Altean x Galra AU

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Lance is a prince. He is the son of King Alfor and the younger brother to Princess Allura of Altea, and he is bored. Lance thought being a prince was the best thing when he was a kid, but now he felt like he couldn't do anything. Especially go out of the Castle of Lions.

"Where do you think your going?" Lance froze at the doors that lead outside. He look back to see the royal advisor Coran. Coran has always been treated like family; he's known Alfor before he became king and Allura and Lance see him as an uncle.

"Come on Coran. I'm tired of being stuck here. It's not like I have a place here anyway." Lance said gloomily. Coran looked at him with a sympathetic look, " I know my boy, but you are the prince and we can't afford anything to happen to you. Your 18 now." He said. Lance knew Coran was right and reluctantly walk back to his room. "I hope Alfor knows what he's doing, Lance will need someone to look after him." He said to himself walking off in the opposite direction the prince went.

Lance woke up with the sun shining throw his balcony window. He got up and went to his bathroom looking at his reflection in the mirror. "Uhg, another day in luxury." He says sarcastically, gently touching his markings. He washed his face and combed through his white hair. He got dressed then made his way to the dining room to get some breakfast.

He entered the room to find his father and sister looking at him. "What did I do now?" Lance asked, "Your not in trouble Lance, but there's something we want to talk to you about." Alfor said. Lance gave a confuse look but sat down at the table across from his father and sister. "As you know Allura is next in line for the throne," Lance nodded, his father continues, "But because you are the second born child along for your spirited personality, I've decided to entrust a bodyguard to you." He finished.

Lance's jaw dropped, "But-but I'm responsible and I don't need someone on me all the time!" He argues. "Lance we only want what's best for you. You can't go wherever you want and not except trouble." Allura said. Lance was about to argue back, but Alfor stood up and told them to stop, "Enough! Lance my mind is made up. In fact he's here as we speak." The King said.

On cue Coran enters the room with a tall figure in a black and purple suit. But when Lance looked at the face of his new bodyguard he froze. Because he looked incredibly handsome, and his hair looked soft. "This is Keith. He is a member of the Blades of Mamora. Kolivan personally assigned him." Coran informed. The Blades of Mamora is made up of Galra that provide peace over the universe and Kolivan is the leader.

Lance took in Keith's figure. He's very tall, about a head taller than him. He has the same purple skin tone like most Galra, he also has mesmerizing violet irises unlike other Galra Lance has seen before. He is also muscular (and the suit highlights that.) But what stood out most was the adorable cat-like ears that popped out of his raven hair(that resembled a mullet might I add).

Keith walked towards the Royal family and bowed to them, "I promise to do everything I can to ensure the safety of not only Prince Lance, but the rest of the Royal family King Alfor." He said. "How proper." Lance thought starring at the Galra. "Thank you Keith. All you have to do is keep an eye on my son." Alfor informed, "And he can be a bit of a handful." He added quietly.

The Blade straighten up and took his position next to the prince. He had a serious face and Lance couldn't help but just think of him, "Maybe I can have some fun with him." He thought. After breakfast Lance went to his room, Keith walking beside him.

He just couldn't stop starring at the Blade. Lance didn't know why he was doing this, "Is he really my bodyguard or is this some kind of trick?" Lance thought to himself. His family and Coran, along with the castle residents knew he was bisexual, and they gave him an incredibly hot bodyguard to look after him.

"Is there something wrong Prince Lance?" Lance snapped out of his trance and looked to see Keith looking at him with worry. "Huh? Oh! Yes I'm fine. I was just thinking." He said quickly. They soon made it to Lance's room, "Are you just going to stand there?" The prince asked the Galra. "No. I have a room here at the castle, but it's down the hall. I'm making sure you don't do anything stupid." Keith said straight forward.

