Pride Planet

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(Warning: This is really gay and might upset some, probably all, of you. Just read till the end and all shall be well!)

It was today that the team found out that Alteans were homophobic. Today was, yet again, another recruitment day for the collision. Going planet to planet and meeting more people than they could keep track of, well it takes a lot out of you. But when you’re told that the next planet is filled with “un-natural beings of pride” you get a little excited.

The ship couldn’t go any slower as it landed, and Shiro reached a hand out in front of Keith to stop him from running out. Being the only fully gay boys in a ship with homophobic aliens that could kill you with a simple snap is forever nerveracking, but this was a whole planet that’s basically an all year pride month, so it makes everything better.

The ground was hard with no grass in sight. It was a nice off white with random prider’s drawings on it. You could see some more being made as well. It was the sky that took everyone's breath away, however. It glowed every pride color known to man. It was gay, it was bi, it was trans, it was demi, it was lith, non-binary, aro, poly, you fucking name it! Looking around you would see a normal living life style, minus everyone smiling and holding hands with the person they loved. Some people wore their flag while others wore matching outfits with their special someone. There was a school, some bars, food markets, clothing stores, a normal little planet. The best part was that heterosexuals weren’t hiding away either, showing off just as much pride as everyone else was. It seemed like the planet didn’t have a main gender or sexuality. You were you!

A bright young girl with a pansexual t-shirt and long, bright yellow pants ran up to the group with a large smile. She waved hello enthusiastically, her bright green hair bouncing with her, as the princess took a deep breath before awkwardly shaking hands with her. Everyone was looking away from the pair, as Allura obviously seemed uncomfortable with talking with her. Keith was relieved to feel a tap on his shoulder, turning around and seeing two girls behind him. They looked the same age as the team, with one wearing a bright bisexual tank top and the other wearing a bisexual dress. There was no denying that they were a couple. The tank topped girl had a red tint to her skin and hair, while the other had a blue tint. They were rather short, but seemed full of excitement to talk with Keith.

“Hi there! We were wondering if you wanted to hang out with us?” the red girl asked.

“We’re not trying to be weird,” the blue one followed, “We just thought our friend would like you. But we don’t know about your gender and sexualtily yet. ”

It was funny to hear the girls say something like that so nonshalontly. It’s not everyday that you hear someone ask what your sexuality is out of the blue. If the team stood here any longer Keith might actually explode from happiness, and that’s saying something. Keith smiled back at the girls and replied, “I’m Keith. I go by he/him pronouns and I’m the definition of a rainbow!”

The couple smiled wider and replied together, “Robbie says the same thing!”

Damn it, anymore of this and Keith’s lil’ gay heart wont be able to stay beating. Something gripped Keith’s shoulder, hard enough for Keith to know that it was Shiro. The girls shrunk back but still looked with curiosity. Taking a small glance you could tell that Shiro was pissed, but more because Keith was having a good time.

“Keith, we’re here to do a job. I know you want to go out and talk with people, for once in your life, but this war comes first. I‘m holding back as much as I can, and I expect you to do the same.”

Shiro rolled his eyes as Keith groaned, going back to paying attention to the pan girl. Without even looking Keith could feel the cringe level that Allura is pulling off right now, and it was something that Keith didn’t want to see. Turning back to the girls, he could tell that they felt it to.

“Is that girl a negative?” the red one glared.

“Oh! Ha, ha! Silly me! I don’t even know your name’s!” Keith hoped the subject change would work.

The girls blushed and the blue one spoke, “I’m Saphire, and this is Ruby.”

“Wow, those are really pretty names girls!”

“Actually, we’re both they/them pronouns,” Ruby chuckled.

Keith quickly put his hands up and began to apologies, “Shit! I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to offend you in anyway!”

Ruby chuckled, “Relax! We get called girls by newcomers all the time.”

Again, Shiro’s hand was placed on Keith’s shoulder, “Keith, please pay attention.”

