Baby Galra

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"Stay alert. Even though our scanners don't detect anything, there might still be danger." Allura informed the paladins. "We will. Everyone be careful and proceed with caution." Shiro said to his teammates. The team had picked up a signal from a close by planet and decided to check it out.

There hasn't been much activity from the Galra lately, but Voltron was still needed. When they found the signal they thought it would be a good excuse to get out of the castle because it has gotten a bit boring lately. They were now landing on the planet that is covered in snow and mountains, but had a city that resembled one on Earth.

The team exited the lions taking a good look at the city. "What happened here?" Pidge asked. The city was in ruins with only a few buildings still standing. "Do you think everyone,"Hunk paused, not wanting to finish his sentence. "Relax, I'm sure not everyone was, well, you know." Lance assured his friend.

"Lance is right. We'll split up to cover more ground. And if anyone finds something inform the rest alright." Shiro being the leader he is said. Everyone nodded their heads and headed into the city. Hunk came across an old bakery. He went to take a better look. "Hello?" He called out. He then saw a glare of light and approached it. But what he found was a ring attached to a dead male, most likely a native to the planet

He wish to unsee what he saw. "Guys I think what happened here was worse than we thought." He told everyone through the coms. It's times like these he wish he was home, but this is war and not everything comes out okay.

The others didn't have much luck either. Shiro found a small market with no one in sight. Lance discovered two individuals pinned down by a pillar, but have longed passed away. Pidge found a computer lab and manage to gain data from one that still worked. "Maybe this can tell us what happened." She told herself.

Keith was looking through what appeared to be a nursery. He passed by rooms with cribs and toys. He was about to leave, but he hears crying coming from the end of the hall. Without a second thought he sprinted towards the sound. He entered a room similar to the others and walked towards the crib where the crying was coming from.

He looked in the crib and found a baby, a living breathing baby. But when Keith took a closer look he noticed its features. It had purple skin, cat-like ears on top of it's head, fuzzy purple hair, and when the baby opened their eyes, they were golden orbs. This is a Galra baby. The baby looked at Keith and raised their arms towards him. Keith was hesitant at first, but he reached down and brought it to his chest.

The baby looked at Keith with teary eyes. They placed their hands on his face. Keith did nothing to stop it and let them continue. The child then stopped and made a sound that resembled a purr. Keith didn't know how, but made the noise too. The child wrapped its arms around his neck, one hand grabbing his hair then fell asleep.

Keith had no idea what happened. Did this baby knew he was Galra too? And what was that sound? He shook his head,  regaining focus. He grabbed a blanket from the crib and wrapped it around the small Galra. He looked at the baby now cradled in his arms and couldn't help but smile. "Wait? Why am I smiling, I'm not good with kids." Keith thought snapping out of his trance and putting on a neutral expression.

He contacted the others and told them to meet at the lions. He then proceeded out of the building with the sleeping child in his arms. Everyone was wondering what was taking the red paladin so long. "He calls us to meet here and he's taking his sweet time." Lance commented, but really he was worried for his friend and hopes he's okay. "I'm sure he's fine, but he would have been here by now." Shiro said, concerned for his brother.

"Hey look there he is and he's got something in his arms." Hunk says spotting Keith. He was approaching the others and put a finger on his lips to tell them to keep quiet. They were confused at first, but when he finally made it to them they saw what was in his arms. "Is that a baby?!?" Lance whispered loudly. Keith shushed him not wanting to disturb the little one. "Yes and I found them all alone." Keith explained.

"Okay, okay, let's head back to the castle and see what we can do from there." Shiro said. Everyone agreed heading into their lions and back to the castle. Once they made it back and change into their regular clothes, they gathered in the lounge after giving the baby a scan to see if their hurt. "The lass is alright. No injuries whatsoever, but is a little hungry." Coran informed the team. "So it's a girl." Keith said.

The baby has been with Keith the entire time they've had her because he refused to let anyone else hold her. He didn't know why but he felt that he had to protect the innocent child. Hunk came in with a bottle of formula and gave it to Keith. "The little thing must be hungry, so is it a boy or girl?" He asked. "Girl." Pidge answered. Keith positioned the tiny child in his right arm stirring her awake. Keith then present her with the bottle and she immediately start drinking from it.