Lance looked at him, "He acts so serious. But maybe..." Lance had an idea. "Enter my room." He said. This surprise Keith, "What?" He said a little dumbfounded. "Well I just meant you a couple dobashes ago. And I think that since we're going to spend a lot of time together we might as well get to know each other." Lance explained. He then entered his room and wait for Keith.

At first Keith was hesitant, but he obeyed the prince and entered the room. Lance sat on the bed and patted the spot next to him. Keith understood and sat next to him. For a while it was just the two, sitting together in an awkward silence. "So how long have you been with the Blades?" Lance ask breaking the silence. Keith look at him then face away, "Why is he asking me about myself? Aren't bodyguards suppose to guard not have conversations?" The Galra thought.

Lance studies Keith's face seeing that he was deep in thought, "You don't have to tell me." He stated. Keith look back at him, "No!" He said, this surprise Lance. The Blade regain his composure, "Sorry it's just no one had ever really ask about me." He said. "I've actually been with the Blades all my life. My mom is a member as well, but my dad lived on Daibazaal. And my mom trained me to defend myself." Keith unsheathed his knife, "This belong to her and only Galran blood can activate it. She gave it to me so that I would have a part of her when she goes on missions, since we have shared blood I can activate it." Keith stopped and looked away for a moment.

Lance observed the knife. Coran told him that Luxite is one of the strongest minerals in the entire universe, it can cut through anything. He was amazed, "But a knife really?" He teased. "Remember the shared Galra blood? Only then can it activate and become a sword." Keith said. Lance lit up, "Really?! That's amazing. Can I see?" The prince asked excitedly. Keith smiled and chuckle, "Maybe some other time."

Lance felt warm and blushed a little, "He has a nice laugh." He thought. Keith sheathed his knife and stood up, Lance grabbed his wrist, "We can talk some other time if you want." He told the Galra. Keith smiled again, "That would be nice, but don't think about pulling any tricks." He said. Lance gasped, "I'm offended." He said and pouted. With that Keith exited the room. "This is going to be interesting." The prince thought with a smile.

Time skip(3 months later)

Lance was in the garden. This was the first time in months that he actually got to go outside. Keith was near him, his ears twitching to detect any threats. Lance giggled, Keith may seem tough and scary at times but he's actually kinda cute (or at least Lance thinks so).

He was making a flower crown and once he was done he asked Keith over. The Blade walked over to him. "Sit down." The prince said. Keith obeyed and sat on his knees. Lance placed the crown on his head, avoiding the Galra's ears. "There. Now you look less serious." Lance said. Keith was confuse and looked up at the flower crown.

Lance couldn't help but smile, "It's not going to attack." He said. Keith looked at him, "I know it's not going to do anything, but why did you give it to me?" He said. "Well, we've known each other for 3 phoebes now," Lance started. Keith starred at him with an eyebrow raised, "3 phoebes of you being a handful, you're basically a child." He commented.

The Altean looked at him with a smirk, "Yes, but these have been some of the better phoebes of my life and your only 3 deca-phoebes older than me." He finished. Lance looked up at the sky, it's a clear day. Lance couldn't remember the last time he got to enjoy an evening like this.

Keith looked at the sky as well. The sky looks different than Dabaizaal, but a good different. He heard a sigh and look at Lance, he had a sad look. "What's wrong?" He asked before he could stop himself. Lance looked at him and smiled sadly, "It's fine. It just that I used to play in the garden all the time with my mom." He explained.

Keith felt sorry for the prince. He heard that the Queen of Altea was a kind and beautiful woman, but she fell very ill and passed away a few years ago. Keith wanted to meet her when he was younger, but never got the chance. Lance knew he was thinking because through out the time they spent with each he could read his face and tell when he was deep in thought.

"Do you want me to tell you about her?" The prince asked. Keith looked at him with wide eyes, "Uh not if your okay with it Prince." The Blade said quickly. Lance laughed because he never saw Keith act like this, "I'm okay with it. And you seem interested, besides you told me about your family it's only fair I share mine. And please call me Lance." He said. Keith blush a little and Lance thought he was adorable.

