Mr. Bad Boy

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In every high school everywhere there's this thing called social status. Ya know, like popularity and stuff. I'm in the group of geeks, nerds, the outcasts of every group conversation, and the butt end of everyone's jokes. It's not too bad though, getting all A's and nailing all of my exams are my way of revenge. While the rest of them are faced with explaining their failure to their parents, my friends and I will get praised!

But being the smart kid in every class isn't always what it cracks up to be. Having everyone copy off of your homework, being partnered with the dumbest students in the Garrison, being shoved into lockers by jocks, it's the greatest! If you couldn't tell I was being sarcastic.

The worst of them all, though, the one that gets on my nerves the most, God I hate him. His name is Keith Kogane, the worst fucking person alive! He's the 'bad boy' of the school, and all the girls want him.

"Oh, he's so mysterious~!"

"He's looking this way!"

"Step on me!!!"

It's so annoying! How come he gets all the girls? Then again, he never dates anyone here, he also never talks to anyone but the teachers. Kiss ass. OK, back to what I said before... the whole 'I hate him' situation...

Guess you could say it's a love-hate relationship. Just... God if you could just look at him! And that voice! Those eyes! He's so fucking pretty! I can't blame the girls for being all over him, but I hate that they do it. Just to hear him scream my name, to hear him moan out and beg for more...

Shit... sorry about that!

I turned back in my seat to look across the room. The bad boy himself was currently focused on something in his notebook, scribbling away at something I couldn't see. I turn back and listen to the teacher, the lecture being close to finishing.

"Alright, with all that learned and hopefully in your notebooks we'll be working on a group project!"

The class groaned and I did as well. As I said before, I work with the dumbest classmates of them all. Mr. Shirogane explained the details as he walked to his desk. From his binder, he pulled out a sheet of paper and began to read off the pairs.

"Hunk and Pidge."

My friends were lucky they were working together. Meanwhile, I was stuck with...

"Lance and Keith."


Wait, WHAT?! Did I hear him right? I shot back to see that Keith was still drawing, unfazed by the words just said. The bell rang and the class got together with their pairs to discuss their plans. Could I just... walk up to him? Is that an OK thing to do?

I put my stuff away and stood up only to bump into someone. We backed away from each other and I looked to find that was Keith. I'm so dead.

"You're Lance, right?"

"I take it your Keith," if I play dumb it might work in my favor.

Keith rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, "Yeah, that's me. So how are we doing this? I'm sure you're used to having partners who let you do all the work but that's not happening. I'm not letting some nerd do my homework for me."

Right, he's a jackass, "Whatever, we can do it today after classes get out. Which dorm do you want to do it in?"

"You probably have a roommate, so we can do it in mine. I live on floor three of the right-wing, room 303."

Without saying goodbye he walked away from me. I sighed and gathered the rest of my things and continued with my day. The last class finished and I went to my room. My roommate, Hunk, was there making the place look fancy. Pidge was probably coming over for the project.

"Hey, Hunk! I'm heading over to Keith's room to work on the project."

Hunk chuckled, "Try not to get lost in those 'mysterious eyes' of his."

"Shut it!"

Hunk and Pidge were my best friends, don't get me wrong, but the teasing about my crush on Keith was getting old. I packed my notebooks and computer into my bag and started for the third floor. Thank God our dorms were located in the same wing.

"296, 298, 300, 302..."

I turned to my right to look at the odd numbers, finding 303. I gulped and took a deep breath before knocking on the door. A loud 'come in' was shouted from behind it and I opened the door.

The room was quite empty. No decorations, no mess, just a room. If I didn't know any better I would say that no one lived in it. Keith was currently standing up from his bed that was on the left side of the room. There was another bed on the right but it was empty.

"You actually came. Thought you would've been too scared to come here."

I rolled my eyes, "Well, I'm here. Let's just get this over with."

Keith rolled his eyes back at me and took a seat on his bed. I took the initiative and began to place my things on his desk.

"Why are you sitting over there?"

I turned back to look at Keith, "Where else am I going to sit?"

"Ugh! Sit by me, dumbass. We have to look at the paper together."

