Party Time

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(This is everything! Smut, angst, we got got it all! This thing's going to be a two parter, meaning that this part will have some background knowledge and a bit of smut at the end. The other part will have some hardcore smut, angst, and maybe fluff, haven't decided yet. Have fun!)

"A party!" Lance exclaimed.

"Whop, whop!" Pidge screamed.

"I'm making the food, right?" Hunk asked.

"Alright, alright! Enough with the screaming!" Allura retorted, "Yes, we're having a party. Every planet that we've recruited will be coming to this party, so we must be on our best behavior."

The Garrison trio didn't listen to a thing that Allura informed them, just celebrating the fact that they'll be able to let loose for once. However, there were two Paladins that were the exact opposite.

"Do I have to go?" Keith pleaded to Allura.

"Yes, you have to interact with people for once, it wont kill you," Allura spat.

"You don't know that," Keith mumbled.

"Listen Allura," Shiro stepped forward to assert his point, "I'm not letting Keith go to another party; not after what happened the last time. So sorry to pop your bubble, but we are NOT going."

Keith got chills just thinking about what happened the last time. So much grinding, so much crying, insanely loud music. The only thing that Keith found that was worth the trip was the boos. Shiro didn't catch him drinking until halfway through the party, so in Keith's eyes, it was fun.

"Yes, you ARE going," Coran retorted, "I'm working hard over here to plan the party. Do you have any idea what it's like? The stress of finding something everyone will love? Yeah, didn't think so."

Keith rolled his eyes, "If there's booze then everyone will have a good time."

"What are these, booze, you speak of?"

Shiro and Keith's hearts stopped. No booze? NO BOOZE?!?! Nope, not gonna happen.

"If there's booze, then maybe we would consider going to this party," Keith challenged.

Allura growled at the challenge, but here the group was, standing around in the mall looking for a liquor store. The whole team, other than Shiro and Keith, was completely against the idea of having beer and such in the castle. But like hell they wont be drinking.

The moment they got there, Keith took off in a direction without telling anyone. Everyone sighed, except for Shiro, and followed behind the red paladin. It was only five minutes later when they reached the liquor store. The team have never seen the oldest Paladins more happier.

"Wait, Keith, you're underage. Why are you happy to see this?" Hunk asked, being the worrier that he is.

" Because, Hunk," Keith smiled wider, "There are no age limits in space."

Shiro laughed and pulled Keith along with him into the store. The rest stayed outside and waited for the boys to finish their shopping. 20 minutes later, Keith had six bottles in his arms and Shiro with seven.

"Do you really need all of that?" Hunk pleaded.

"Yes," both boys said in unison.

It was five minutes till the guests were supposed to arrive and the castle had never looked better. Streamers were hanging from the ceiling in blue and green. Red, yellow, and orange balloons floated around in random corners of the ball room, and along the left wall was a long table. On the table was an array of food, from common Altean meals to Hunks own recipes, the table had it all.

At the very end of the room was seating for the meal. At the head of the table, the team would sit and welcome the guests to eat. It did come to a shock to anyone that the party was really going to be a ball. The way the Altean's ran parties is the leaders are welcome inside the ball room, while the others of the planets are welcome to wait outside. This was bullshit!

"All I wanted to do was relax, that's all I wanted," Lance looked like he was about to cry.

"Do you have everything ready?" Pidge asked Keith.

Keith nodded his head as they made their way outside to the doors to let the leaders in. Pidge was forced into a green dress that was covered in gems. It had selves that cut off at the elbow and the skirt stopped at the knees. Her hair was curled with a small, green bow to pull her bangs back out of her eyes. Keith bangs were pined back as well, only with a red crystal instead. He did feel bad for Pidge, he really did, but his outfit wasn't any better. Black dress pants with a black dress shirt, along with a bright red bow tie to add a splash of color. All they wanted to do was eat, drink, and go crazy, but they couldn't. That was why they had something planed.

The doors opened and the leaders walked in. Pidge had on an obviously fake smile while Keith barely even tried. There were about 25 planets coming tonight, meaning at least 50 people. But that wasn't anything near the amount of the crowd outside. Practically everyone had brought ten people from their planet to explore the castle while their leaders were 'partying' with the team.

Soft music began to play from above them, swaying the streamers from side to side. It wasn't anything the earthlings new, more of a mix of grace and hip hop overlapping the other. Once Pidge and Keith thought that everyone was in, they shut the doors quietly, but slipped passed them while doing so.

