My Omega, My Alpha

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(Smut, language*one word*)

"Alright, everyone, listen up!" Coran got everyone's attention.

Everyone was all on the deck waiting for instructions about the next planet they get to visit. The planet was to hard to pronounce so Coran called it planet Q. 

"The planet that we are about to visit is... interesting, to say the lest. This planet is currently in their heat cycle. This means that everyone that's on this planet is wanting to mate. However, the heat is so strong that it will also affect you," Coran said.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Are you telling us that were going to want to.... you know what?" Lance said.

Coran nodded, "Yep! The planet as three groups for the heat. The Alphas, Betas, and Omegas. Each will act differently, so I've taken it upon myself to tell you what group you're apart of!"

Pidge whispered to Hunk, "What makes you think that Shiros an Alpha?"

Hunk nodded in agreement. Coran continued, "After I tell you what group your in I will explain what each group acts like. Everyone ready?"

Everyone nodded at once and waited for their group.

"OK!" Coran yelled, "Shiro, you're an Alpha."

"Called it," Pidge said, rolling her eyes and put a hand up to high five Hunk.

Shiro laughed and scratched the back of his neck. Coran continued, "Hunk, you're a Beta."

Everyone laughed and agreed that it fit well. Hunk smiled and bowed to everyone.

"Pidge, you're also a Beta."

No spoke, but when they did it was all laughs. Pidge yelled at everyone to shut up but that made everyone laugh more.

Coran's voice cut through the echos, "Lance, you're an Alpha."

Everyone laught harder but Lance.

"Hey, what's so funny?"

"You? An Alpha? HA HA!" Keith said.

Lance grunted and crossed his arms over his chest. A light blush dusted over his cheeks. Keith had an amazing laugh, even if it was directed towards him.

"I wouldn't go laughing like that Keith," Coran said, "you're an Omega."

Everyone laughed again, Keith being the one to cross his arms over his chest. Lance smiled on the inside. If Lance knows anything about these things, it's that Omegas are really needy during their heat, so that ment a lot of fun.

Once the laughing subsided, Coran spoke once again, "Now for what you're going to act like. The Alpha's are to act more possessive. You're going to want to protect what you think is yours, so it'll be fun to see who Shiro and Lance think belongs to them.

"Now for a Beta, it's similar to an Alpha, only your more 'Hey that belongs to me' rather than 'get the quiznak away for them, their mine!'"

Lance was completely confused. So he's going to be more aggressive? Holy shit I'm going become Keith, Lance thought.

"Now Keith, you're going be... almost the opposite of what you act like now."


"Well, you're going to be more submissive to everyone around you. Your going to be acting more... flirty? I guess that's how you could say it?"

Keith turned beat red. Yeah, he knew that he was submissive, but flirty? Keith does NOT do flirty.

Coran finished, "Any who! Be prepared to land shortly. Beta's, please stay behind so I could talk to you privet for a moment."

Hunk and Pidge shared a look but shrugged and watched as the rest of the group walked away. Coran moved towards the two Beta's and grabbed their wrists to pullthem away from the door. They walked passed Shiro's area and down to the window. Once there, Coran spoke in a whisper.

"There's something else that I didn't tell Keith."

The two didn't move. It wasn't a shock. Coran hides a lot of things from the team and only tells Pidge and Hunk.

"Keith will be submissive, but it wont be to just one person. Everyone that he sees is going to make him feel... better..."

That was something they weren't prepared for. Hunk shared a look with Pidge that said, "Poor Keith"

"I hope that you two will be able to keep Keith away from everyone that resides on the planet. There are not a lot of Omega males on the planet, so to them, Keith will be a god."

Pidge gave a thumbs up and Hunk nodded. Coran dismissed them and they left for Hunk's room. Pidge flopped on the bed while Hunk sprawled out on the floor. They stayed silent, both not needing to say what they were thinking. They wont have to protect Keith, Lance can do that without being asked.

The castle landed on Planet Q. The ground was softer and the air around the planet was harder to get through. The planet was extremely warm, the effects only taking their toll on the group slightly. But as soon as the door of the castle opened, they all felt it.