Everyone just sat there amazed by Keith's actions of taking care of the infant. "So what else is there to know Coran?" Shiro asked the mustache man. "Well the child is approximately 6 months old and I'm afraid that's all their is about her except her Galran heritage." He answered. "I got some information from the planet, maybe it could tells us what happened after I look through it." Pidge said.

While everyone was talking about what to do next, Keith kept his eyes on the child. Unknown to him Lance was watching the seen in front of him. He never really saw Keith as the nurturing type, but here he was feeding a child like it was nothing. Keith looked up at him, "Why are you smiling?" He asked. Lance didn't realize he was smiling and turned away with a blush on his face, "N-nothing!" He defended.

After the baby was feed and burped she was changed into a purple onesie and was sitting on Keith's lap playing with a rattle-like toy. "I've scanned the area of the city and they are no other survivors." Allura informed everyone. "So now what?" Pidge asked. The space family knew they couldn't leave the baby alone and the odds of finding someone to take her in are slim because who would take in the offspring of the enemy during a time of war.

"Well, its not going to be easy, but I think she should stay with us for now, at least until we find a family for her." Shiro suggested. The others all nodded their heads and looked back at the little purple baby. "If she's staying with us we might as well give her a name. We can't keep calling her 'her', 'she', and 'the baby.' Hunk said. They started coming up with names.

"I know! How about Celestial Bay?" Lance suggested striking a pose. Keith looked at him with an unimpressed face. "Really?" He said. Lance looked at him annoyed, "Oh yeah? How about you come up with one, huh?" He countered. Keith thought for a moment, "I kinda think Nova is a good name." He said.

The baby in his lap looked up at him with her yellow eyes. "The lass seems to like it." Coran said. "Then it's settled Nova it is." Shiro stated. Everyone else agreed and sat in the lounge watching Nova play with the rattle.

It was soon time to go to bed. "Keith, since Nova is obviously comfortable with you she will be in your care. We have my old crib so that she'll have someplace to sleep." Allura said. Keith nodded his head and sat up. "Thanks, I'm gonna go take a shower." He said. He was against letting anyone hold Nova, but he really needed to take a shower because he was training before they went on the mission.

"I'll hold her I've never really had any interaction with children before." Allura offered. Keith thanked her and handed Nova to her. He left the lounge to take a shower. Nova just stared at the door, waiting for Keith to return. "Aww she already misses him." Hunk said, absolutely in awe of the child.

Allura sat down on the sofa with the little youth in her arms, "Oh aren't you just adorable." She cooed. Everyone was impressed, Allura hated the Galra with all her might after they took away her home and people. But the universe is full of surprises.  For a while nothing happened, Nova just looked at Allura before her eyes started to well up with tears and burst out crying.

Everyone was baffled because this is the first time they hear her cry. Allura didn't know what to do and just hold her. "Here let me take her I'm pretty good with kids." Lance offers. Allura hands Nova to him and holds her close to his chest. He bounces her around and whispers comforting words. But nothing seemed to be working.

The doors to the lounge opened and Keith comes running in with wearing nothing but a towel around his waist. He takes Nova and holds her close to his chest making the purring noise again. Everyone was shocked by Keith's quick response, but more so with him purring. Nova recognizes the noise and purrs too. She calms down and snuggles into Keith's chest.

Everyone just stared at him, "What?" Keith questions. "You act like a mother to the kid." Pidge said with a smirk on her face, "And what was that noise you were making?" Hunk asked. Keith just shrugged his shoulders, "I'm not sure? Instinct I think." He answers. It seemed natural to Keith, looking after the child with having no actual experience. "I believe it's due to your Galra DNA. Back before the war began, Galra are rather protective with their youth and ensure their safety and needs, but since you were born eons after and away from the chaos you along with other Galra not under Zarkon's influence, inherited the trait." Coran explains.

"And since the young one is only six months old she needs to be with someone whom to feel safe, otherwise it'll feel like she's being abandoned." He finished. Keith knew what it was like to be abandoned, but he made a mental promise to not do the same to Nova.

It was clear that Nova was the most comfortable with him and if anyone else holds her she would become upset. "I guess that would explain why I'm so natural at this, but if you guys weren't aware I'm only wearing a towel." Keith said. "Right, well I guess you'll have to take a bath then." Shiro joked with a smile.