For the next few hours Lance shared stories of his mother and Keith listen to him very carefully. Lance felt happy sharing the memories of his mother and Keith enjoyed hearing him talk. The two felt comfortable around each other and without knowing it they grew closer.

Time skip(2 months later)

Keith was training and Lance was watching him with admiration. Keith fought with passion and gives it his all. The Altean knew Galrans fought on instinct making them a tough species, but they are also noble and honorable.

The Blade pierce his sword into the training dummy's chest and it disappeared into the floor, "End Training Sequence!" He shouted. His sword change back into a knife and sheathed it. Lance walked up to him, "You showed that dummy whose boss." He said. Keith looked at him with a smile, "They didn't stand a chance anyway." He said.

Lance couldn't help but stare at him with awe, "Say, how about you go wash up and come by my room?" He suggested. Keith didn't want to admit it, but he's grown fawn of the Prince. So he said yes, "Great! And maybe change into something a bit more comfortable." Lance said. Keith nodded and head to his room to take a shower.

Lance walked out of the training room and accidentally bumped into his sister. "What's with the happy face?" Allura asked, "Oh, nothing. But have you seen Coran?" He said. "Yes, he was heading to the dining hall." She pointed the direction where the advisor went. "Thanks." He said and gave her a quick hug and left. Allura couldn't help but smile, "I'm glad to see you happy again brother. It's been a while." The Princess said to herself and walked to her room.

A varga later, Keith knocked on Lance's door. He waited for a few ticks until the door opened to reveal Lance in a blue robe in a very seductive pose, "Welcome, please come in." He said. Keith enter his room with a blush on his face, "God, he's beautiful." He thought. He felt a tap on his shoulder and look back down at Lance, "You look handsome." He commented.

Keith didn't have much of a wardrobe. He was wearing a black T-shirt that was a bit tight on him and baggy sweatpants. But if Lance thought he look good he wouldn't complain. "And you look lovely." He said to Lance, who blushed a little.

The two sat on the bed and started talking. "So why did you invite me?" Keith asked. Lance got up and walked over to his dresser to retrieve two glasses and a bottle of what looks like wine. "I just thought that we could have a little alone time." He said returning back to the bed and pouring the liquid in the glasses.

He afford a glass to Keith and he took it without complaint. "And because you've been a good bodyguard you deserve a break." He said scratching one of the Galra's ears. Keith didn't really let anyone touch his ears, but Lance has a gentle touch and it felt good.

Lance giggled when Keith leaned into his touch and started purring. "You're cute." He said. Keith shook his head and removed Lance's hand from his ear, "Umm, thanks." He said bashfully. Lance nodded and raised his glass, "A toast. To each other." He said. Keith raised his glass and tapped Lance's.

The two took a sip and Keith's face scrunched up, "What is this?" He asked. Lance looked at him, "It's Juniberry Wine, a very special drink Alteans drink along with other species." He explained. Keith looked at the liquid in the glass and had another sip. It had a very strong taste but the after taste is very sweet. "It's not that bad, it's actually nice." He said. Lance smiled and the two talk for hours.

It was around 11:00 p.m. when Keith decided it was time for him to leave and go to his room for the night. "I had great time." Lance said. "Me too." Keith responded. The two look into each other's eyes and Lance got on his toes and gave Keith a kiss on the cheek. "See you tomorrow." He said. The Blade's face darkened a bit, but he smiled and leaned down to give him a quick kiss on the cheek too. "You too." And with that he left. Leaving a lovestruck prince.

Time skip(6 weeks later)

Lance and Keith have been spending a lot of time with each other and they absolutely love it. Lance was waiting in his room for Keith. He heard a knock from his door and got up quickly to answer it, only to be disappointed that it was Coran.