Keith's POV

I felt a wave of heat rush through my body when the doors opened. It's hard to say this, but it felt really nice. I wrapped my arms around myself and hummed at the new feeling. As we walked out of the castle I closed my eyes and let the warmth embrace me. When I opened my eyes again with a new sensation coming to me.

The people of the planet were watching us come from the ship, but a lot of the males looked at me. I smiled a little and looked to the ground as we walked through the path way to the Queen of the Planet.

There was a walk way with tall glass like walls keeping us from the people. I don't know why they would put that there, they seem nice. The Queen began to welcome us but I didn't listen. I looked at the people instead and smiled at them.

I was grateful that Coran had told us before that Helmets weren't necessary for the planet. My bangs covered most of my face so I could look at everyone without them realising it. Something told that I needed them to look at me, though, that I wanted to have people look at me. I tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear and held my hand there.

The people of this planet really don't see a lot of visitors. They were all looking at me with wonder. I glanced to the other side of the path and saw more eyes on me. It felt great to be the center of attention.

Lance's POV

It felt horrible knowing that Keith was the center of attention. The way that they looked at him, the way they licked their lips. Keith's mine, why would they do that to my Keith? I looked at Keith and the heat in my stomach grew. His hip was popped and he curled back another piece of hair.

The men were biting their lips and were practically humping the glass. I let out a growl and walked over to Keith. He didn't see me, but that was OK, he would soon enough.

I wrapped my arms around Keith's waist and pulled him close to me, sending more glares to the men through the glass. They shrank back but some of them stood their ground and growled back. I tightened my grip on Keith and a deep, dark growl came from my throat.

I heard Keith let out a small high pitched sound, almost like a whine but more of interest than pain. I felt Keith's arms move down to my own. His small hands were gently placed on mine and he pulled one up.

My fingers dragged along his body as he pulled the hand up to reach across his body and on his shoulder. The other hand was pushed downward towards the open area of our suits. I smiled and rubbed a thumb on his bulge.

This time, Keith let out a whine an moved his head away from my hand. I stared at the newly exposed skin and leaned for it. I sank my teeth into the flesh and hear a loud scream come from Keith's mouth. I quickly pulled back and went to his ear.

"If you're a good little Omega you'll wait till were alone. Everyone knows your mine now, but I don't want to share any of my Omega's moans with anyone else," I whispered.

Keith pushed his ass against my hips and started to breath heavily. I only laughed and pulled away from him. I looked up to see Pidge and Hunk being fangirls on the side while Shiro was trying his best not to listen. Coran and Allura stayed inside the castle for this one.

"That's quite enough Black Paladin," the Queen stated," I am fully aware of what's going on and we are more than willing to help you. However, if your red Paladin doesn't get the attention he needs from his Alpha shortly, things wont be the best for everyone."

Shiro finally looked over to me and Keith. While the Queen was talking, Keith had clung himself to my side. His leg was wrapped around me along with his arms. His head was tucked into my neck and his hips were rolling like crazy. I didn't even realize that my hand had made it to Keith's ass.

Shiro sighed and the Queen continued, "If you were to stay here for one of your earth days, then we could all get to know each other."

The Queen looked over Shiro but Shiro either didn't notice or didn't care. He turned away and walked over to us, looking at me specifically.

"Lance, I need you to take Keith with you to follow the Queen, I'm sure that there's a room in there for you to," Shiro cleared his throat, "take care of him."

I nodded and looked back over at the crowed. They went back to staring again. I grabbed Keith's waist and pulled him along side me. Keith was giggling and latched onto my arm. A sense of pride washed over me as the males glared at the back of head.

This was my Omega, not theirs. Try as they must, they will never get my Omega. He belongs to me, not them. My gripped tightened and I pulled him closer. The Queen looked behind her and saw everyone of the group following along.

We entered the castle and walked to a right doorway. There was a twisting hallway that we followed down till we reached the fifth door. The Queen waved a hand over the door and it opened. She stepped to the side and waved an arm across her to let us in. Keith and I entered first, the door shutting right after.

