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Keith Pov

Shiro was talking to me about tonights party, how its gonna be lit and celebrating my birthday. I already told him at lunch that i didnt like celebrating my birthday but looks like he doesnt care. Why is fifth period always the longest, like please can i get out of here already.

'' And were going to find you a man for tonight, come on you got to move on from him.'' Shiro continues, god why does he have to talk about that.

''yea, no were not gonna do that, im perfectly fine drinking alone in my room, you dont have to make a party.'' I respond looking over at his clasmates making sure no one really heard Shiro's comment about getting him a men.

''Come on bro! I promiss you it'll be fun.'' he playfully punched my arm.

''fine, but dont try to set me up with anyone.'' Shiro nod in responce followed by a small smile. god this is gonna be a long night. The bell rang and I quickly got up almost running out of the room. I just dont like interacting with people. I walk out opening the school's front doors and see my motorcycle in the parking lot. I got my helmet on and got on riding off home.


I was alone in my room watching videos on my phone as I suddenly hear loud music coming from downstairs. I wonder if Shiro is actually gonna make this party about me. Probably not though, he for sure is with his friends drinking and forgot about me. I sigh and look at the ceiling as someone opens my door.

''oh sorry thought this was the bathroom.'' said a random person who I didnt recongized.

''no? get out.'' I let out going to close the door as the person whinned. god i hate when this happens. Maybe i should go downstairs.. I should change tough. I got on some black ripped jeans and chains with a old band t-shirt. ''that'll do'' I mumble and open my bedroom door. I slowly walk down stairs and see a bunch of people from school and even some I dont know. Birthday party my ass. I sigh again and go to the kitchen for a drink. As I entered I heard a whole bunch of jocks yelling. oh great theyre playing beer pong in my kitchen. I walk to the fridge getting a drink as I sat on the counter. I didnt talk a lot to people from school, feels like no one ever wants to talk to me. From the corner of my eye I could see Hunk talking to Lance and his girlfriend. Great that asshole is here. I take a long sip as I see Shiro coming over to me. He puts an arm around my shoulder and welcomes me.

''what are you drinking?'' he looks down at my beer. ''god no, you need stronger, come on were gonna do shots!'' he dragged me to the living room sitting me down on a couch in front of some guys from his team ''who wants shots!'' he yells and all of them agreed chearing.

''Hell yea!'' Lance replied as he sat beside me. Does he know who I am to sit right next to me? he looked tipsy as hell. okay lets do this I guess.
Shiro made everyone shots and everyone cheered as we all swallowed down the shot. God, thats pure rhum. I shook my head a little and looked at everyone.
My heart suddenly drops as I feel something touching my knee. Looking down I see Lances knee touching mine. Why the hell am I sweating. I quickly move my leg away as shiro makes more shots. I took another one and looked over at shiro with a small smile.

He smiles back at me "beer pong?" I was about to respond but lance cut me off.

"Oh yea im on!" He got up almost running to the kitchen.
I couldnt help but chuckles at that. I follow them as shiro made teams.

"Okay Keith and me against Lance and hunk!" He said loudly

"Ready to lose Mullet." Lance spoke, was he talking to me?

"Anyone can win against you." I mumbled aparently louder than I thought.
He huffs and throws a ball in making me take my first beer. I swallowed it all as Shiro throw in a ball in another cup making Lance drink. Hunk chuckles and throws the ball missing it. I smirk and throw one in as lance finished his drink.
It went on for a couple rounds until we each had a cup left. At this point Shiro and Hunk werent even playing anymore and I was honestly starting to get drunk.
Lance throws and misses, "Come on! You gotta be kidding me!"
I smirk at that and made it into the cup. I cheered with shiro and laughed at the loser in front of me. Beating Lance is a fun activity for my birthday.

Lance huffs and walks to the couch letting himself fall down on the couch.
I followed the guys to the living room and the last place was unfortunately beside Lance. I sigh a little and sit down as far as i could from him. He didnt realise a shit, I really made him drink a lot. Each time he whines it makes me smile, remembering me my victory.
"Lets play truth or dare!" Hunk spoke as everyone agreed. "Alright Matt truth or dare"


"Whos your crush?" Replied Hunk

"Uhm" he looked over at Lance who looked wasted. "Allura...?" He mumbles, I hear shiro laughing.

