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The hospital's usual sounds and background noise had fallen to the wayside. For now all Tony could hear was Peter's uneven breathing. He stared down at the cold cup of coffee in his hands, Pepper had given it to him hours ago and he still hadn't taken a sip.


He heard his name called a few more times before a hand touched his shoulder. Tony gave a sigh before he gave in and looked up at Bruce's face. The rest of the team had run off to stop something or other from happening, he really hadn't been listening, but Tony doubted whatever could be worse than Peter's condition. Bruce had stayed behind, but Tony wasn't sure if his reasoning had been he wanted to give Tony company or if he didn't think this was a job for him.

"Tony?" Bruce said again. "Ms. Evans is here."

Tony looked to the doorway and frowned at the woman's face, "Hi."

"Hi." She nodded taking a seat in an open chair. "Ms. Potts and Mr. Banner already told me what happened, but I'd like to hear it in your words."

Tony gave a sigh, "Alright..."


"Can I be like- like your guy in a chair?"

"Guy in a chair?"

"Yeah! Like if you don't know something then you call me and I can do all the fancy computer stuff and help you out!"

"I don't want to get you involved Ned. Plus I don't think Tony would like it."

"Does his opinion matter?"

"I do live with him."

"Fine... but if you ever need a guy in a chair then call me."

"Of course."

"What would you need a guy in a chair for?" Tony couldn't help but ask as he walked in Peter's room.

Peter looked away immediately but Ned spoke up, "For Spider-Man!"

A million thoughts bubbles in Tony's mind at once and he found himself unable to pick one.

"Did you need something Tony?" Peter asked.

Tony swallowed and nodded slowly, "Well it's getting late and Happy is downstairs to drive Ned home."

"Oh is it that time already?" Ned asked surprised as he stuffed a few things in his backpack. "I'll see you Monday Peter!"

"You're mad," Peter stated when Ned left.

Tony scoffed as he crossed his arms, "That's one way of putting it... Why does he know?"

"Because I told him," Peter shrugged standing and exiting his room.

"You what?" Tony asked following him. "You do know the point of a secret identity right?"

"It's just Ned!" Peter insisted walking away, but Tony wasn't letting him get away this easy.

"And who will Ned tell?" Tony asked following him into the kitchen. "Will he tell his family? The rest of your school? The world?"

"He won't."

"How do you know?"

"What's the big deal?" Peter asked turning to face him.

"The big deal is if he knows, there's a chance people who want to hurt you could know!"

"Fine," Peter said turning and wrenching open the fridge. "I won't tell anyone else, if it's such a problem."

"You shouldn't have even told him."

"Well it's too late and he's my best friend!"

"Friends can turn on you."

Peter abruptly slammed the fridge shut and it rattled at his extra force. "What is your problem?" He shouted turning back to Tony.

"That you're telling people-"

"You told the whole world who you are!" Peter shot back. "You told them your address and everything! And I can't tell a single person who I trust? What kind of hypocrisy is that?" He yelled making his way toward the elevator.

"Oh real mature!" Tony yelled after him as Peter stepped into the elevator and crossed his arms.

"I'm fifteen!" Peter yelled back as the doors closed.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y. stop the elevator!"

"I think the boy might need some space," The AI replied. "Though maybe it would simply be best if you went after him."

Tony didn't reply to the AI as the elevator door opened to reveal another elevator.

When he made downstairs he was still fuming but he found Peter easily enough.

"Peter!" He shouted.

He saw the boy tense and he could picture him rolling his eyes as he turned around to face him. "Leave me alone Tony!" He yelled back moving to cross the street.

"I just don't want you getting hurt!" Tony yelled jogging to catch up.

"I can take care of myself!" Peter yelled back, but thankfully he didn't try to run further away.

"Peter listen to me," Tony insisted. "I'm sorry but I'm worried about you. And you're right I'm being hypocritical but that's because I regret telling the world everything! I had my house blown up because of it!"

"I'm not as stupid as you! Just because you make terrible decisions doesn't mean I will!" Peter called crossing the street.

Tony hurried forward and grabbed Peter's arm, "I just want-"

The next thing Tony knew was that he was being flung backwards. It took a moment for his mind to register that he had flown back from the street onto the sidewalk. The pavement was hard as he sat up attempting to process before he looked back to the street, back to where a crowd of people had already started converging. Tony hurried up his heart beating quickly as he unfortunately had a good idea who was in the center.

"We fought he went outside... I tried to stop him from running off and he- he was hit by a car," Tony told Mrs. Evans. "He shoved me out of the way, and got hit himself... and now he's here with broken ribs that caused internal bleeding and-" Tony's voice caught. "And it's all my fault... and now- now you're going to take him away aren't you?"

Ms. Evans was silent for a moment, "I shouldn't need to. I simply need to talk to Peter before any decisions are made."

"So that's a maybe then?"

She gave a sigh, "I don't like you personally Mr. Stark, but I'm not the one who has to deal with you daily. So as a parental figure for Peter you've gone above and beyond and been exceptional, and that I respect. That's the reason we changed my visits to once a week rather than twice. So while I technically shouldn't say anything, I will tell you that if the truth turns out to be what you told me, you will continue to foster Mr. Parker. But at the same time if my superiors decide otherwise..." she trailed off her words left unsaid.

Tony nodded slowly, "Thank you."


"You're okay."

Tony had to fight back tears at the statement, "Worry about yourself kid," he replied.

Peter gave a tired smile, "I'm just glad you're okay... and- and I'm sorry."

"No I'm sorry," Tony said shaking his head. "I overreacted. I shouldn't have..." He trailed off as a few tears escaped his eyes.


Tony shook his head and moved to give Peter an awkward hug, "I'm just glad you're alright Peter."

Peter moved to hug him back.


Tony was more than grateful for Peter's super healing. Peter was ready to leave the hospital after only a few days, and by then he was almost healed.

Doctors were more than confused of course, especially because the last time he had been brought it this hospital he had been here longer with less severe injuries.

Tony assumed it had something to do with the conditions Peter lived in affecting his healing factor and he made mental notes about it, but left the doctors to their mystery.

"Ms. Evans," Peter smiled as the woman walked in the room. "What are you doing here?"

The woman gave a nervous smile which didn't really suit her, "How are you feeling Peter?"

"Great! Tony is gonna take me to lunch and then we're gonna go home cause he said I need to rest more."

"Because you do," Tony contributed. "So what can we do for you Ms. Evans?"

"Well..." she started uncertaintly. "I came here because I had news about Peter's situation."

"I thought that was handled already?" Tony asked, his tone cold. "They already came and interviewed the both of us at length and they said everything was fine."

"It is," Ms. Evans assured him. "I'm here for a different reason- a different situation."

"What is it then?"

"Well as you know you are Peter's foster parent, in other words this arrangement was... temporary."

Tony felt his heart drop to his stomach. He stared at her for a moment as he felt his hands curling into involuntary fists. He could feel Peter's eyes on him waiting for him to speak, so Tony forced himself to ask the question he didn't want an answer to, "What are you saying?"

She gave a small sigh, "I'm afraid the agency has found Peter a permanent home."


Sorry for this chapter's awkwardness! There's only...


But BEFORE that I will post a chapter of the other drabble like things I wrote during this which didn't make its way into the story.


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