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Keith giggled and turned to face a dead tired Lance at the arch of the door. Ever since Lance was able to talk down a few aliens and get them to join the collision he’s been put on alliance duty. For the past two weeks Lance has been leaving the castle just to come right back again with little to no luck until the second, possibly third, day he visits the planet. 

Some planets make him go through trials, similar to what Keith had to do to get into the Blade. Recently, the current planet Lance has been working on for the past four days has him going through hell. Seriously, literal hell. With a planet being called Infernum, you wouldn’t expect anything less. 

Lance groaned as he sat on the bed, armor still on. Keith sat beside him while Lance did his best to wrap his arm around Keith’s waist to pull him closer. Keith rolled his eyes and removed Lance’s arm. He took that arm and began to remove the armor from it while Lance smiled and watched. Once both arms were gone the chestplate was removed. 

“Carefull!” Lance winced in pain.

“Did you get hurt today?”

Lance sighed and looked to the side of the room away from Keith. They never talked about what Lance has to do at the planets he visits, it was something that Lance always wanted to forget once he got back to the castle. However, Keith always asks if Lance got hurt; one of the things that Lance never answers truthfully. 

“I’m fine, just a bit sore.”

Keith hummed in acknowledgement and slowly removed Lance’s chest plate. Setting the armor aside, Keith wrapped his arms underneath Lance’s and rested his head on his lovers shoulder. Lance sighed happily, feeling Keith’s heart pound against his shoulder. It was something that always made Lance feel calm, collected, happy, and all around, together. It brought him back to reality, an acknowledgement that he was back at the castle with the best person in the universe next to him. 

“Tell ya what. We’ll take off the rest of this blocky armor, you’ll hop into the shower, then we’ll both cuddle together in bed till we fall asleep. Sound good?”

Lance smiled a lazy whatever and removed the leg armor himself. Keith helped with the body suit and picked up the rest of the blue items before kissing Lance’s cheek and walking out of the bedroom. The walk to the armor station wasn’t a far one if you cut through the lounge, where most of the team sat. 

Hunk and Pidge looked up from Pidge’s computer and smiled, Hunk speaking first, “Hey! How’s he doing?”

“He’s a little sore, but nothing that can’t be fixed without the heal tanks.”

“Nice job house wife. Looks like you’ve taken your bottom position in the relationship well.” Pidge smirked and adjusted her glasses.

Keith rolled his eyes, “Oh, ha, ha, very funny. I fuck Lance just as hard as he fucks me.”

“And why is it that it’s been your screams that have kept the castle up lately?”

Keith blushed and walked to the side door leading to another hallway. Pidge’s laugh and Hunk's pleading were blocked once the door shut behind Keith. The walk wasn’t long, and the armor was put back with care, maybe a little too much. 

“Agh! I’m not a housewife!”

Keith marched out of the room, taking only a moment to look back at the worn armor and continued through the hall to Lance’s room. The shower could be heard in the bathroom, the lights had been turned low, and Keith narrowed his eyes. 

“If I fuck Lance now it would only to prove to Pidge that we both share being the bottom. I am NOT giving her that satisfaction. But if I let Lance fuck me, then I’m just proving Pidge’s point.”

Keith smirked, an idea popping in his head that he liked. Really liked. Maybe one of the best ideas that he’s ever had. Striping from his belt, shoes, and jacket, Keith walked into the bathroom casually. He walked in front of the mirror and began to run the water to brush his teeth. 

As he got his brush ready Keith asked, “Is the water making you feel better?”

Lance sighed, “Yeah, it is. Thanks. But there is a problem.”

Keith bit his lip to compose himself. There’s a strong chance that Lance wouldn’t want to do anything tonight because he’s tired. But still, Keith couldn’t help but get excited. He has to act normal, pretend that nothing is happening and that he’s really concerned for his lover. But not to much that he acts like a housewife.

“What is it?”

“Well,” there was a shift in the noise the water made, making it sound like Lance had moved away from the water. He had, and poked his head out from the back for the shower around the curtain that blocked Keith’s beautiful view, “I can’t really do anything but soak. My arms are so sore that I can’t move them.”