“But Shiro!” Keith flopped back against Shiro’s chest, “This is literally a planet full of our people! This is my dream come true, just as much as it is yours. Just let me sneak off just for a few hours and I’ll come right back!”

“You know it wouldn’t be fair if you went and I didn’t. Like you said, this is my dream come true to!”

“Then come with me! You and I can go hang out with Ruby and Saphire, then we’ll come right back before anyone knows we’re gone!”

“You know we can’t do that.”

“Why the hell not? It’s not like we’re going to come back here ever again, and with Allura being the one talking, we’re not getting this planet to join us.”

“I agree, but we have to stay here.”





“Excuse me?”

The brothers turned and faced the pansexual guide. She seemed relieved while Allura stood behind her with a glare. The guide took a breath before asking, “Please tell me you’re fighting over leaving this awkward and poor excuse for a meeting to go explore?”

Before Shiro could deny it Keith nodded his head, “Yes!”

The guide smiled, “Oh thank you for being so curious! I was worried you were like the negative over there! I’m Pax, I run the tourist files here. Other than the fact that that negative didn’t want anything to do with me, I did learn that you guys are looking for more people to help you with the fight against the galra. Fortunately, the galra are actually very accepting to genders and sexualitlies, so we can't help you with actually fighting them. But, we can help you be prepared for an attack. We have plenty of weapons in every store! You guys just need to get out of those clothes! Ruby! Saphire!”

As Saphire grabbed Keith and Ruby grabbed Shiro, Allura growled, “You cannot be serious! How could you feel comfortable talking to those... things! Let alone letting them touch you!”

Shiro snapped his head, “We are fully serious. You wanna know how? ‘Cause we’re one of them. Just because these people are proud doesn’t mean that they’re ‘things’. They are no less of a being than you or I.”

Keith smiled and slapped Shiro’s arm, “That’s the gay brother that I know!”

Ruby and Saphire giggled and pulled the boys passed Allura and to the left side of the ship. In a small row were doors in different, solid colors. Above them was a bright, neon green sign that read ‘dressing rooms’. Shoving Keith through the red door, Keith fell into a rolling chair that sat in front of a light up mirror. Clapping her hands, Saphire lit up the room and the mirror. The room wasn’t much, with light yellow walls and a silver bar running from wall to wall behind Keith. Saphire slammed down a white paper and what Keith hoped to be a pen on the desk with a large smirk.

“Alright gay boy, ya got a boyfriend on the team?”

Keith blush and Saphire laughed, “I knew it! Something tells me that it’s the blue paladin, right?”

“Yeah,” Keith sighed, “but he’s going to stay with Allura. No one knows that were datin, so they’re definitely not going to find out today.”

Saphire sighed as well, “It's sad to think that there are planets that don’t accept people for who they are out there, so I’m really sorry. But, let’s get your boyfriend to tell everyone the truth today! All we have to do is draw what we want your outfit to look like, and we’ll get it all!”

She handed the pen to Keith who smirked and looked at Saphire through the mirror, “You just gave me a lot of power.”

Shiro came out of his door in something rather unexpected. He wore loose, but slightly tight black jeans with a black tank top that read ‘Let me be perfectly queer’ in rainbow lettering. The tank top was tighter than tight, showing off all the right things Shiro had. It could make the straightest man in the universe gay for a solid minute. It didn’t take long, however, for everyone’s attention to go straight to Keith's, rather revealing, outfit, with a smirk to match it all. Allura glared Keith down, “What the quiznak are you wearing?!”

Keith wore a black tank top crop top that read ‘yay for gay’ in rainbow lettering with extremly short shorts that could barely be called shorts at all. What was left of the shorts were a bright rainbow going from right to left with matching thigh highs to go with them. His bright red converse and matching lipstick complemented each other well. The mascara made his eyes pop out more than they already did, and his double pig tailed hair didn’t help Lance’s blush.

