Would You Rather (Ft Genderbend Jokers)

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Everest: Hey guys, I'm here with Joker and Jessica.

Jessica: Glad to be here.

Joker: Thanks for having us.

Everest: In this chapter, I'm getting you guys to play "Would You Rather".

Joker: Alright.

Jessica: Let's do it then.

Everest: First question. Would you rather stare at the sun for 5 seconds after being in a dark room for 5 hours, or have one eye replaced with a glass eye for the rest of your life.

~Screen shows half and half red with one question placed on each side~

Joker: Definitely the first one. I don't wanna lose an eye.

Jessica: That wouldn't be a good look on me.

Everest: Makes sense. Alright, would rather be a robot or an alien?

Joker: I'd say I wanna be an alien. Cause there are problems with robots.
*Flashbacks all of his failed gadgets*

Jessica: Same.

Everest: Okay next. Would rather live in a world where everything is written in comic sans or live in a world where the only music that existed is "Call Me Maybe".

Jessica: I think I'm gonna die of cringiness.

Joker: Besides, it would be a bummer that your favourite song doesn't exist.

Jessica: So we choose Comic Sans.

Everest: Next question. Would you rather forget who you were or forget who everyone you know is.

Joker: This is so obvious. I didn't even remember who President D really is because of how us phantom thieves make a lot of enemies.

Jessica: Yeah, but of course we would remember our friends and our enemies.

Everest: Mhm. Would rather be blind or be dumb?

Joker: You know what makes me laugh about this?

Jessica: What?

Joker: The be dumb one is in red.

~Both laughs~

Everest: Oh come on you guys, you're so mean.

Joker: Who do we know that's dumb?

Everest: Yeah, I know Akai. 😏

Joker and Jessica:*continues laughing*

Jessica: I don't know though. If we were blind, how are we gonna go on heists? Or at least escape?

Everest: Your assistants?

Joker: Hachi isn't enough for guiding me. So I'd rather be dumb.

Jessica: Yeah, dumb people have less to worry about anyway.

Joker: If you don't understand something, you don't have to worry about it.

Jessica: So I'd rather be dumb too.

Everest: *checks agrees and disagrees* Wow, there are some really smart blind people out there looking at these answers.

Joker: Well they can't look if they're blind.

Jessica: Haha! Yes! Jack, high five!

~Both high fives~

Everest: You guys are awful.

Joker: But we're cool.

Jessica: Yeah, we're really cool.

Everest: Next. This may seem like a stupid question but would you rather be emo or be gothic?

Jessica: Isn't that the same thing?

Joker: Would you rather be Shadow or Shadow? It's the same thing.

Jessica: Is there a difference though?

Joker: Well, Emos hate themselves, gothic hate everybody.

Jessica: I could never hate myself.

Joker: Same here.

Everest: Okay. Would you rather see how you die or see who you will marry?

Joker: Obviously see who I'll marry. Who wants to see how they die?

Jessica: Yeah. That would be traumatizing if you're not brave enough. So, see who I'll marry.

Everest: Mhm 😏. Last question.
Would you rather Would you rather be attacked by 50 duck-sized horses or 1 horse-sized duck.

Joker: Oh, definitely the duck. I mean, it's not that bad.

Jessica: Yeah, we can handle it no problem.

Joker: Oh my gosh, can you imagine me riding a horse-sized duck? That would be like a pet!

Jessica: Why don't we try to find a horse-sized duck? There might be one somewhere.

Joker: Let's go!

Jessica: Let's do this!

Everest: Guys…you're not gonna find a horse-sized duck. Are you dumb? Is that Akai question rubbing off on you?

Jessica: Everest, you're silly.

Joker: Yeah, don't be silly.

Jessica: Anyways, we gotta go!

Joker: Let's go find that horse-sized duck!

Jessica: See ya!

Joker: Bye!

~Both leaves~

Everest: Welp, I guess that's the end of this chapter. Peace out!

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