Ask Him!!!

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"Alright, Lance, tell me what you're going to do."

"Hunk, this isn't going to work."

"You're the one who came to me for help. Now tell me what you're going to do!"

"I'm going to ask Keith out on a date."

"And who is this Keith?"

"He's my boyfriend."

"Where is he now?"

"Training like always. I don't see how this is-."

"Shut it! Now, tell me again. What are you going to do?"

"Ask Keith out on a date."

"Whose Keith?"

"My boyfriend."

"And where is he?"


"Again, but louder."

"I'm going to ask Keith out on a date. Keith is my boyfriend. He's in the training room."


"Keith, who is my boyfriend, is in the training room right now. I'm going to go there and ask him out."


"Keith, the most beautiful person in the world, is my boyfriend. I'm going to go ask him out!"


"My amazing boyfriend, the light of my life, the soul purpose of my living, my everything! I'm going to ask you out today on our first date! Not tomorrow! Not next week! But now!"

"Now go and get your man!"



"Alright, Keith, look at me."

"Shiro, I've been looking at you for the past half hour. What else can you really do? It's hopeless, I'm hopeless, just leave me here to die!"


"Ow! What was that for?!"

"For saying that 'H' word for the thousandth time today. I'm tired of it Keith. Now look at me and tell me what's going to happen."

"When Lance comes into the training room to see if I'm ready for lunch, I'm going to ask him if we can go for a fly in red. Red knows where we're going so I'll go ahead and talk to Lance the whole time so he doesn't see where we're going."

"Good. And that's exactly what's going to happen."

"But what if he doesn't want to go flying?! What if he wants to invite the rest of the team?! What if Zarkon attacks while we're gone?! What if-?!"



"No buts, no what if's, no nothin'. Got it? Lance will be more than happy to ride with you, so don't think like that."


"Nope! No but's! Now go train before Lance gets worried about where you are."


Metal clanked against metal. Sword smacked against sword. Bodies flew to the floor in the heat of the fight. Keith's sword finally dug through the robots neck, ending the training sequence. His jacket had been taken off a while ago, the sequence had lasted longer than normal, and Keith could never be more stressed.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the most beautiful guy in the universe~," Lance smiled from the doorway.

Keith felt his cheeks heat up and he spun around quickly, "Wh-what are you doing in here? Lunch isn't until another half hour."

Lance smirked and walked over to Keith who met him halfway. With an arm wrapped around Keith's waist Lance leaned in to whisper in Keith's ear, "Can't a boyfriend see his love before lunch?"

Keith laughed and wrapped his arms around Lance's neck, "Well, I wasn't complaining that you were here, now was I?"

Their lips pressed together for a short moment before the boys pulled back and smiled to each other. On the outside the boys looked loving and content with each other next to them. On the inside was a different story.

Alright Lance, remember what Hunk said, this is your man, and you need to go get him. He's the light of my life, he wouldn't do anything to hurt me, at least not on purpose.

Why the hell are you here right now, Lance! I had a whole 'nother half hour to prepare before you got here! What am I supposed to do now? Improvise?! Don't think so!

Just take a deep breath Lance.

Just take a deep breath and calm the fuck down Keith. We got this.

Tell him that you wanna go on a date, plain and simple.

Tell him what you told Shiro. Just ask him.

Do it!

Tell him!

Why aren't you saying anything?!

Stop being such a fucking wimp and tell him!

Alright, he's kissing me again, that's OK, after words we'll ask him on a date.

What the hell are you doing?! Why are you kissing him?! This is the opposite of telling him!!! Man up, grow a pair, and tell him!!!

"U-Um, Lance?" Keith mumbled, face as bright red as his lion.


Was Keith shaking, no, Keith doesn't shake. But what if he is? He seems fine but I'm pretty sure I feel him shaking.

You ass hole! Stop shaking, you're going to scare him and the date will never happen! I swear to god, just tell him!

"Keith? Everything OK?"

Is he breaking up with me? What if that's what's happening right now? I knew this was a bad idea! I knew it!

For god sake Keith answer him! He's going to think that you're breaking up with him! TELL HIM!!!!

"Y-Yeah, everything's fine. But, um, could you, ah, um, maybe.... I was hoping, uh, w-we could, ah..."

Oh for fuck's sake! You can't even form a sentence let alone tell him to go on a date with you! You're a mess!

"Paladins," Coran's voice rang through the training room in a sing song kind of way, "Lunch has been served, so we shall all meet in the dining room at once!"

Keith sighed and grabbed Lance's hand, "Welp, we should get going."

"Wait!" lance halted them and made Keith turn around, "What were you trying to say?"

A smile spread onto Keith's face, "Don't worry," Keith leaned up and kissed Lance's cheek, "You'll find out soon enough."

Lance smiled dumbly, following behind Keith for a while till they reached the door. It opened, revealing a dark room being lit by floating candles. There was food of all kinds sitting on the table, going from a purple looking pasta to a bright yellow meat.

The boys took cautions steps into the room, getting low in case of a fight. The door slid shut behind them, causing the two to turn around and get lower. The only weapon they had was Keith's knife, and even then would that be enough to protect the both of them?

"Welcome palagays!" Coran's voice cut through the dark room, making the candles blaze up, "Hunk and Shiro talked to us about how you've been wanting to go on a date with one another. They had also told us that you would've chickened out today for the tenth time in a row! So, welcome to your dinner date! Well, rather lunch date, but same different. That's how you say that right? No? Oh! Same difference. There we go! Anywho! The rest of us are out checking on a nearby planet, so you have the castle to yourselves. Have fun!"