"HA!" Lance shouts, oh he was listening. "Sucker shes mine bitch" he smirks. I roll my eyes at that, luckily shes not here.

"Whatever, Shiro truth or dare" Matt asks.


"I dare you to act like a monkey" lance laughs
Shiro shrugs and starts making monkey noise and he looked at me. He walks towards me and started messing up my hair yelling like a monkey.

"Stop!! My hair!" I yell trying to hold in my laugh as he starts laughing his ass off. He goes to sit back down as I huff and tried to replace my hair. I sigh a little and look over at lance who was starting at me. "What?"

"Oh nothing just the first time I see your forehead, i didnt know you had one." He smirks

I look at him confusingly "what the hell dude your fucking drunk."

"Yea so" he chuckles

"Exactly, Keith you arent deunk enough." Shiro spoke passing me another beer. God, I don't remember thats my fifth? Seventh? I shrug and took a long sip.

"Lance truth or dare" shiro asks


"I dare you to hold Keiths hand for the next 5 rounds" I could see shiro smirk-

"Wait what! No way this is happening!" I yell

"For once I agree with him!"

"Well if you dont than you both lose." Shiro smirks at them.
Is he really doing this to me..

"Fine.." lance mumbled as he took my hand and intertwined our fingers. His hand weirdly fit well in mine- oh my god dont say that.
Not a word is getting out of my mouth. Why doesnt this feel wrong?

"Hunk, my man, truth or dare" lance said completely fine.


"How many people have you kissed"

"3" hunk replied "and you Lance?"

"Oh I stopped counting" he chuckles but no one did with him. "You Keith." He looked over at me as I felt him squeezing my hand for a second.

"Uh.. " i looked over at shiro and he was smirking at me. "6" 1 mumble and hear Lance laughing. "Whats so funny dickhead." I wanted to cross my arms but forgot i was holding lance's hand.

"Nothing just, being gay for sure doesnt help huh" he smirks at me which felt more like he was mocking me. Everyone knew I liked boys because of James, but what was that suppose to mean?

"Dont worry Lance I have no trouble getting what I want, I just need the motivation to" I replied feeling my body getting a little closer to him.

"So your telling me you can get any guy in your bed with only a bit of motivation?" He smirks at me as he squeezed my hand again.
I nod and dont know why but I smirked back at him.

"Okay.... Hunk its your turn" Matt spoke breaking the silence

"Yea uhm Keith! Truth or dare"


"I dare you to take 3 shots of vodka"

"Thats nothing, get me the stuff." I shrug, i felt our hands rest on Lances lap, and I couldnt stop looking at them. What is wrong with me.
Hunk came back with the vodka and 3 shooter cups. He filled them up and grins at me

"Here ya go"
I thank him and swallow each them one by one. I shook my head a little and felt my hand squeezed again. I dont know why bug I squeezed back.
I felt dizy a little, maybe I had too much. I look over at Lance be looked drunk as fuck, I chuckle at that.

"Okay Shiro truth or dare" i smirk at him


"I dare you to run around the block in only your boxers." I chuckle looking at him knowing he was hating me right now.

"Ugh Alright." He took off his shirt and than his pants, he walked out of the living room. We all got up following him outside, I grabbed a beer on our way, I leaned on the front door looking at Shiro as he started running away.
I laugh a little and took a sip of me beer, realizing I was still holding Lances hand.
My heart dropped a little, oh right, the five rounds arent done yet. I felt mh face heat up a little so I looked away hoping he wouldnt notice.
All of a sudden I feel my beer being taken away from me. I look at Lance and see him take a long sip of it.

"Thats mine idiot."

"Cant you just shut up for once?"

"No? You just took it away from me dude. Your already drunk as fuck."

"God just let me be, Mullet"

"I don't understand why do you keep calling me that."

"Dude you need a hair cut! I can do it right now if you want, I just need scissors!" Be replied enthusiastically as he passed his hand in my hair.

"No way, Lance what the hell if you ever touch my hair again Ill cut off your hand." I grabbed his wrist

"Oh my god just kiss already!" Hunk spoke-

"What the fuck?" I said letting go of lances hand, crossing my arms.