The crowd was bigger once you were in it. Pidge shrunk back behind Keith and pushed him forward, no way in hell is Pidge doing this. Keith shot her a glare but sighed and stepped farther into the crowd. They walked together to the right side of the crowd where the steps were located. After taking the steps two at a time, Keith and Pidge landed on the first platform that was in front of more steps. Keith turned around towards the crowd and took in a deep breath.

"Can I have everyone's attention?!"

The room continued to buzz with conversations, only a few folks in the front were listening.

"Hey! Can I have everyone's attention?!"

He only got a few more people.

"Hey assholes!!!" Pidge screamed, "Shut the fuck up!!!!"

That seemed to do the trick, because everyone in the room became silent. Another sigh escaped Keith lips as he took in a breath to speak to everyone.

"As you all know, your leaders are inside that room," Keith pointed over to the ball room, "meeting with team Voltron. As some of you also might know, we are the red and green paladins of Voltron."

There were small murmers filling the room.

"Yeah, yeah, I know, 'Why are you guys out here instead of in their meeting with our leaders?'. Well, my friends, we don't do elegance. When we party, we want to party!" Pidge shouted.

A group of fists were thrown into the air in agreement.

"We will be having our own party right out here." Keith added.

More fists were thrown into the air. Keith was feeling really good about this. Keith wasn't going to lie, this was the first time anyone was happy when he gave a speech. The talking started again and the paladins turned to each other.

"Can you start getting every thing ready? I need to change out of this horrible thing," Pidge pleaded while gesturing to her dress.

Before Keith could answer, Pidge was off, white heels clicking on the floor. Keith made his way back over to the other side of the room. Thanks to Pidge, and the press of a button, a long row of tables were stretched across the whole wall. The crowed cheered in happiness and ran over to the table full of junk food. Keith barely had time to run out of the way.

When Pidge returned, Keith was over in the corner working on the music. The people were enjoying themselves, but they haven't seen anything yet.

"Having trouble there?" Pidge asked, as Keith let out another frustrated sigh.

"Just shut up and do it, already!" Keith huffed and stormed back, but with a small smile on his face. He was this close to throwing Pidge's computer at the wall.

Pidge couldn't help but laugh, this is the first time Keith has actually shown another emotion other than gloomy or pissed off. Pidge blames the vodka that they found at the space mall. By the time the party was to start, Keith had drunk half the bottle. Pulling her computer onto her lap, Pidge opened up a new browser. After typing in a few things and clicking here and there, music was filling up the room.

"Show off," Keith grumbled.

Pidge laughed and stood up not lady like at all. But the outfit she wore was much better. Black dress pants with an electric green dress shirt? Definitely a good outfit for her. The first song to be playing from Pidge's playlist was 'Wolf in Sheep's Clothing' by Set It Off. Keith smirked and glanced over to Pidge who was smirking back. God this was a really good idea.

"UGH! I'm so booooored!" Lance whined.

Hunk had been listening to his friend boohoo about the party for at last ten minutes, and frankly, it was starting to get on his nerves. While Lance threw himself around Hunk felt something tap his shoulder. He turned around politely and looked up to see that Shay and her brother were standing next to him.

"Shay!" Hunk cried, standing up and hugging her.

"Hey Hunk!" Shay cheered and hugged back.

Hunk released the hug and turned back to her brother. They both nodded in acknowledgement and started caring on a conversation. Lance walked away after he relized that no one was paying attention to him anymore. Don't get him wrong, he was happy that Hunk and Shay could see each other again, but he felt betrayed.

"Might as well start looking for Pidge to bother," Lance mumbled to himself.

After making a complete circle around the ball room and not finding his tiny friend, Lance flopped down on a chair at the table. On his way around he stopped at the food table and grabbed some of the things at actually looked edible. Lance picked at his food for a good five minutes before putting a piece in his mouth.

The party was anything but fun. When Allura said party, everyone thought that she meant like a real party, not a get together. Once half of his plate had disappeared, Lance walked up and threw it away. Next to the trash were the drinks.

Lance sighed to himself, "For once Keith might right, the laws don't apply when you're in space." With that, he grabbed a glass of liquid courage and shot it down his throat. The taste was sweet, but it burned the rest of the way down. Lance cleared his throat and already felt a little dizzy.

"Damn it," Lance cursed, "I'm a light weight."


"Make no apology!"


"It's death or victory!"


"On my authority!"

"Crash and burn, young and loaded!"

Keith and Pidge were screaming the song at the top of their lungs. They were way passed the title of wasted and were practically sugar high. Their hairpins have been lost somewhere in the crowed and Keith's hair and been thrown back into a loose ponytail that was hanging by a threat. The song ended and another one began, 'Victorious' by Panic! At The Disco.