"You seem to be in a good mood my boy." Coran said twirling his mustache. "Well, why wouldn't I be?" Lance countered. Coran chuckled, "No, it's just that we haven't seen you this happy in a long while." He said. "We?" Lance asked. Coran walked into his room and sat on the bed inviting Lance to sit next to him.

Once the two were comfortable Coran started explaining, "Lance we all know how hard it was when your mother passed. She was one of the kindest people I have ever meant. But while your father and sister too feel heartbroken, you seem to have taken it the hardest." Lance looked down.

"Your father saw you were unhappy and decided to do something. He asked Kolivan for a bodyguard for you but also a friend. And you two seem to have grown very close. I want you to know that we all care for you and support whatever you decide for your future." Coran finished and got up, looking back at Lance. The Prince didn't know what to say, but he smiled and waved Coran goodbye.

He was left alone and thought about what Coran said. He did feel an attraction to Keith but did he feel the same.

He heard a knock and went to open to look up to see Keith. "Hey, so how's it go-" Keith was yanked into Lance's room before he could finish his sentence. He was surprise and look down at Lance. The Altean was blushing and his hands were on Keith's chest. A little baffled the Galra asks Lance "What's wrong?"

Lance didn't say anything at first, and after a few ticks he looks into Keith's eyes, "Do you like me?" He asks. Keith was taken back and blushed a little. "What do you mean?" He asks. "I mean do you like me as in a uh...." Lance doesn't know what to say. The Galra in front of him has a confused look and before he could ask, "I mean I like you in a romantic way!" Lance exclaimed.

Keith was surprised and blushed more, "It's just these past few phoebes I've really gotten to know you and you actually listen to me and I can't help but feel safe and warm when I'm with you and I can't imagine my life without knowing you!" Lance said quickly. He looked down his hands still on Keith's chest.

He refused to look up. He felt a hand on his chin lifting his face to look into Keith's mesmerizing eyes, "I never felt this way either." Lance didn't know what to say and instead wrapped his arms around Keith burying his face into the Galra's chest. Keith wrapped his arms around him, embracing him.

For a while there was silence. Keith continued, "I never really had any plans, but you are unlike anyone I've ever meant." Another long silence. Keith moved Lance to the bed and situated themselves on it still embracing each other.

"You treat me like I'm a person and I've enjoyed our time together. At first I just ignored it but you make it hard." Lance lifted his face to reveal those beautiful blue eyes Keith adores, "And you can be a bit of a handful." Lance pouted and lightly smacked Keith's arm, "But I would gladly take you over anyone else." Keith finished and smiled.

Lance smiled back and leaned towards Keith colliding their lips. Keith gladly accepted it and kissed back. Lance's hands found refuge in Keith's hair. "So soft." He thought. He felt the Blade's grip tighten on his waist.

After a few dobashes they parted from each other and stare at one another. "You have know idea how long I have waited for this." Lance said playing with Keith's hair. "Me too." The Galra replied and connected their lips once again.

Time skip(3 years later)

Lance and Keith are in a spaceship with Keith piloting. "Are we there yet." Lance whined. Keith chuckled, "Almost." He says. This was the first time Lance has ever left Altea and he's excited. "But I wanna get there now." He complained sitting on Keith's lap. The Blade looked at him and gave him smile, "Were almost there. And aren't you the one to have choose where we're going?" He retorted. Lance leaned towards him and rubbed his ears, "Is that anyway to speak to your husband?" He asks.

Keith closed his eyes and starts purring. Lance absolutely loves him and all his little quirks. "You have to stop that or we'll never make it." He said lazily. Sighing, Lance removes his hands from Keith's ears, "Fine, but I expect you to make up for it." He said.

Rolling his eyes, Keith looks pass Lance and sees their destination. "Look behind you." He says. The Altean turns around and is amazed, "Is that?" He asks. "Yep." Keith answers. He takes Lance's hand, their rings shining, "Welcome to Earth."

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