"What the hell Hunk! thats never gonna happen!" he finally spoke as he leans on the door.


"I agree with Hunk on that one, you guys already look like an old married couple." Matt replied grinning.

Me and Lance? Seriously that would never happen. I mean yes hes... not that bad but hes was too annoying.

"Ew" i simply let out

"What do you mean 'ew,' Im not 'ew!'"

"The idea to be with you is ew"

"Anyone would be lucky to be with me." Lance crossed his arms

"Yea sure, anyone stupid enough."

"Are you guys fighting again?" Shiro said as he walked to them breathing heavily.

"Well Matt just said we looked like a married couple." I reply with a annoyed look on my face.

"I mean, yea. You guys do fight a lot.. for stupid reason." Shiro replied

"What? On whos side are you!" I punch his arm

"None" he laughs, God, the alcohol is getting to me. "Keith I dare you to do my dare, come run around in boxers with me." Shiro grinns at me

"No way."

"Chicken" Lance smirked at me.

"Im not a- alright, I'll do it."
I took off my shirt and threw it at Lance, he catches it and winks at me. His existence gives me anxiety.
I than take off my pants and show Lance my middle finger. His smirk grew bigger and I saw him checking me out. Is lance Bi? Why is he checking me out? Wait no, hes just drunk.
I shake my head a little and look over at Shiro who started running. I ran after him and laughs, darn this is stupid.


woah, I didnt like that feeling.  That strange feeling in my stomach when I looked at him. Like what the hell, that was hot, keith was hot for a couple seconds. Okay yea he was half naked, that didnt help. But Dam boy!
I watched him go away and i felt my face heat up. Nah-ah too drunk for this.

"Lance?" Hunk sang my name teasingly.


"Your blushing" he continues

"What no I aint? Its just hot in here thats all" I quickly walk away to the kitchen, loud music was playing and I couldnt find Allura anywhere. I sigh a little and sit on the counter.
Shiro and Keith quickly ran back inside almost out of breath

"I won!!!" Keith yelled breathing heavily putting his hands on his knees. He had a huge smile on his face.
I shrug, okay I am a little more drunk than I planned, wheres the bathroom again?
I walked up the stairs and walk in the first room i see. This wasnt the bathroom, or shiro room. Am I in keith's room?? The band posters on the wall and the black everywhere, yea I am. I come a lot to their house but I never really go up stairs, in fact why did I come up here?
I turned around and bumped into something hard, looking up I saw it was him.

"What are you doing in my room?"

"Uhm, thats a good question, why are you up here huh?" I cross my arms honestly I had trouble staying up.

"Cause I saw you going upstairs, you?" He closed the door

"Me? No reason Im kind of drunk, I think." As I said that I lost balance a little.

"Okay just sit down your completely wasted lance." He touched my arm directing me to his bed. I sat down and he did to.

"I dont need your pity." I crossed my arms, trying to look at anything else than him. He was still half naked.

"Your a mess you know that?"

"Like if you aren't as drunk as me."

"I am really drunk but your gone" he lets out a small laugh

"Whatever you say dumbass" I stick oug my tongue, Feeling my body getting slowly closer to him.

"Dickhead" he mumbles getting closer as well


"Asshole" our faces were inches apart.

"Cocksucker" I let out smirking.
He looked at my lips for a second than our eyes locked.

"Oh Is that a challenge?" He got closer as a grin grew onto his face

"Chicken" i didnt even have time for laughing, he smacked his lip onto mine. At first i didnt know what to do but god he was so hot right now.
I slowly kissed him back and brought my arms around his neck as i started playing with his mullet.
He deepened the kiss as I felt a hand on my waist bringing me closer to him. I felt us leaning backwards, laying me down on the bed, without breaking the kiss.
I sensed him lick my bottom lip as I opened my mouth a little letting him in.  I than felt a hand going under my shirt.
After a couple more seconde he oulled away and planted some kisses onto my jaw going down to my neck where he started sucking some places. The hand went down lower unbuttoning my pants. I let out a small moan, Dam it.  Why am I making out with the guy I hate?

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