I ignored the whole 'dumbass' thing and went straight to thinking about sitting next to Keith. And holy shit did my heart sore! I went next to him, taking my bag with me, and pulled out my computer and notebooks.

"You actually take notes in that class? Pfft, loser."

God, that thing I said before? The whole 'heart soring' thing? I take it back. I take everything back. I rolled my eyes and started to work. I was on a roll writing this paper, considering that everything came naturally to me.

But my fingers froze on instinct when Keith peered over my shoulder. He was so close my heart sored! Damn it! Not again!

"Finish that paragraph then hand it over to me. I told you, you're not working on this whole thing yourself."

I nodded and got back to work, finishing the last few sentences of the paragraph before giving my computer to Keith. He was gentle with it, taking his time with pressing the keys. I always seem to punch the shit out of them when I type.

Things seemed to flow naturally for him as well, he didn't even think twice before starting up from where I left off. Aren't bad boys suppose to be dumb? Well, this is Keith we're talking about.

The bright computer screen lit up his eyes, the purple shining brightly as he typed away. His long hair was falling over his shoulder, some of it getting in his eyes, but it didn't seem to bother him.

Was his hair as soft as the rumors? God, his lips looked soft as well. Everything about his features was soft right now. His normal cold expression was gone, his focus on the screen. What if... Could I touch him?

"Dude, you've been staring at me for the past five minutes. What do you want?"

I'm not what you would consider 'popular'. I'm the nerd, after all. Keith's so far out of my league that it's laughable that I have a crush on him. When I introduced him before, I made it seem like he was my bully. He's not, he's just one of the many students that doesn't do anything to help. He's a horrible person, and I would be better off leaving him behind in my many stories of crushes.


The way he said my name, that voice ringing through my ears. I want to hear more, I want to hear him scream my name. He's out of my league, but God damn it do I wanna fuck him up. I wanna make a mess of his insides, I wanna break his voice, I wanna cover that perfect skin of his in bites and marks.

"Hey, what's-."

I cut him off. The taste of his lips was driving me insane. I thought, maybe just a kiss would subdue the hunger, but it made it worse. I bit his lip, his gasp swelling my heart.

The taste of his mouth, the wet cavern filling me with lust and need. I rubbed his thigh, feeling the inside of it near his crotch. He moaned. He moaned! The noise was blocked partially by the kiss so I moved myself down to his neck. I sucked, I nibbled, and I listened carefully to the beautiful sounds he was making.


I removed my hand to grab the computer, shutting it of course, before placing it on the floor. I had to pull away from him to do this, so I grabbed the notebooks as well, placing them next to the computer.

I glanced back to Keith once I finished clearing the bed. His face was red, the tips of his ears and the back of his neck were a light shade of pink. He had his hand against his mouth and his legs were closed tightly. What a beautiful sight.

"Naw~. What's wrong Mr. Bad Boy~?"

I slide closer to him, his body shrinking down as if he was afraid of me. And I liked it? Is that weird?

"Don't hide your face from me, Keith. Look at me."


I hummed in response. His pride is still with him, which would make this much more enjoyable. I stuck my leg in between his, forcing his legs to open and I pushed him back onto his bed. With his legs on either side of me, I pressed myself against his body.

His eyes shot open, his perfect purple eyes staring at me with surprise. I chuckled, bringing my hand up and underneath his shirt while the other rubbed his thigh.

"H-hey! What're you-?!"

"Such a wonderful body you have," I brought his shirt up to reveal his stomach, "Such pale skin. Would be a shame if someone marked it up, wouldn't you agree?"

"Woah, Woah, Woah. Sl-slow it down, Lance."

I smirked and lowered my head, licking up Keith's stomach and earning a broken gasp from him. I placed soft, gentle kisses from the top of his stomach to his pants line, where I began to nibble on the skin.


I sat up, Keith's eyes wide and lost in thought.

"Did... Did I just..."

"Has Keithy ever been a bottom before? It's an honor to be the one to make you submit~."


I couldn't help but bite my lip. God, he's so cute. With a statement like that and that blushing face of his; I think I'm going to eat him alive.

"Don't worry, I'll go easy on you. But I need to know something first," I grabbed his chin, leading him to an upright position, "Do you want this?"

