Into The Unknown

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(Not a lot of Klance on this, but I liked the idea)




“Shut up.”


“Shut up!”

Keith sat up with a start, grabbing his head as he squeezed his eyes shut.


He quickly stood up from his bed and put on his jacket. If he couldn’t sleep he might as well walk. The voice continued to play in his head, which Keith continued to ignore. It’s been like this for the past few weeks. The voice would only say his name, every now and then saying a couple of words, but continuing to play at night. 


The red paladin wrapped himself in his jacket and walked through the hall.

“I know you’re there. But you’re not.”


“You’re in my head, that’s it.”


“Shut it!”

Keith screamed and covered his ears once again, the voice continuing it’s call. The scream awoken a certain blue paladin, who raised his sleeping mask off of his eyes and sat up.

“I know what you’re saying, I know. But I have a calling here. I’m spoken for.”

Lance sat up and grabbed his own jacket. He stood still for a moment until he remembered that he was too tired last night to put on his pajamas. He quickly opened his door and peered out, a flash of red turning the corner just out of his view. He quickly followed.


“I know that I don’t belong here. I’m different from the others.”


“But you’re not real! So shut it!”

“The others.”

“The others?”

Lance jogged to the end of the hallway in time to see Keith turn another corner. He was heading for the main helm.

“Why do you keep calling me? Who are you?”


“Are you… are you like me? A hybrid?” Keith turned the final corner and walked into the main helm, “Are you out there? In the unknown? A place that I haven’t seen yet.”

Lance put the door on silent as it opened and shut. He quickly ducked behind one of the chairs and listened to Keith talk to himself.

“I know what you're doing, you're waiting for me to mess up, so the others can kick me out. But you're wrong! The others would never do that.”


“I can’t see you but don’t give me that look. I know that that’s not what you’re doing. You’re my voice, aren’t you? You know what I want. Where I want to go.”


“I can’t go, I have to stay here.”


“Yes, Shiro’s back, and he could easily pilot black and Lance could stay with red. They make a great pair.”


“Into the unknown?”

Keith stood at the window of the ship, staring out into the vast area of space, unknown of Lance, who began to make his way over to Keith. With a sigh, Keith placed his hand on the window, excitement welling up inside him.

“To be able to go into the unknown. Man, I sound so ridiculous. To think that I could go out there by myself. I’m needed here.”


“The Blade?” Keith laughed, “Like hell, they would take me. That would be worse than staying here. I’d stand out so much.”


Lance froze in his place, just past Allura’s station.

“Lance? Why did you bring him up.”


“OK, yes, I get it! Things will work themselves out, right? If only I could keep that promise.”


“Into the unknown… It doesn’t sound too bad,” Keith took his hand back and held it to his chest, “God do I want to go. Are you out there? Do you know who I am? Can you feel me like I do you? Could you show me the way… into the unknown?”

Keith gasped as Lance hugged him from behind. Lance hadn’t realized what he was doing until he was doing it. But instead of taking himself back, he squeezed tighter.

“L-Lance?! How long have you been here?!”

Lance didn’t say anything for a while. He kept his grip and buried his face into Keith’s shoulder. Keith took this as an ‘I heard everything’ and looked back up to the stars. The voice was finally gone, leaving Keith in silence. Against everyone's thoughts of him, Keith hated the quiet. Everyday he longed for a bird to tweet or the noise of the school’s gossip. But up here, there was nothing.

“I’m sorry that you heard all of that,” Keith broke the silence, trying to get anything to come out of the blue paladin.

It ended up working, but in a different way than he expected. Keith felt Lance loosen his grip and took the moment to turn around and face him. They were close, really close. A blush dusted Keith’s cheeks as he looked off to the side.

“How long have you felt this way?”

It was the first time Lance had spoken, his voice raspy from being woken up. Keith hugged himself, his fingers ghosting over Lance’s arms that were still wrapped around him. How long had he felt like this? I guess the moment they were up in space. Or was it when Keith found out about The Blade, or that he was part Galra? Was it the fact that Allura hated him now? Did he want to escape from the castle so he could explore what he was truly capable of?

“Shit! I didn’t mean to make you cry! I’m sorry!”

Keith looked to Lance’s stomach, his vision looking through Lance as he brought a hand up to his face. He felt another hand on the other side. It felt so warm, so comforting. He leaned into the touch, switching hands so he could grab onto the warm one. He knew that it was Lance, which was why he refused to look up.

Lance sighed and wiped the tears that had rolled down Keith’s face. He didn’t know what to say other than he was sorry. Which is what he did.

“Keith, I’m so sorry. We-I should have realized that you were unhappy here. You should be able to go out and be on your own. We shouldn’t be holding you back.”

Keith chuckled a bit and squeezed Lance’s hand, “I never said that I was unhappy here. And while I would love to go out, Voltron needs me more than ever. Besides, Shiro still isn’t fully healed yet. When he is, I might think about it a bit more, but right now, you're stuck with me.”

“Huh, guess I am.” Before Keith could say anything else Lance pulled away with a smile, “We should probably get back to sleep. Beauty like this needs beauty sleep.”

Keith chuckled, “Whatever, I’ll go to sleep in a bit. Have fun, though.”

Lance yawned and nodded as he walked away, too nervous to ask Keith who he had been talking to. Once alone again, Keith turned back to the large window in front of him.

“Where did you go? Guess you left me alone, huh? Just one last thing though. How do I follow you into the unknown?”

- - - - - - -

Just imagine the Panic! At the Disco version of the song and Keith doing all of this through the castle. It gives me chills. It’s short yes, but damn that song and the image! Agh! So cool.

By the by! I know that I was tagged in something a REALLY long time ago and I didn’t do it. It’s not that I didn’t want to, I just forgot, and the thought came to me today for some reason that it happened. So if the person who tagged me is still on here reading this shit and still wants me to do it, I most definitely will! Just message me the tag and I’ll do it.

This goes for any of y’all! If you have questions that you want me to answer or any shit like that, then just message me! I’ll be happy to answer almost anything! Just let me know and I’ll answer! Or if you just want to talk, that’s cool too!

Anyways, I’m done here. More to come soon!

Only 14 to go!



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