"Holy shit! Every song you have is emo!" Keith laughed.

Pidge laughed right along with Keith and grabbed ahold of Keith's shirt and tugged at it.

"Bitch, you've got no room to judge!"

Both of them laughed harder, enough to fall to the floor and hold their tightened stomachs. All of the other guests were a little less drunk than them, but still wasted. The music had been turned up louder than necessary, the food table had been raided and knocked over, and the drinks that Pidge had took from the other party were gone.

"Tonight we are victorious!"

In the other room, a certain blue paladin was stumbling around drunk off his ass. The thing that know one could figure out was how Lance was this drunk after three shots and a glass of spiked Shirley Temple. Shiro and Hunk had him by the arms and were trying their best to pull him through the doors quietly to get him to bed.

"Common! I'm not that drunk!" Lance was laughing right after his words, knowing that they were complete lies.

"Lance, please calm down, you're going to make a scene," Shiro pleaded.

Coran was trying his best to distract the other guest from their newly found drunk paladin. Allura rushed them over to the door and opened them quickly. A rush of sound blew at them as soon as the doors cracked.

"Had to have high, high hopes for a living! Shooting for the stars when I couldn't make a killing! Didn't have a dime but I always had a vision! Always had high, hiiiiiiiiigh hopes!"

The waiting room was filled to the brim with drunk aliens that had no self awareness what so ever. Allura's jaw dropped down as the the locals facing up towards the stairs where our red and green Paladins were dancing and making most of the crowd follow them. Almost everyone was jumping to the beat of the song with their arms rises above them and doing the same thing.

"Oh. My. God." Shiro said.

Lance went from being giggly to being silent at the snap of a finger. Was Keith always this cute? No, no there was no way that that's the real Keith. The real Keith never laughs or smiles like that. Lance felt heat rise to his cheeks as Keith moved his hips side to side with the music. He made a full spin around and popped one hip to the side as the beat dropped again. Damn, Keith had some curves.

"God that's hot," Lance said out loud.

Hunk turned to ask what Lance had said but the boy didn't hear him over the music. The crowd was screaming the lyrics even though they had know idea what they were. This made everything ten times as loud. Allura had slammed the doors shut as soon as they had stepped through, hoping that the guest wouldn't get to curious.

"We've got to them down from there, now," Allura was sending death glares at the shorter Paladins but they didn't see.

"Allura, their having fun, the people that are going to fight with us are having fun. For once, let loose a little." Lance shot.

A smirk spread onto his lips as he shook Hunk and Shiro's arms off of him. He made his way through the crowd and to the stair case. Keith was smiling and moving his hips in a way that couldn't not be sexy. That's when Pidge finally took notice of the boy below them and punched Keith in the arm.

"Hey, asshole, looks like Romeo is here."

Keith looked down the stairs and saw Lance making his way over to them. A blush stained Lance's cheeks from all the alcohol, similar to how Pidge and Keith looked. Lance made his way up the stairs in no time and stood in front of the red paladin.

"Glad you could join us," Keith's smile widened.

Lance chuckled and reached forward to grab Keith by his hips, "Glad to be here."

Keith could only let out a little giggle before being pulled into Lance. Both of them tasted either vodka or rum on the others lips, which only deepened the kiss more. The smaller boys hands made their way up to Lance's shoulders and hair. Lance wrapped his arms around the other boy and pulled him closer.

"Klance, Klance, Klance, Klance!" Pidge began to chant.

The chanting started to catch on with the rest of the guest making the whole room begin to shout the ship name. Lance smirked while dipping Keith down so the other people in the room could see them kissing. Loud screaming and cheers filled the room as they kissed more.

Keith moved one of his legs up to wrap around Lance's waist. He tightened his leg in the hopes to gain anything else from the other. Lance pulled him back up and released the kiss. Keith whined at the loss but soon giggled at being picked up by the other. Keith's other leg naturally wrapped around Lance's waist, along with his arms around Lance's neck.

With two wide smiles, Lance carefully walked down the steps and onto the main floor. He took a small glance at the others across the room and smirked while turning the other way towards their bedrooms. Now this was going to be fun.


Like I said before, this is a two parter, so I wont leave ya hanging around out there. I hope this was good, because I'm feeling good about this one. I can kind of tell that I might be getting better at my writing so it's giving me confidence. If the writing is getting worse then please tell me!

*Deep inhale*


Happy food day by the way. Take some rolls, because lord knows that I have a few more now.





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