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"Mr. Stark," Principal Griffin nodded as Tony came in with an outstretched hand.

Tony shook it and sat down across from in a chair. The Principal sat as well and now that he was in the office alone with the man Tony took in the decor. The office seemed stereotypical for the most part, aside from the strange array bobbleheads on the edge. Tony's eyes were drawn to the Hulk one specifically, he reached forward and picked it up and tapped its head.

The Principal cleared his throat, "I assume you'd like to speak about the events of yesterday?"

"Yeah, the ki- Peter," Tony corrected putting the bobblehead back, "told me that those boys along with other kids here have been bullying him... partially due to his connection to me."

The man nodded slowly, "I am not aware of any specific instances, but I did have my suspicions when I spoke to Peter yesterday afternoon."

Tony frowned and tapped his fingers on he knee for a moment or so before he leaned forward in his seat, "And that's all you have to say about it?"

"Without a specific incident my hands I'm afraid are tied Mr. Stark, Mr. Parker didn't tell me those two were bullying him. From what he described there was a disagreement which got out of hand."


"Quite honestly I don't think this is the right school for Mr. Parker."

Tony tensed, "What do you mean by that?"

"Despite having only being a month into the school year he is making quite an impression on his teachers with his grades. He also seems to have an affinity for math and science, to the point I think Midtown might be a more appropriate for him."

Tony paused trying to think if he should know what "Midtown" was but the Principal must have seen his look because he said,

"It's an advanced math and science school. I have had a few students transfer there over the years, and I think Mr. Parker might be the newest student over there... If you like I can contact those over there and see if they're willing to consider him while you think it over."

Tony nodded, "Please."


"Isn't him getting into that school a good thing?" Lee asked confused.

"Well I'm not sure if Peter will want to transfer," Tony sighed. "He is already having a hard time where he is, so I haven't told him yet. I also don't want to get his hopes up if it's not possible."

The woman hummed in thought as she continued to clean the game off, "Well he's smart so I'm just gonna say he gets in there. And when he does maybe he can go visit there before he actually transfers? You could pull some strings to do that right? Then Peter can see if he likes it first."

Tony blinked in surprise, "You're smart Lee."

She rolled her eyes, "Glad you finally noticed."

"Boss, Ms. Evans will be arriving soon," F.R.I.D.A.Y. told him.

Tony sighed and turned to leave, "I gotta go then, I should talk to her about all of this before Peter gets home from detention."

"Good luck!"


"Wait. So you're telling me Mr. Parker got into a fight, got detention, and his principal suggested he transfer schools."

"He wasn't expelled," Tony assured her.

"He's being asked to leave school," Ms. Evans protested.

"You didn't let me finish, he is allowed to stay at his school or he can take an entrance exam for Midtown Science and Technology. It's a more advanced school, and I and his principal believe the kid can get in."

Ms. Evans frowned and tapped the pen she held against her leg quickly as she thought. "I'll be sure to ask Peter his thoughts on-"

"I haven't spoken to him about this yet," Tony interrupted. "I was going to get Peter's thoughts on it when he got home... But now I'm thinking I should wait until the principal is more sure about his chances."

"I suppose that's fair, but I will be sure to ask him about his school life as a whole."

"He's not exactly talkative in the subject," Tony mumbled.

"And what is his punishment?" The woman inquired.

Tony blinked, "Hm?"

"I do assume he has a punishment at home in addition to the detention he has at school?"

"Right," Tony said quickly. "Of course he has one."

"Does he?" She asked one eyebrow raised to show she was unimpressed. "Does the man who never experienced discipline at that age give it?"

"I do as a matter of fact, Peter is not allowed to go out for the rest of the week. And he was very upset when I told him so."

She didn't look convinced and was about to speak when Peter stepped out of the elevator.

"Hi Ms. Evans, hey Tony," Peter greeted with a small wave.

"Hello Peter," Ms. Evans smiled. "I was just talking with Mr. Stark about your punishment for fighting at school. Do you think it was fair?"

Tony stared at Peter with a worried smile hoping to get the boy's attention but Peter didn't look away from her.

"Why would I ever think it's fair?" Peter huffed without missing a beat. "It's not like I do much anyway. Now I get punished at school and here, and I didn't even start the fight!" Peter crossed his arms and began to walk away toward his room, "I'm going to put my backpack away."

"I told you he wasn't happy," Tony sighed looking back to the social worker.

Ms. Evans only nodded slowly in response.


"Thanks for covering for me earlier," Tony told Peter over dinner.

"No problem," Peter shrugged taking a bite before he frowned, "I don't have a punishment do I?"

"If anyone asks you weren't allowed to go this week."

"I don't go out at all."

"I don't suggest you tell anyone else that."

They are for a few minutes of silence before Tony sighed, "So I talked with your principal as promised..."

Peter's eyes didn't leave his food, "And?"

"And he said your teachers love you, and you're really smart so if you wanted you could make it in an advanced school."

Peter looked up with wide disbelieving eyes, "Advanced school?"

"Midtown Science and Tech, he said he'd talk to someone there about you. But only if you want, and then they could start the process."

"I'm-I'm not that amazing!" Peter protested, his cheeks reddening.

"Don't sell yourself short Pete."