Keith looked at Shiro with an annoyed frown. Lance who was busy gazing at Keith's body, was poked and brought out of his trance. He looked at who poked him to find Pidge smirking, "What do you think we should do?" She asked. Lance's face was still red from being caught, but he took a breathe and suggested an idea, "Well I could hold her while you wash. So if she starts getting fussy you can just poke your head out to let her know your still there. My dad did it whenever he went to go shower when me and my siblings were younger." He said.

Everyone thought it was good idea, "That actually sounds pretty good." Keith said. But honestly he was freaking out a bit because he has a crush on Lance and did his best to keep his emotions under control, granted he won't see him but he was still a little nervous. "Alright then it's settled." Allura said, "but don't worry Keith, we'll make sure Nova feels comfortable with the rest of us so that you can have some rest." She explained.

Keith left the lounge with Lance to go back to his room to shower. Once they arrived Keith handed Nova over to Lance, "No peeking." The Red paladin told the blue paladin. "Pfft I would never." Lance said closing his eyes, turning his head away from Keith and covering Nova's eyes. Keith took off the towel and hanged it on a hook then entered the shower turning it on.

The entire time his face was red from blushing so hard. He couldn't believe that he agreed to this. His crush in the same room, but he's taking a shower completely naked. He was glad Lance was here, coming from a big family he should know about babies. He was brought out of his train of thought when he heard whimpering. He did what Lance told him to do if Nova started getting fussy and poked his head out.

She saw Keith and stopped. He looked at Lance, a silent plea of what to do next. "Make a funny face it'll make her happy." The blue boy said. The emo boy didn't want to do it, but he closed his eyes and took a breathe then made a face. He crossed his eyes and stick his tongue out. Nova didn't really have a reaction at first. She copied him and stuck her tongue out making a 'bleh' sound.

This caused Keith to giggle and Nova started giggling too. Lance loved Keith's smile and laugh, he has the face of an angel. "Why must he be so beautiful?" He thought to himself. He looked down at the little Galra on his lap and couldn't help but feel a little homesick. He missed his family so much that it pained him and wished he would see them just one time.

"Lance, why are you crying?" Keith asked. Lance didn't even know he was crying until he felt wetness on his cheeks, even Nova looked up at him with concern as well. "I'm fine, I'm fine." He said wiping away his tears. Keith gave Lance one last concerned look and resumes his shower.

After a while Keith decided to start a conversation, "Are you really okay?" He asked. Lance didn't really want to talk, but he felt that maybe it could help. "I'm just thinking about my family is all. I just miss them so much, I'm scared that I'll never see them again." He confessed. He felt stupid, why did he tell Keith he probably thinks he's weak and pathetic.

"Don't lose hope, there's still a chance." Keith reassured him. Lance was surprised by his response. He felt a tiny hand on his face and saw Nova patting his cheek. He smiled and laid a hand on her head. "Thanks, I needed that." He thanked both of them. The water stopped running and Lance took that as a sign to leave the room.

He waited in Keith's room with Nova, bouncing her on his knee. Lance was surprise that Nova hasn't gotten upset and was just giggling instead. Keith came into the room fully dressed and sat on the bed taking the baby from Lance and setting her on his lap. For a while the two just watched Nova, then Lance did something unexpected. He wrapped his arm around Keith.

The two didn't pay much mind at first, but after a few seconds their faces reddened and they moved away from each other. "Why did you do that?!" Keith whispered loudly not wanting to disturb the baby. "I don't know!? It just happened!" Lance whispers back.

The two sat in an awkward silence not looking at each other. "Why did I do that? Keith's my rival, but it did feel nice." Lance thought. He never admit out loud but Lance has a crush on the red paladin. He had it all the way back at the Garrison, but since Keith never really socialized he came up with this 'rivalry' to get his attention.

After another long moment, he heard yawning and looked over to see Keith and Nova with tired expressions. He came over and sat next to Keith. "It's getting kinda late and I think it's best if we got some sleep." He said. "Yeah that sounds nice." Keith said rubbing his face. "But what about the baby? We haven't got the crib yet." He added. Lance thought for a moment, "Well how about this, she is pretty attach to you so you two can sleep together. That way when she gets upset you'll be right there and she'll feel safe." He said.

