I - Iris

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Ok guys this is gonna be based on Misty traveling  with Ash and Iris in Unova, I'm making Cilan Brock because I honestly hated Cilan. I've never watched the best wishes series, so if I get a lot of stuff wrong this is why. I know a lot of people hated Iris, but I've seen a few episodes and I loved Iris in those episodes cause she kind of acted like Misty.

So I hope you guys enjoy! :)


Iris, Misty, Ash, and Brock were all sleeping outside in the woods, but Misty was restless. She could always trust her best friend, Iris, to help cheer her up or get her to sleep, but it wasn't about that. Misty was restless because she was thinking about her crush, Ash.

"Togepi," Misty whispered, "Do you think Ash...l-loves me?" Iris fluttered her eyes awake and started to listen closely. "Axew," Iris muttered, half awake, "Come here!" Axew was asleep in her hair, but he woke up immediately. "Axew Ax Ax!" It whispered. Iris pointed to Misty and Togepi, then pointed to Misty and Ash and made a heart out of her hands. She giggled a little and motioned for Axew to whisper.

"Toge Toge Pi!" It clicked. "Really?" Misty whispered. "Well...I don't know...he's so dense...he probably wouldn't admit it if he did love me." thank gosh Ash wasn't awake. "I'm glad Iris, Brock, or Ash isn't awake. I mean Iris is my best friend but I don't want her to know about this...." Misty muttered to her Togepi. Iris sat up in her sleeping bag. "I knew you had a crush on him!" 

Misty jumped back at Iris's sudden voice. ''I-Iris!" Misty whisper-yelled. When she jumped back, she fell on top of Ash. Iris whisper-laughed. Misty immediately jumped up and was eye-level with Iris. "Shit...you found out..." She muttered as she slouched down, defeated. "I have a way for you to confess to Ash." Iris said.

"Really!?" Misty said, grabbing her hands. "Thank you!" She hugged her. "Ok Ok! you see that little secret area in the forest right there?" Iris pointed to a curtain of leaves hanging down off a branch that acted like an entrance to a pond. Misty nodded her head rapidly. "Just tell one of your Pokemon to stay there and tell Ash that you lost it." Misty nodded and hugged Iris again. "Thank you so much!" 

"It's no problem!" Iris said, watching Misty let out her Staryu and going to the hidden pond. She came running back moments later, shaking Ash awake. Ash fluttered his eyes open and sat up in his sleeping bag. Misty faked some tears. "A-Ash I lost Staryu! It must've wandered off somewhere!"

Ash looked worried, and wanted to do anything to help Misty. "I'd think Psyduck would be the one to do that, but I'll help you with anything, let's look there!" He pointed to where the exact spot Staryu was swimming at. "Let's go!" Misty said, grabbing Ash's hand an running to where Staryu was.

When they were in the hidden pond area, Iris clapped silently. "Congratulations Misty, You faced your fears." She crawled back into her sleeping bag and went to sleep with Axew in her hair.

"Staryu!" Misty ran up and hugged Staryu and returned it. "Um Ash...c-can we just sit here for a second...and watch the moon?" Misty stuttered. Ash smiled and sat down in front of the pond, along with Misty sitting by him. "Um...Ash...There's something I've been wanting to say for a long time now..." Ash looked at her and nodded. "Me too..."

"Ash," Misty said, looking at him, "Ash, I love you." Ash looked at her, stunned, and grabbed her hand. She put her head on his shoulder, and he kissed the top of her head. "Misty I love you too."



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