Keith smirked and walked over to Lance’s face, giving it a light kiss on the nose, “Mind if I joined you?”

Lance smiled and went to move his arm to Keith’s waist, only to groan with a laughed. Keith laughed as well and removed the rest of his clothes. Lance looked at the beauty in front of him up and down and smiled as the bright purple eyes that belong to the enchanter connected to his. Just one look and Lance felt that he was going to melt. Which he almost did.

Keith laughed as Lance was hung in his arms, Lance’s face flushing more than he could blame the hot water on. He was tired, it’s not his fault his legs gave out. Keith stepped in behind Lance with a bright smile and took a little too long to help Lance stand back up. The two stood in the shower, the hot water hitting all of Lance and only Keith’s head and arms that were wrapped around Lance’s waist. 

The said Cuban rested his hands on the smaller boys arms, enjoying being held by him. Keith stopped it too soon for Lance’s liking. The goal was to get Lance in the mood, not turn him into a bottom tonight. 

Neither said anything as Keith began to help Lance clean. The shampoo was easy, and Keith had decided to clean himself two, to make it seem more normal. Lance closed his eyes and listened to the water spray onto the sides of the wall while his boyfriend got the rest of the shampoo out of their hair. The conditioner was easy to apply and remove, and before Lance knew it a bright blue button could be heard being strapped onto Keith’s hand. Altean's are so weird.

The blue button, when pushed, let out an orange, soap like substance. Once released, the button flips itself into a weird looking sponge that expands to the size of the wearers hand. Interesting, yet so weird. Again, Keith wrapped his arms around Lance and began to clean. 

“Thanks, babe,” Lance sighed.

Keith smirked and slowly moved his hand down lower, right above Lance’s crotch. Lance groaned as he moved his arms to Keith’s hand, “Baby, please, not tonight.”

Keith giggled, “Don’t worry, I’m trying something new.”

Before Lance could speak Keith wrapped his hand around Lance’s cock and began to slowly pump. It would be a lie to say that Lance wasn’t enjoying a nice hand job, and if this was the only thing that they were doing tonight then Lance could live with that. However, with the mood growing more dense, Keith removed his hand and went back to cleaning Lance’s body.

Lance growled, “Hey! What the hell, Keith?!”

“We’ll finish up in here and continue on the bed.”

“Like hell we are!” Lance went to pin Keith to the shower wall, only to wince in pain.

Keith giggled and removed the button from his hand, “Well, well, well. Looks like someone doesn’t have control right now,” Keith began to rinse the both of them, “Poor, poor Lance.”

Lance’s face began to heat up again, he couldn’t fib, though, this was kinda hot, “Keith, baby, please. I don’t have enough energy for that tonight.”

“Don’t worry,” Keith reached around Lance to shut off the water, “You won’t have to do anything.”

Keith opened the shower curtain and stepped onto the fuzzy mat next to the shower. He took two towels from the rails and dried himself off the best he could before feeling arms wrap around his waist.

“I may be in immense pain right now, but like hell I’m gonna let you top me tonight.”

Keith felt a cold strike of excitement rush through him, “Naw~. That’s a nice try, Lancey, but I wasn’t going to be fucking you tonight. Now let go of me so I can dry you off.”

Lance kept his grip firm, “You don’t tell me what to do.”

Again, Keith smirked, and lunged forward. Lance screamed and released his grip, his arms hanging low to his sides as he squeezed his eyes shut. Keith smiled and grabbed another towel before reaching across to semi-dry Lance off.

“I hate you,” Lance mumbled.

“I know!”

Once dry, Keith took hold of Lance’s hand, gentally, and kissed him on the nose, “You still mad at me?”

Lance sighed, “No, you know I can’t stay mad at you forever.”

Keith giggled and kissed his nose again, squeezing Lance’s hand a bit before taking both of them in the bedroom. Rather quickly, Lance found himself on the bed, pain shooting through his arms and back, and Keith straddling his hips. Keith was smiling and looking down at Lance like pray. Once again, Lance couldn’t deny that it didn’t look hot. 