I heard a soft click and let go of Keith. I turned towards the door and tried to open it, only to find that there wasn't a door handle. I chuckled.

Keith's POV

I could still feel Lance's arm around me, but I knew that he walked away. I smiled and hugged myself again. The warm feeling came back again and embraced me completely. I hummed in the feeling and walked across the room.

There was a chair that was at the end of the room, a bathroom connected to the left wall, and an amazing bed to the far right wall. I smiled wider when I realized what the Queen was doing, I wish i could thank her.

Lance let out a dark chuckle and a chill ran up my spine. I turned back around while still holding myself and looked at Lance. He was walking over to me and had a smirk on his face. I bit my lip and reached my arms towards him.

He quickly got to me and picked me up by the waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. Lance was really strong. He started to walked forward leaning over my shoulder to see where he was going.

We got to the bed and he placed me down with him on top of me. I let go of his waist and left one leg over him. Lance leaned forward and took ahold of my lips. You could tell that he was an Alpha, there was no way you could over power a kiss like that.

I moaned into my Alpha's mouth and opened my own to let my Alpha in. Lance's tongue lapped at mine and our tongues danced between our mouths. Lance leaned back only to grip my neck between his teeth. I smiled and tilted my head away to expose my neck more.

Lance didn't take it though, and leaned back onto his legs to start removing his armor. I did the same and we were left in out boxers. I opened my arms and Lance came forward. Our lips connected again and Lance's hands were on my waist.

His fingers ghosted up and down my body to cause me to start shaking. I pulled away and rested my forehead on Lance's. Our breaths were mixing together and my already flushed face went more dark. There was a look in Lance's eyes that was never there before. They seemed dangerous.

"You're mine, Omega," Lance said.

His hand went down to my boxers and he tugged them off. Cool air went through me and I leaned back to lay down on the bed. My arms fell to the sides of my head and I relaxed my body. Whatever Lance was about to do, I wanted it all.

I felt two dry fingers enter inside of me and I tensed. I heard and amazingly dark laugh come from my Alpha as he moved his fingers in me. The weird feeling went away and was replaced with pleasure. The fingers moved as if they had a mind of their own and I moaned in excitement.

The pleasure disappeared and I whined. Lance held my hips and I relaxed again. Lance leaned down to my ear and told me in a strict, soft voice to turn around. I sighed happily and did as I was told, trying not to upset my Alpha.

He grabbed my his again and pulled them up, my ass facing him perfectly. I felt the bed shift a bit before Lance's hand were back on my hips. His tip pressed into me and I moaned. Normally it would hurt, but it felt so good to have all this attention from Lance.

Lance took his time and pushed himself all the way inside of me. I smiled at my wonderful thoughts. Lance and I were now connected as one, two separate bodies together as one for a small amount of time. Every slam Lance gave me was a sign of us being linking together. He is my Alpha, and I his Omega.

His pacing never slowed down nor did it speed up. I could feel the ball of warmth from inside me getting hotter and hotter. It burned to the point where I loved it. I screamed out my Alpha's title and felt something fall onto the bed.

My breathing was heavy but Lance continued on like nothing had happened. I soon felt something warm spread inside of me. Lance's movements stopped slowly and he pulled out to disconnected our bodies. He fell to the side and we stared at the ceiling together.

I turned to him and placed my arm around him while putting my head on his chest. His arm wrapped around me and I felt something press against my head. When it pulled back on itself, Lance rubbed his thumb along my arm.

I hummed, "My Alpha."

Lance chuckled and I cuddled into him closer. I began to purr with satisfaction and fell asleep soon after. But not before hearing my Alpha tell me, 'I love you, my little Omega.'

So how was that? I'm not sure if I did alright or not but you know, I tried. Thank you guys so much for everything you've done!!!! Look at his far we've come!!!! Almost 600 reads!?!? Seriously!?!?


THANK YOU!!!!!!!!


Take a spooky pumpkin for Halloween.

Bye, bye!!! I love you!!!


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