Keith nodded his head and started lying down. Lance got up to give him room and once Nova was on the pillow next to Keith's head they both fell asleep. After the cute little scene, Lance covered them with a blanket and left the room. During his walk to his room he thought about what happened recently, "Why didn't he push me away when I put my arm around him?" He said to himself.

For a moment they actually looked and acted like a couple with their child. But the most unsettling part was that it felt so genuine, like they love each other so much that it's always been there. Lance was so lost in his mind that he didn't know he had made it to his room until he accidentally walked into the door.

He regained his composure and entered his room hoping nobody saw that. He changed into his pajamas, applied his face mask, and got into bed. But before he went to sleep one more thought came to his mind that has repeated many times before, "I'm in love with Keith."

Time skip (3 months later)

It was morning and everyone is eating breakfast Hunk made. Keith enter the room with a fussy Nova and heads towards the cabinet where the baby formula is kept. Once he had the bottle ready, he sat at the table feeding the tiny Galra. Hunk placed a of plate food in front of him so that he can eat too.

After Nova finished and was burped, Keith handed her to Lance and starts eating. It was quiet for a while and it was comfortable. "So Keith was Nova any trouble?" Shiro asked. "Not really, she woke me up at like 3:00 a.m. to be fed and we went back to sleep after." Keith answered. "You really are a pro at this." Hunk compliments him.

They exited the kitchen and gathered in the lounge after breakfast. "So, I was able to find out what happened to that city we found Nova at." Pidge starts. "That's great! So what happened?" Lance asked. Pidge looked a little unsettled and it bothered the team, because they never really see her like this, "Well, apparently their was an earthquake. But not any earthquake, it was so sudden that the people of the town didn't have time to evacuate and it was so powerful that if it kept going the entire city would have collapsed. So it was an absolute miracle that Nova even survived, let alone the building she was in was still standing." Pidge explains.

Everyone sat in silence after hearing Pidge's explanation. Keith got up with Nova in his arms and walks away. "Keith?" Shiro calls out to the red paladin. "Someone should go check on him to be sure he's okay." Allura said. Without hesitation Lance got up and walked in the direction Keith went.

He arrived at Keith's door, but before he could knock, he heard sniffling coming from behind the door. "Wait, is he crying?" Lance thought he opened the door to find Keith with tears streaming down his face. Nova was patting his cheeks trying to comfort him. Lance never saw this side of Keith and went over and sat with him on the bed.

It was silent and neither Lance or Keith knew what to say or do. But then Lance came up with an idea. He didn't want to disturb Keith, but he needed comfort and Lance was gonna give it to him. He wrapped his arms around him and pulled him into a hug. Keith didn't protest and leaned into him. Nova copied Lance and wrapped her arms around Keith the best she could.

They sat there for what felt like hours. Lance finally decided to break the silence by talking to Keith, "Are you okay?" He asked softly. "I don't know." Keith said, "It's just Nova, she was the-the only one to survive. And-and what would've happened if she didn't make it?" Keith continue, "She's only a baby Lance, a baby. And I thought I wouldn't be good at this, but now I don't know if I could bear the thought of losing her." Keith finished.

Lance was quiet for a moment, he never heard Keith sound so sad. He gently grabbed a hold of his face to lift it up to meet his eyes. "I know it's scary, but she's here isn't she? And I promise that will take good care of her. Maybe we can make her a permanent member of the Space family?" Lance said. Keith smiled at him and without warning leaned forward and connected their lips.

Lance didn't move and Keith pulled back after realizing what he's done. "I-I'm sorry!" Keith apologized. His face turned a blazing red and kept repeating sorry. Lance looked at him with fond eyes and brought him in for another kiss. Keith didn't move, but slowly started kissing back.

When they parted, they looked at each other with half-lidded eyes. "I never hated you, but your mullet still sucks." Lance said. Keith chuckled at Lance for his unbelievable behavior, "I like, like you too." Keith said and Lance laughed at his response.

The two felt a hand on their cheeks and look down to see Nova. The blue and red paladins laughed at her effort of trying to get them to kiss. "How about we give the little one what she wants?" Lance asked. Keith smirked at him and wrapped an arm around his neck, "Gladly." With that he pulled Lance in for another kiss. Nova purred in approval of her new parents.

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