued, "Just be honest to her if something is bothering you, she is the one who understands."

꧁ Love&Believe ꧂

Thank you for reading


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