The pale boy above him laughed and leaned down to snatch Lance’s lips. Doing his best to try and have some control, Lance moved his hands to drag his fingers briefly on the sides of Keith’s thighs. Keith smiled into the kiss and pushed his hips down. The blue paladin sucked in a breath, stealing the only thing Keith was using to keep himself alive. Keith moaned and stuffed his tongue into Lance’s mouth. It had been awhile since Keithh had explored like this, and he’d missed it. The feeling of Lance’s own tongue against his own and feeling every crevasse that Lance had.

Keith pulled back, both panting heavily with lust filling their eyes and red dusting their cheeks. Keith, taking advantage of Lance being, pretty much, paralized, slowly trailed his tongue down Lance’s body. Every muscle, every exposed part, every special mark, everything until he made it to the golden treasure.

Now if there was one thing that Lance truly loved about Keith, it was his eyes. They filled up with so much emotion and passion with everything that he did. But the best eyes Keith had were when they connected with Lance’s while he sucked him off. His pupils were huge, the bright purple sparkling a deep violet filled with lust and something that Lance had never figured out. Was it love? Appreciation? Or was it hunger? It could be all of the above. But one thing was for sure, it was there now, and stayed that way when Keith pulled off with a pop. Lance took in gulps of air, the room filled with heat as Keith kissed the now marked and abused cock. 

“God, how are you so damn good at that?”

“Only for you, my darling.”

Keith crawled his way up to straddle Lance’s hips again, trailing his hands up and down Lance’s chest while he bit his lip. Lance smirked back and, without thinking, moved his arm to prep Keith. He groaned instead, flopping his arm back down with an annoyed sigh. Keith rolled his eyes and leaned down to briefly connect their lips.

“Dummy, you really think I don’t play with myself while you're gone? You think I just sit here and wait like a good boy?”

Lance smirked, “Of course not, baby. I know better than to think that. Tell me whatchu do.”

“Well,” Keith’s blush grew, “I sit like I am now, and I slowly grinned onto the bed sheets.”

Keith began to do just that and drove his hips straight into Lance’s. Lance groaned and went to move with Keith before remembering that it would hurt like hell. With a grunt Lance asked, “What next, baby?”

“I-I… I think of you… You beneath me while I’m grinding down, and I’m finally giving you the same pleasure that you give me, e-even though I’m still the bottom. I think of how amazing you would feel inside of me, how your heartbeat would fill me with pleasure and ecstasy. Please, Lance, let me live my fantasy~! Let me take control~! Let me fuck myself on you~! I wanna feel you~. I wanna take over~. I wanna be… I wanna be…”

Keith’s hand slowly wrapped around Lance’s cock, which had ground hard again do to Keith’s quick rolling. Slowly, and expertly, Keith sunk down onto Lance with a moan. Lance joined him, finally feeling some relief of having Keith consume him whole. He could feel Keith tightening around him, feel his heat swallowing him up like it was nothing.

“Tell me. Now! What do you wanna be?”

After sitting down completely, Keith’s breath almost gone, Keith moaned quietly, “I wanna be your power bottom.”

Lance let the words fill the room, letting them sit on the both of them so it could make its way to their bodies for a large rush of excitement to consume them both. He laid there for a moment, his head filled with endless possibilities of what the two of them could do now that Keith wanted to try this out. But first things first…

“Let’s see what you can do, power bottom.”


Hello! I’m not dead! Well, I am, but not as dead now!

It’s taken a lot of thought but I’m moving my chapter updates to two weeks. It’s been like that for a while, but I want to make it permanent now so you’re not waiting every week for me to post, and then nothing happens.

However, it does depend on the week. If I happen to get the chapter done a week early, then I will post it, but that doesn’t mean that the next week there will be one. I don’t know, I just think that this is the best way for me to give you guys something that I like without feeling so stressed to get it out there right away.

Sorry for the disappointment, and if yall want a part 2 of this, just let me know. Power bottom Keith just seemed like a good idea this week.




I don’t want to leave anyone behind so… there.

I hope everyone has a great Christmas/Holiday and I will see you in one-two weeks.

21 till the end.



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