"But I'm not-"

"Did you or did you not design your own webshooters?"

"I did..."

"And you've been helping me out in the lab. I'm sure you're more than overqualified for this school. The question is are you willing?"

"I... I don't know..."

Tony nodded, "Well you don't need to decide at this very moment but think it over, alright?"



Unsurprisingly just as Peter had before when it came to school, he avoided the conversation at all costs.

He avoided the conversation even as he studied and took the entrance exams in fact, but since he had gone through with it Tony assumed he wanted to go.

"What if things are worse?" Peter asked abruptly. "I can't do it."

Tony raised an eyebrow, "I know you're a bad liar, but is playing poker with us really that bad?"

"I'm not a bad liar, and I'm talking about school."

"That was a lie right there," Rhodes contributed. "I fold."

"About transferring?" Tony asked tossing his cards in. "I fold too."

Peter nodded quickly as he folded, "Things are bad here yes, but what if I get to Midtown and things are worse 'cause I'm the new kid?"

"Then you tell them you live with the Avengers," Sam chuckled taking the pot for himself.

"No," Natasha interjected gathering the cards. "You just need to be yourself Peter. You'll make friends there I'm sure of it."

"I didn't even make friends here," Peter frowned.

"Because you have the mindset that you won't," Steve contributed. "You're a good kid Peter. And you've managed to make friends with some of the strangest people alive. So-"

"But you guys are nice to me not because I'm me," Peter protested. "You have to be nice because I live with Tony and you guys like him..."

"Ignoring them, you and I became friends," Tony tried pausing to look at Peter seriously. "So did Lee, that's two friends right there you got by being yourself. You will make more. Yes I introduced you to the team, but knowing them if I wasn't around they would still like you because you're a good kid. You can make friends Peter, but you need to give yourself a chance too."

Peter didn't look convinced as he looked down and poked his three remaining chips, "I'm losing... Can I go out as Spider-Man?"

Tony sighed but he nodded either way, "Be back by eleven thirty."

When Peter left Natasha was the first to speak, "I think going to the new school will be good for him. Maybe he'll gain some confidence."

"He acts like a totally different person as Spider-Man," Sam observed. "He's more cocky."

"He told me once that he sees Spider-Man as a different person," Tony explained. "He is still trying to realize that he's the same person either way... And I'm struggling to help."

"It's something he needs to learn for himself just give him time," Rhodes told Tony. "Didn't you have to learn something similar?"

Tony chuckled, "Yeah, I guess so. Thanks you guys... Also Nat I know your cheating."

Natasha raised an eyebrow, "Can you prove it?"


"Boss, a sudden spike in the heat sensors was detected in Peter's suit," F.R.I.D.A.Y. announced interrupting the continuing poker gamer.

Tony was on his feet and calling his suit in an instant.

"Call him now."

"Already dialing..."

Tony's suit came to him and attached his body as he hurried out to the balcony. His helmet snapped shut as F.R.I.D.A.Y. gave her newest update,

"No response, but I am detecting a sudden spike in blood pressure."

"Shit," was all Tony replied as he shot off into the sky.

Tony's heart rate was dangerously high. He could hear as his heart banged loudly in his chest to the point it was almost painful. "He's okay, he's okay," Tony mumbled to himself as he closed in on the location. A burning building- no rather the building on the next street over from the burning building.

Tony hurriedly set himself down the moment he saw Peter laying on it.

The teen's mask was off and he appeared to be breathing heavily, other than that he looked alright but that meant nothing.

"Tony?" Peter asked in surprise as he sat up with a cough. "What are you doing here?"

Tony ignored the question as he moved to Peter's side and F.R.I.D.A.Y. began scanning him for injuries, "Are you alright?"

Peter nodded, "Little winded but fine. What are you doing here? And how did you find me?"

"The sensors in your suit went off, so I followed the tracking device."

"You put a tracking device in my suit?"

"I put everything in your suit. But are you really okay?"

Peter nodded and put on his mask as he stood, "I'm fine. The building caught on fire and I had the pleasure of helping some of the kids from my school out of it. Had to hold up part of the burning building at one point."

Tony nodded and he let out a breath as he relaxed.

"You didn't need to come all the way here," Peter told him.

"I had to make sure you're okay. You're my responsibility Peter."

Peter shrugged and moved to the edge of the roof to watch as the firefighters doused the last of the flames. "They were having a party in this house being renovated and somehow they ended up with something on fire and trying to put it out with vodka," Peter said shaking his head. "Makes me glad I'm transferring."

Tony took a deep breath trying not to let Peter's nonchalant attitude to the situation cause him anger. "So now you want to transfer?" He asked instead.

"I need to get away from these people," Peter nodded.

"You really scared me kid," Tony told him after a pause.

Peter looked over to him, and despite his mask Tony could tell he was confused by the statement.

"I don't want you getting hurt."

Peter gave a sigh, "Sorry, didn't mean to make you worry."

Tony nodded satisfied, "You ready to go home then?"

"Can we go to KJ's instead?"

Tony chuckled, "We could but I'm pretty sure she'd have a heart attack if she saw you wearing that. So let's stop home first."

Peter glanced down at himself, "Probably for the best... But I am totally beating you in any game after."

"You're on."

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