A Night of Booze

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It has been a rough couple of days. What with the battles and saving planets, Voltron needs some rest. And badly.

The paladins were currently in the lounge resting. Hunk was lying on his back on the floor with Pidge leaning against him. Shiro was sitting on one the couches his arms lying behind him on his sides. And Lance was lying face down opposite of Shiro, with Keith sitting near his feet and his arms crossed but having a hard time staying awake.

Allura enters the room with Coran walking beside her. She looks at the tired group and clears her throat gaining their attention, "I know it has been very intense these last couple of days," "Ya think?" Pidge groans. "So it is why we will be taking a break. We are currently residing on a planet that has long been abandoned and will hopefully allow us to rest for a while." The princess finishes.

"Also, since you have all been phenomenal I have brought out a special drink that has been preserved perfectly." Coran speaks up and got out a bottle and glasses, (where he pulled them out? No idea). He pours a glass for each of them and gives each one to them.

The five paladins were hesitant, (nunvil was awful the first time), but were too tired to care. Lance was the first to take a sip and his eyes widen at the taste, "Holy Crow!" He sits up straight, "This stuff is amazing!" He shouts happily. Pidge takes a drink and nods, "Yeah. This isn't half-bad." She compliments. "Agree." Hunk says, drinking more of the liquid.

Shiro can only nod, completely consumed by the delicious taste, (he didn't bother to say anything and the others were okay with that). Coran poured a glass for himself and Allura and made toast to each other.

Everyone were enjoying the drinks so much that they didn't notice the lack of talking from a certain mullet boy. Lance notice this and turns towards Keith, "Hey Mullet." He says, but when he looks at Keith the raven-haired boy's face looked flushed with red and looking out of it.

"Uh, Keith?" Lance calls to him, but Keith ignores him. The Cuban looks over and finds Keith's glass empty. Lance raised an eyebrow, "Dang Dude. Must be so good that you drank it all up that quick." He teases. Keith turns his head to Lance, but his eyes seemed distant and this worried the blue paladin. Shiro picked up on it and lowers his glass, "You okay Keith?" He asks. Keith looked over at him with same distant look and said nothing.

Everyone else looked over at the quiet red paladin, but then Coran snapped his fingers diverting the attention to him. "Oh! I forgot this kind of drink is a little bit stronger on Galra. My bad." He explains. "Wait so Keith is drunk?" Hunk asks. The mustaches man nods. Pidge gets up and looks into Keith's cup, "Whoa. If a cup can get Keith to daze off, I wonder what more could do." She ponders. But before she could test her theory, Shiro intervenes, "Alright that's enough. Maybe someone should take him to his room." He says.

With a moment's hesitation, Lance drank the rest of his drink and set it down. He got up and helped Keith up. "I'll take him. Don't worry about me I can handle it." He tells them. But as he started walking towards his mullet friend's room, said mullet stumbled and bumped into Coran, "Oh, Sorry Coran." The red-head brushed it off and the blue and red paladins continued onwards.

After a long and tiring venture, they finally made it. Keith plopped down onto the bed and Lance put his hands on his hips and catches his breathe. "Okay, you made that way more complicated. And How Could You Be That Wasted After One Cup?" But when he looked at Keith, he found that the ravenette was chugging down the bottle.

Lance snatched it out of Keith's hand, "How did you get this?! And why are you still drinking it?!" He scolds Keith, but stops when he noticed tears threatening to fall. Lance never saw Keith cry, he took a deep breathe and sits next to him. "Hey, I'm sorry for raising my voice. But why did you take the bottle?" He asks gently. Keith wiped his face and shrugs, "I don't know. Made it easier?" He answers, although he sounded unsure and had a blush on his face.

Lance doesn't want to pressure so he waits. After a few minutes Keith speaks again, "It's just that-hic-I get scared of losing-hic-you guys. And it can b-be so hard." He slurs a bit. Lance didn't know and yet he felt like he should have.

Fighting in an intergalactic war is tiresome and hard. Everyone has been affected by it and some nights Lance lays awake fearing he will never see his family again. But when he looks at Keith, he sees a fighter that won't give up and fight till they've won or die trying. He puts on a tough face and refuses to show weakness, but apparently he too feels stressed and thought drinking some alien booze would help ease it.

Lance looks down at the bottle and takes a huge sip of it. Keith looks at him with a confused look, "Why are you-" He let out burp and covers his mouth in embarrassment. Lance stops and looks at Keith, "Did you just-" "No!" Lance smirks and leans against the red faced raven-head, "Aww Keith, don't be embarrassed." He teases. Keith pushes him but it wasn't very strong since he was still drunk.

Lance put a hand on Keith's shoulder, "Buddy, I feel stressed too and drinking isn't the best way. But just for tonight, you and I are going to drink our problems away." He proposed, lifting his hand with the bottle in the air. He didn't expect Keith to lean against him and hide his face in his chest. "If it means being with you then okay." He looks up at the darker skinned male with mesmerizing eyes. Lance blushes and drinks more of the contents of the bottle, "This guy is doing stuff to me." He tells himself mentally.

They continue to talk and drink until the bottle was empty and now lay on the next to each other on the bed. Lance was on his back and Keith cuddling him, his face near his neck. "Ya-hic-ya know, I-I looooove your ha-hic-hair." The Cuban slurs, and giggles after.

Keith looks up at him, "I-I thought you-hic-you hate my hair." He says confused. Lance lays his hand on Keith's head and starts petting him. "That's just beeecauusse-hic! I envy you." Lance wraps his arms around Keith, embracing him gently.

Keith moves out of his embrace and looks at him, "Why? Y-you have a-a-Hic-a large family. And y-you-you are so funny. Hic! And you help everyone. Ev-even complete strangers. Especially kids," A pair of lips crash onto his and Keith is taken back, but kisses back. It gets a little heated and they pull back after what felt like hours. And pant as they look into the other's eyes, both bearing bright blushes on their faces.

"You are... So pretty. And-hic-so-so strong too. Al-always the favorite. That's wh-why I-hic! I made up our-" "Rivalry." Keith finishes Lance's sentence. "Yeah." The two cuddle up and just when sleep was about to take them. "I rather be your partner." Keith says quietly and falls asleep. Lance's heart beats faster and looks down to find Keith's face relaxed and peaceful. He smiles and lays a light kiss on his forehead. "Space partners." He then fell asleep.

When the two awoke in the morning, they're was a lot confused screaming. 🤣 (Yeah. I'm bad. Whatcha' gonna do?)

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