Change Pt. 3

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Lance was excited for his first actual date with Keith. He was up late at night wondering what Keith would come up with. And he had a lot of time to think. Because it's been a month since Keith asked him out.

Lance wondered what was taking so long, he knew Keith would want to give him something special, but he wouldn't mind something simple. But he would love it no matter what his lover did.

He was in the kitchen hanging with Hunk who was experimenting with some food from a previous planet they were on. "Do you know where Keith is?" Lance asked his best friend. Hunk shook his head, "Sorry man I haven't seen him in a while." He answered. Lance just sighed and put his chin on his hand, "I haven't seen him as much lately. Do you think he's bored with me?" He asked with a sad look.

"No way dude. He's probably just working really hard on the date he's planning for you." Hunk said to the blue boy. "You think so?" The Cuban asked. "Of course. You two obviously care about each other even before you got together." Hunk said with absolute honesty, "And I know he always wants to give you the best. Besides we see how you two look at each other, with such fondness and love in your eyes." He concluded.

Lance smiled and thanked Hunk for the talk. He than left the kitchen to go walk around. He came across Pidge, who was on her laptop, and decided to have a little fun with her. He snuck up from behind and was getting ready to scare her. Before he could even take a breath, "Scare me and I'll make sure you won't have any of Hunk's cookies for a week." Pidge said. Lance let out a yelp, "How did you know it was me?" Lance asked. "Because I know you and your weaknesses." The little green gremlin remarked.

Lance scoffed then sat down next to her. He than looked at the screen of her laptop. "What are you working on?" He asked. "I'm working on some modifications for the castle. Even if it's amazing, it has been inactive for 10,000 years, and Coran can't do all the work." Pidge answered. Lance knew that she was smart and despite being a bit of a troublemaker like himself, she has a good heart and helps whatever way she can.

"That's nice of you Pidge, but don't overwork yourself. You still need sleep like the rest of us." Lance said. "Hey I sleep!" Pidge defended. Lance gave her his best 'Shiro's dad look'. Pidge couldn't handle herself and burst out laughing at his antics. He soon followed and the two were laughing up a storm.

They soon calmed down and Lance got up to leave, "But seriously though get more sleep." He said to Pidge. "Okay." She said with a smile. He left Pidge alone and continued walking through the halls. He heard some noise coming from the training room. He jogged to the noise hoping it was Keith. When he arrived he saw it was Shiro instead.

Lance was disappointed that he failed to find his purple lover again(He really wants some cuddles from his boyfriend.) Shiro looked to the door and saw Lance. "End training sequence!" He shouted and the training dummy disappeared through the floor. He looked back at Lance and waved at him. Lance waved back, but looked away with a sad look. Shiro notice and asked him if he was okay. "Yeah I'm fine I just haven't seen Keith is all." The blue boy respond to his leader.

"Well I'm sure he's trying to plan that date still. But it has been a month of planning, maybe I should talk with him." Shiro said trying to comfort Lance. The two shared a moment of silence before Lance spoke, "Yeah I appreciate that, and if you find him could you tell him I'm feeling lonely and want some love. He'll know what it means." Lance said. Shiro gave him a nod and agreed.

The blue boy then left the training room. It was getting close to bedtime and Lance was tired after a day of searching for his fluffy, Galra boyfriend. He decided to call it a day and go to bed. When he entered his room it was empty, no trace of Keith at all. The sad blue paladin made his way to the bathroom and prepare his skin care routine.

After changing into his pajamas, Lance got under the covers and lays down. The bed felt so empty without Keith and it took him a while before he fell into a dreamless sleep. Lance hoped he would be reunited with his 'Space Cat' soon.

Morning arrived and Lance was still in bed, but he heard the door to his room slide open and closed. He was stirred awake when he felt something on his bed. He sat up and look to see what is on his bed and his jaw dropped. Right before him was a bouquet of blue flowers.

Lance took the flowers in his hands and saw that there was a note attached to it. "Hey Love,
Sorry, I've been busy and I know you must feel lonely, so I hope you like the flowers I got you. Go to your bathroom there's something in there for you for our date. Once your ready meet me at Red's hangar.
                                        Signed Keith"

Lance felt so loved by his amazing boyfriend. He got up and went to the bathroom finding a pair of clothes that resembles a tuxedo. He put it on and looked at himself in the mirror. He decided to do his hair as well and looked at himself again. If his mother was here she would say he looked so handsome. The thought saddens Lance, but he was going to have this date.

Lance walked down the halls heading to Red's hangar holding the flowers. When he arrived he was astounded by what he saw. Keith was standing in front of Red wearing a tuxedo like his own, but with red and black coloring while Lance's was white and blue. He also tied his hair back in a low ponytail. He looked so handsome and the two just starred at each other with love in their eyes.

"So are we going anywhere?" Lance asked. Keith's face become dark with embarrassment, "O-oh right. L-let's g-g-go." He stumbled. Lance giggled and walk into Red with Keith following him shortly after he entered. Keith sat in the pilot's seat grabbing hold of the flight sticks and taking off.

Lance could tell from his expression that he missed flying Red and was happy being in her again. They then arrived on a planet that had a purple ocean and yellow trees with pink leaves. They exited Red and Lance looked around his surroundings loving the beautiful scenery. Keith grabbed a hold of his hand and lead him towards a beach.

Lance saw that there was a picnic set up on the shore. "You did say that the beach was your favorite place on Earth so I asked Coran if he could find any planets with one." Keith said, "And the picnic was put together with Allura's help. She really knows how to put things together." Lance looked at him with tears in his eyes. He let go of Keith's hand and wrapped it around his neck pulling him down for a kiss.

"I love it and I love you." He said. The two then walked down to the shore and sat on the blanket, starting on the picnic. They sat their eating the delicious foods and gazing at the sunset. Lance had an idea, he took a grape looking fruit and held it near Keith's face. Keith was confused at first, but Lance opened his mouth and he got the message. He opened his mouth and Lance fed him like what couples do in the movies. Keith took a fruit and fed Lance too.

After eating the picnic, Lance put his head on Keith's shoulder and his boyfriend wrapped an arm around him. "Thank you." Lance said, "This is beautiful and you didn't have to do this." "I wanted to, because you deserve it and you're my boyfriend." Keith responded looking down at his blue boy. Lance looked up at him and the two leaned towards one another. A sunset kiss made the whole date beyond perfect.

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