Lance mentally slapped himself for not thinking that this was going to happen. It was his own fault for not sticking with his boyfriend. It’s one thing to pretend that they hate each other, but when someone is judging your boyfriend, you should probably deal with it. Allura’s scolding was muffled in Lance’s head as he looked is beautiful boyfriend up and down. He could tell that Keith was trying to get his attention, but all Lance wanted to do was hug him. It was funny to see Keith try and turn him on though, and it almost worked if it wasn’t for Allura nagging to them all.

Finally, Lance had enough and walked over to the love of his life with a large smile. Allura was silent, and everyone gasped as soon at the two locked lips. Keith barely had time to think before his breath was taken away from him. Thank god Lance was ready to hold Keith up, Keith’s legs were numb on first contact. Hands down, this was one of their best kisses. It wasn’t needy, it wasn’t just a small peck, it was real. It was something that told everyone ‘fuck off, we love each other and nothing is going to change that’. Pulling away was difficult but it needed to be done. With another kiss on the cheek, Lance looked over to Saphire who was joined by Ruby, “You girls mind figuring me out an outfit?”

The girls giggled and lead Lance into the blue door, leaving a blushing and speechless Keith behind to wait. Once Lance came out, Allura started the scolding once again. Lance wore loose fighting blue jeans and a nice, dark blue tank top that read ‘nervously laughs in bi’ in pink and purple with dark blue converse. It was now time for Allura to start her rant, “What in the actual quiznak is wrong with all of you?! Talking to these things is one thing but being one of them?! How could you even think for a moment that any of this is OK?! This is more than half of Voltron that we have to fix now!”

Hunk and Pidge looked to one another before bursting out into laughter and walking over to Ruby and Saphire who held open green and yellow doors. Hunk turned back and saluted to Allura, “Sorry princess, but we’ll be right back!”

Pidge snickered, “It’s alright, Allura, we’re being truthful to everyone. Isn’t that what you always say for us to do. The more truthful we are with one another, the stronger Voltron becomes!”

It took no time at all for Hunk to come out with a bright pansexual T-shirt that said ‘Yes, I am attracted to pans’ and Pidge to come out with a quarter length T-shirt saying ‘shut the hell up, I’m trying to take over the world!’. Everyone smirked and started to head for the town before hearing Allura shout at them to stop for a moment. They weren’t going to until they heard the princess laughing.

“Thank quiznak you all are part of this community!”

Everyone spun around and gasped as Allura and Coran ran into the pink and orange doors and came back out with gay and straight pride on. Allura continued, “I was afraid that we were going to have to replace some of you!”

“What’s going on?” Shiro asked as he folded his arms.

Coran adjusted his gay tie, “You see, Shiro, Allura and I began to think, ‘what if some of the paladins were against people who like the same gender or new they were of a different sexualitly’. So we put it to the test and brought you all here! We couldn’t hate people that we were apart of, now could we?”

After a small pause, Keith began the fit of laughter that echoed through the area. Together, the Voltron team explored the whole planet, meeting a bunch of new people, and even meeting Robbie who caused some problems with boundaries between him and Keith. But nothing that our lovely couple couldn’t handle. It was a well deserved break that the whole team needed, and a nice thought knowing that none of the team were against each other. The team was happy for Lance and Keith, and they all enjoyed their small time off.


I’m back ya son of a bitches!

Did ja miss me?

Admit it, you missed me!

It’s so wonderful to be back with air conditioning and horrible to be back to the reality of the real world. Blue Lake is my happy little home where everyone is literally like the planet that I created in the story above. Everyone is so accepting, and everyone loves each other for who they are. We respect each other, and I loved every moment. If only Blue Lake could be the real world, and that’s what everyone is fighting for today.

I learned more than just stuff about my instrument. I learned that I’m actually Panromantic. Basically a mix of Pansexual and Asexual! I learned more about myself, so it was a nice trip. But enough about me, I wanna hear about y'all's summers!

You enjoying yourself? 

How’s the weather?

It’s really hot here!!!!

Anywho, I’ll let ya get back to your summer!



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