Hard Core Evidence

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(Fluff, language, I guess you can say smut but it's only grinding)

"I'm telling you Pidge, I saw him sneaking out of Lance's room last night!" Hunk shouted.

Pidge and Hunk were in the lounge of the castle. Hunk had been going on and on about how Keith was with Lance late last night. You see, our lovely engineers are hard core shippers of Klance.

Gathering information has been getting slow. Once Keith left the team the only evidence there was of Klance was Lance always going off to be alone. But as soon as Keith came back, the ship was off and sailing.

"Alright, alright, alright! So, so far Lance and Keith have been training together, eating closer together, and apparently having sex," Pidge summed up.

"Woah, woah, woah, Pidge, I never said that sex was happening that night!" Hunk exclaimed, shaking his hands in front of him.

Pidge rolled her eyes and stood up, "It was implide and you know it."

Adjusting her glasses, she started for the door leading to the rooms. Hunk stood and follow behind, knowing what they were about to do. The two continued down the hallway till reaching the rooms. Pidge walked to Lance's bedroom and typed in the code.

After shutting the door behind them, they walked through the room looking for anything that gave them signs of Klance. They screached in draws, the bathroom, the closet, underneath the covers of the bed and nothing was there.

Hunk looked down to the floor while Pidge tugged at her hair. Lance's room never had anything in it, and the shippers were left with disappointment.

As if right out of a movie, the nerds began to hear footsteps coming there way. Quickly, they turned around and stuffed themselves into the closet.

There were two voices coming into the room, one deep and one a bit higher. Pidge and Hunk turned to look at each other as best they could and smiled, wiping out their phones to record.

"I'm just saying that if you really want to lose that badly, then we can play," Lance's voice echoed through the room.

Keith's deep laugh echoed through the room, "Oh, please, I can beat you easily."

There was a soft ruffle of clothing, probably someone getting punched.

Lance rubbed his arm and grinned at Keith. Keith smiled back and gazed down at the floor. Lance reached for Keith's chin and waist, pulling him closer and closing the gap. Keith smiled into the kiss and brought his hands to rest on Lance's chest.

They both pulled away and closed the gap again. After repeating this several times, they separated all together and walked around the room to gather the things necessary for their challenge.

Lance thought that it would be a good idea to play a video game together, but with a twist. After every round, whoever won got to tell the other something to do. Of course, Lance already knew what would happen. The perfect way to get closer to Keith.

Lance sat on the laid out blanket while Keith threw the pillows down. Keith crossed his arms and looked down at Lance. Lance looked up and smiled to Keith, being well aware that the game system was not on yet. Keith rolled his eyes and walked to the system, plugging in two controllers and turning it on.

The system was brought to life and Lance began the proper controls to start the game. The game was something similar to Mortal Combat, only the characters and background were different. After picking their characters, the two boyfriends began to fight.

The fight lasted quite some time before Lance ended it with only a speck of a health bar left. Keith paused as the game started the second round. Keith sighed and turned to Lance with a worried expression.

"Don't worry, Keith, I'm not going to make you do something that would kill you," Lance said.

"Yeah, suuuure," Keith drew out.

Lance smirked and pecked Keith's cheek, grabbing him by the hip. Keith blushed and scooted closer, only to have Lance grab him by the hips and set him in his lap. Keith tensed up, his face a dark red. The most the two have ever done was kiss.

Lance would try to hug Keith every so often, but Keith would stop half way saying that it was to much. His face would be scrunched and blushing so much that his ears and neck were blushing. When asked why Keith would just say that it was to much over and over again.

The Cuban never minded though. The only thing that Lance ever asked for in the relationship was midnight cuddles. The others were always asleep when Keith and Lance would hang out together, so it was easier for Keith to slip out of Lance's room.

The smaller boy began to relax in Lance's lap and pressed his back to his chest. Lance huffed and wrapped his arms around Keith's waist, resting them in Keith's lap. Keith lifted his controller and pressed play again to start round two.

As the round went, Keith had an idea. He began to push his ass down and back into Lance's crotch. Keith felt Lance suck in a breath and lost control of his moves for a split second enough for Keith to get a few extra hits.

Keith smiled and shifted his hips from side to side. Lance let out a hot breath and closed his eyes, then heard the "Fatality" and snapped his eyes open. Lance's eyes were the only thing to move as they got bigger.

Keith was smiling and laughing at Lance's reaction. Lance had only gotten a few hits in when Keith killed him, and Keith wasn't even good at video games!

"That's not far, Keith! You cheated!"

Keith smiled, "I don't know what you're talking about, Lance. I was just trying to get comfortable."

With that, Keith sighed and sunk down into Lance's lap. Lance looked down to his cute boyfriend and smirked. He leaned forward and placed a light kiss to Keith's forehead. After lifting back up, Keith hid his face in his hands and curled into a ball, falling to the side groaning.

Lance sighed and played with Keith's hair, "It's so cute when you do that."

"Do what," Keith mumbled into his hands.

"That, this, when you're doing right now. Just the fact that you blush this much at a kiss to the forehead, but have no problem with a make out sessions."

Keith sat up and cuddled into Lance's neck. Lance rubbed his thumb on Keith's thigh and kissed his hair line, getting Keith to tense up and sink into him more.

Beep beep, Beep beep.

Keith sat up and the boys looked over to the closet.

Hunk and Pidge tried there best to silence Hunk's watch. The watch didn't care though and kept beeping away. Both were to distracted to hear the footsteps coming closer to the closet.

