Saturday, 6:00 pm

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Happy birthday, Aiden


Thank you.


How have you been?


I've been good.


Good to hear that


Let's not act like strangers, okay?




What's with these full stops Aiden?

Our relationship might have come to an end, but our friendship isn't!

I still care about you,

Are you still mad at me? For ending our engagement?


I am not mad at you Lili,

I am glad you broke the engagement, we were going nowhere in our relationship... And I was not brave enough to call it off.

I am happy you found someone, at least one of us got to have a love story.


You were brave enough to keep our relationship sailing for 5 years...


Brave enough? I was foolish enough to keep it going,

I wasted both of our time, in this loveless relationship.


Not foolish, and I am grateful for these five years.

You helped me in many ways, you are and you always will be my best friend.

Nothing will change that, you made me love myself.

Remember how I always used to doubt myself because my parents always told me I was not good enough?

You believed in me, you made me believe in myself... And now I got a job and an apartment.

I miss you Aiden, I miss my best friend.


You have done a lot for me too. You took care of me when I was sick,

You were there for me when my father passed away,

I miss you too, Lili


Can I have my best friend back then?


Yes, you can :)


And Aiden, you will have a love story so beautiful that it will be written in stars.

I am rooting for you Aiden, one day you will find someone who will love you so much, that it will make you feel special.


I found that someone Lili, but I messed it up.

She made me feel special,

She made my days brighter,

Even though I am such a coward, she is willing to understand me.

She filled my heart with so much love, for the first time in my life I figured I have it in me to love someone...



But what?


But the fear took over me, I thought what if our relationship doesn't work out?

What if I lose her as my friend too?

I don't want to lose her, she is too precious to me...

I wanted to keep her, but I became the one to push her away.

When she confessed her love to me again, I just wanted to hug her, I wanted to tell her how much I love her and how special she is to me.

But I couldn't, I just stood there... I am a coward...

I didn't want to lose her but I am the one who broke the bridge between us.


Aiden, listen to me now!

Just because your Mom and Dad broke up, just because our engagement broke up doesn't mean that relationships never work out.

Your mom and dad married each other because of their family friends, after a while they realised there was no love and so they took the right decision to go separate ways. We can't stay in a loveless marriage!

Same with us, We were engaged because our family knew each other. But we understood we don't love each other before our marriage, we did the right decision to call it off.

Your mom never chose your father,
Your father never chose your mother,
You and I?
We never chose each other,

And we never give our full effort to something we never choose for ourselves.

And because we don't give our full effort, the relationship falls out!

This girl you are talking about, she chose you, to love and you have chosen her to love...

And the love we have for the person we choose is stronger than any fear...

Just love her right, Aiden.

Give your full effort because you love her,

Even if you fight, you will be able to make it right because you both love each other.

And because you both love each other, this relationship will work out.


I will keep that in mind,

Thank you so much, Lili

꧁ Love&Believe ꧂

Thank you for reading


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