He stayed silent for a moment, his blush going deeper. I may be a hungry bastard but I'm not about to do something like this to someone who doesn't want to do it. I sighed and let go of his chin. I swung my legs over the bed, ready to grab my stuff from the floor.


Keith grabbed my arm with both of his hands. I turned to him, waiting for his response, but all that was coming from his mouth was stuttering attempts at words.

"Keith," I leaned closer to him, my arms on either side of him, "Tell what you want."

His hands had been resting on my chest ever since I moved. He stared at his hands, obviously flustered.

"So cute."

He snapped his head up to me, his mouth was slightly open at the words I spoke. Then it happened, it fucking happened! He kissed me! He kissed me! He kissed me! Oh... Oh, holy shit, he's kissing me~.

His arms wrapped around my neck and he dragged me down to the position we were in before; only this time, his legs were wrapped around me. I believe this was equivalent to him saying 'take me', but I kept my hands away just in case. Who knows? Maybe he just wanted a make-out buddy?

"Touch me~."

He broke for air and said what?! Before I could speak his lips were on mine again. He said what I think he said right? Right?! The words replayed in my head, his needy voice sending chills throughout my body.

He broke the kiss again, holding tightly as he spoke and without breaking eye contact, "Please~."

I dove into his neck, sinking my teeth into the precious skin while taking off his pants. He moaned and whined, his hot skin making my tongue melt.


He sounded too needy; I fucking loved it! He's putty in my hands for me to do whatever I want with. I ripped off his pants while taking another bite. I licked the mark, Keith shivering underneath me. I sat up and dipped my fingers under his underwear. I took my time taking them off, enjoying every moment.

His cock sprang up once the undergarment was off enough to do so. After removing them fully and tossing them to the side, I eyed the so-called bad boy. His shirt was a mess, in fact, it didn't serve the purpose of covering him at all. His breath was steady, his face was flushed, his eyes were hooded and filled with lust.

"Pants off, now."

His hands were reaching towards the object he spoke of. His hands were shaking, making him unable to unbutton them. I chuckled, undoing the pants myself as Keith's hands fell beside his head.

It was then that I realized just how turned on I was. What is this guy doing to me? I slipped out of my bottoms, taking my underwear along with it, and tossed them. I trailed my fingers against Keith's skin, removing his shirt in the process and he tugged at mine.

Our lips connected once again, this time softer and less hungry. With clothes off and no roommate of Keith's coming back, I had him all to myself. I sucked on my own fingers, lubricating them to the best of my ability before pressing a single digit into Keith.


"Sensitive, are we?"

I inserted another finger, Keith becoming breathless. At this rate...


It'll be too late if he keeps this up.

"Take me~."

I can't hold back.

"Fill me up, Lance~!"

I wasted no time removing my fingers. I wasn't sure if he was properly stretched, but he... I...


His nails dug into my back, clawing their way down as I filled him. It was bliss! All of this was bliss!

"Don't wait, just move!"

My rational side was out the window. I couldn't control myself any longer! I pushed the rest of my cock into him, his screams filling the room and my heart. I wanna hear it again. And again. And again!

"Agh~! Lance~! Fuck, yes! Agh! Lance!"

That's right. Call out my name, scream it like it's the only thing you know how to say. Scratch me up more, scream in ecstasy. I'll break that beautiful voice of yours, I make sure you can't walk without my help.

I wanna be there for your recovery. Let me claim you for everyone to see. I... I want to take you home to meet my family. Wait, hold on. One thing at a time, Lance.

"Harder! Harder! God, right there~!"

He came without warning, his ass squeezing the life out of my cock. Siliva was covering his chin, his arms going limp and falling onto the bed. This site... it enough to.


I heard Keith hum in pleasure as I came inside of him. I pulled out slowly, the liquid that was now inside of him seeping out. Then I heard it... his laugh. It sounded so beautiful, so amazing. Has anyone else heard it?


I did it, I broke his voice.

"So, how does it feel to get fucked by the class nerd?"

I flopped down beside him, Keith quickly coming over to me and snuggling into my chest.

"ShUT IT."

- - - - - - - -

There ya go! Super long time to get this out, I know, but at least it's here, right?

Only 2 more!

Love ya!


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