Lance ripped open the closet doors without warning and Keith held his knife out at their throats. Pidge jumped and Hunk screamed, trying to hide behind Pidge.

"What the hell are you guys doing in my room?!?" Lance screamed.

"Run!" Pidge yelled.

Pidge pushed Keith away and Hunk did the same for Lance. They ran out of the room and down the hall, the boys chasing after them.

"Left!" Hum ordered, taking next the left available.

Pidge followed and the two picked up the pace. However, with Lance's long legs doing the work for him, Lance tackled Pidge down.

Keith ran passed, gaining speed to jump onto Hunk's back. Hunk dropped down at the new weight and held onto Keith's arms that were wrapped around his neck.

"Why... were you... in... there?" breathless Keith asked.

Pidge struggled under Lance's weight and sighed, "We... we thought that... um,"

"We ship it?" Hunk tried.

Lance and Keith made eye contact for a moment before bursting into a fit of laughter. Hunk and Pidge were let go and the two boys walked over to one another. Each pair turned into each other and began to explain.

"Once Keith got back you've been acting different. In a good way," Pidge began.

"When Keith left you didn't act like yourself. You hid away and we never really saw you. Then Keith comes back and you're just... you," Hunk said.

Lance scratched the back of his head, "yeaaaah, about that..."

Keith smiled to Lance and turned back to the group, "We were talking to each other. Anytime Lance got free time he would call me."

"Most of the time Keith would answer, but every now and then Keith would have to call me back."

Pidge covered her mouth with her hands and squeeled. Hunk brought his hands to his face and smiled at them. Their ship has a canon now.

After the discussion was over, the pairs went their seprare ways. One going to scream and fangirl/fanboy. The other to cuddle up together for the night.

Keith rolled into Lance's bed first, reaching his arms out to Lance. Lance crawled in next to him and pulled him closer. Keith hid himself in Lance's shoulder, taking in the ocean seant.

Lance wrapped an arm around to play with Keith's hair. The two stayed this way for a while till they feel asleep in each others embrace. Keith woke up two hours afterword, the castle being completely quiet. Keith removed Lance's arms from around him without waking the tall Cuban. 

Keith lightly climbed over Lance and steaped onto the cool floor. A chill ran up his spine as he walked through the door to the freezing dimmed hallway. Keith walked a few doors down till he reached his room, quietly sliding in.

The door slid shut behind him and he sank into his cold bed. Everything was always cold whenever Keith left Lance's embrace. Lance gave off this heat that no real human could give off.

Blankets helped with the chill in the air, but could never match the warm Lance gave him. Seling his eyes shut, Keith's breathing slowed. Getting closer and closer to sleep, Keith felt the bed dip down and more warmth surround him. Keith smiled and hummed while being embraced by his lonely boyfriend.

Pidge and Hunk sat at the table waiting for Coran to get breakfast ready. Shiro was talking with the princess about the next step forward. In walked Lance with Keith beside him.

Hunk and Pidge stared at the clapsed hands of the boys and smilled. The other two didn't notice the boys walk in and Keith and Lance didn't say anything.

After sitting down, the fanboy and fangirl stared with glee. Keith blushed and tried to cover a growing smile. Lance smiled openly and rubed the back of his neck. The boys had their fingers tangled together and on the table openly showing. No one said a word.

"Alrighty everyone! Breakfast is surved!" Coran shouted louder than needed.

Purple food goo was placed in front of everyone, Coran looking at Keith and Lance's hands with a smile.

"I have a feeling those two over there don't know yet?" Coran whispered, pointing at Shiro and Allura.

Everyone nodded and Coran shruged, passing out the rest of the bowls. Keith leaned his head on Lance's shoulder, Lance resting his head on Keith's. Shrio and Allura never said anything.

Meanwhile, Pidge and Hunk were about to flip the table. Coran smiled softly at the couple and returned back to his meal.

Keith had wanted to do this with Lance since for ever. It was the one thing that he could stand. Holding hands with Lance took a lot of convincing, but Lance was good and persuasion.

The food goo was gone and evryone went to go train, Shiro and Allura hadn't said anything yet. Before they left the room, Keith gave Lance a quick kiss on cheek, snuggling closer to his arm as they walked. With Lance blushing and Shiro and Allura behind them to see the whole thing play out, Keith giggled and pulled Lance through the door chellenging Lance to a race.

Lance snapped back into reality and shouted, "No far, Keith! You cheated again!"

Keith laughed and ran through the halls passed the shippers with Lance close behind him. The two laughed as they left the others behind.

The smart pair turned around to see Shiro's jaw opened and Allura questioning Coran relentlessly. Hunk was the one he break first, starting off the chain reaction of laughter with snickers.

Shiro glared at them which made the laughing worse. Keith and Lance hid around the corner and laughed quietly.

"You know they'll be asking a lot of questions right?" Lance asked, putting his hands on Keith's hips.

Keith leand back and pressing against Lance's chest, "Yeah, I know, but we don't have to deal with them for right now."

Keith and Lance laughed and started for the training deck, hand in hand.


Holt shit school sucks!!!!! It's only been three days and I want to die.

On the bright side, most of my teachers are nice, my Spanish teacher is actually making me want to learn Spanish! But I still hate math, and this new teacher isn't helping!!!

Anyways, this story sort of sprang up in my head so sorry if it sucks. Thank you all for reading and I hope that you all have an amazing weekend!!!!

Take the taco....

Take it, you have no choice.


Love you all!!!


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