Keith buried his face in his hands, trying to hide his blush from his partner. Lance smiled and wrapped his arms from behind Keith. Keith, in return, groaned and tried to flop out of Lance's hold, pressing all of his weight onto Lance's arms. Lance laughed and squeezed Keith tighter to him, picking him up to spin them around. Keith squeezed himself into a ball, screaming but giggling at the same time.

"Put me down!" Keith laughed.

"I can't help it! You were trying to ask me out on a date just a few minutes ago! It's adorable!"

Lance eventually put Keith down so they could eat what Hunk had cooked them. A calm silence was growing slowly as the laughter and the heavy breathing slowed down. The yellow meat was shaped like a burger, had the texture of a steak, and tasted like sushi. The purple pasta tasted exactly like crab, and the blue bread that was in between them tasted almost like garlic bread. As Keith chewed his tough, warm sushi, Lance stopped and looked at him.

How the hell did I get so lucky to have someone like him? He's perfect in every way. He's got brains, but not enough to make me look to dumb. He's got looks that will make our children beautiful if we could have any. Wait. Can Keith have babies? He's part galra, and who knows what they could do!

"Hey, Keith?" Keith looked up with a mouth full of red juice, "Do you wanna have kids?"

Keith was able to only spit a little bit of the red juice out, holding the rest in his mouth till he was able to swallow. His face turned bright red, and he began to go on stammering his answer with it being unclear.

"Babe, you don't need to answer. The thought just came to me and I was curious."

Keith shook his head, "It's not that I don't wanna answer you, the question just took me off guard." Keith's face went slightly darker, "I-I really, actually... I... I really like kids. They're fun and full of life without a care in the world. Their smiles light up the room, how they reach up to you with no words for you to pick them up. No one expects this, but I really love them. But I never thought of me having one."

Lance smiled, "Well, to bad, cause we're getting a child whether you can actually have one or if we have to adopt."

"H-Have one?"

"Of course," Lance smiled wider, "You're part galra, so maybe they have males who bare children. But even if they do, since you're only half galra there's still a chance that you can't have them. But if you can, we're having them."

Lance reached across the table to hold Keith's hand, only to find that the table was to long to do so. Keith laughed quietly as Lance stood up and laid across the table so he could hold Keith's hand. To make it worse, Keith leaned back and pulled his hand closer to himself, Lance groaning and reaching farther.

"Common babe! I'm trying to be romantic here!"

Keith rolled his eyes but leaned forward to grab Lance's hand himself. Lance laughed and curled their fingers, rotating their hands side to side. After lunch the two walked around the castle together, searching each room incase the team was still there. Eventually they headed for Lance's room where the perfect evening was spent with screams and scratches.


Pidge rubbed her eyes while she walked with the rest of the team to through the castle. The couple wasn't anywhere to be seen so far, so they braced themselves before opening Lance's door. Once the door opened screaming could be heard. Most of them were 'I'll kill you!'s but the rest was to overlapped to hear.

Keith sat on Lance's lap, his hands wrapped around the other boys throat while Lance slapped Keith's arms as a sign that he was losing air. The team laughed at the two, other than Shiro, who went straight into dad mode and separated them.

"OK! OK! Just tell us what's going on!"

Both boys pointed and shouted, "He started it!"

Their stories flew together in rage and screams. There were scratches on Keith's arms from Lance's nails, and Lance had bruising on his throat. Shiro sighed and turned to the rest of the family, most of whom were laughing to hard to notice Shiro's plead. Hunk, however, heard and helped.

"Lance, Keith calm down. Lance what happened?" Hunk calmly asked.

"Oh! So you're siding with him now?!" Keith screamed.

Lance glared, "Hey! Don't bring Hunk into this! Let's go Hunk!"

Keith quickly grabbed onto Hunk's arm, "No way! Hunk's not going with you!"

"What?! I get Hunk to complain to! You get Shiro!"

"Hunk has better hugs though!"

"Exactly! Which is why I get him!"

"Guys! I love that you're fighting over me but please stop!"

The two stopped quickly, turning to Hunk and lowering their heads. Hunk placed his head in his hands and sighed, flipping his head up right after to walk to the boys. Taking the boys by the shoulders, Hunk pushed them together so they were facing one another.

"Now kiss."

Keith blushed the darkest of the two, turning away the best he could to hide his face from Lance. Lance's face was lighter, but his face was still turned away. Hunk kept them close to each other, pushing ever so slightly so they would lean towards each other. Hunk gave a big push to Keith's shoulder to make him fall into Lance's chest. His arms shot up so he could catch himself while Lance quickly grabbed Keith's waist so he wouldn't fall.

With his face buried in Lance's chest, Hunk let the two go and backed away slightly, but not enough to leave the room. Lance smiled a little and held Keith closer, "Hey, I'm really sorry."

A small smile spread onto Keith's lips, "Yay, you're smart enough to know you're wrong!"

Both laughed and hugged, earning clapps and laughter from the rest of the team. After wiping her eyes from happy tears, Pidge took in a deep breath, "What were you two even fighting about?"

Keith took that moment to jab his hand into Lance's side, causing the blue paladin to fall to the ground, "There, now we're even."


That was fun! How's your lives going? I hope this made it better!

Let me know of anything that's wrong, I can't always get all of the errors.

I keep running out of things to say down here.

So, love you!

Keep living life!

You're awesome!

🌈, rainbow.


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