Easter Bet

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*toothy smile*
Shut. Up. I don't want to hear it.
I didn't say anything!
You better not.
I won't! I won't!
....Pfftt- Hah! I knew it! I knew it would happen again! I just knew it! I knew you'd be on Shivers team! I just- ACK!
Did you really just throw your boba at me?!
And I'll do it again! You're lucky that one was empty. *looks over at one of the producers* Can you get me another?
No, he'll throw it at me again!
I won't waste perfectly good boba like that. Next time it'll be a microphone.
Oh dear... can we restart the introduction?

Hola a todos
Know your strength
Be wary of the length!
For we are Hidden Depth!

Now that's much better than an empty boba drink being thrown at you as a start!
Still well deserved.
Not! It's not my fault you lost this splatfest bet!
*grumbles* Do not remind me.
But come on! Everyone saw it coming! We knew you'd be on Shivers team again this splatfest!
Who's 'we'?
You know; Marie, Callie, Feral, Fyre, Big Man, even Little Buddy! Oh! And-
Stop talking.
But it was soooo obvious! And a bet is a bet, Rose!
*grumbles* Yeah, yeah, yeah...
*giggles* Alright, everyone! For those who don't know, the previous splatfest was of which creature you believed had a higher chance of being real! Before the reveal, I, everyones second favorite octoling, made a bet with everyone's favorite tsundere, Klasser!
Everyone's what?
That bet was that IF Klasser ended up on Shivers team and that team won, Klasser would have to volunteer work during Easter at a café as a bunny butler!
The term is waiter! I volunteered work as a waiter!!
Both serve cephalopods so same thing!
Those two days were...quiet eventful.
And as everyone can tell, based on his mood, Klasser lost the bet! Klasser ended up on Team Nessie, Sunset chose Team Aliens, and yours truly picked Team Bigfoot! So bummed out we lost by a milestone though!
Team Alien truly did amazingly in trying to stay on top.
I'll be honest, really thought Team Nessie wouldn't win based on what Feral was telling me.
Pretty sure that team one with his determination! Never seen any inkling keep fighting for victory like him!
Especially during the final day of splatfest.
Yeah, he really managed to locked his foot down. Even got noticed by Shiver twice in a 10x10 battle.
Speaking of Shiver-
No. Just because we coincidentally fell under the same team AGAIN does not mean I like- or ever WILL like her.
Bygones will be bygones one day!
No, I will not ever let the scenario of her almost killing me with her mega be a bygone. A scenario that happened TWICE mind you.
Should have made this bet be of you getting along with Shiver!
Then that bet would have been needed to be agreed upon by her.
Oh- ...Well, Fyre and I will think of something!
Oh how nice of you to gang up on the both of us.
Nonsense! Big Man will also join us!
....I'm gonna murder-
Why don't we, um, go ahead and not keep our viewers waiting? I'm sure they're curious to know what today's chapter will be about.
Aha! Today's chapter will be about Rose's bet!
Sorry what?
Yeah! I took pictures!
You fcking WHAT?
Don't worry! Marie and the others did too so it's not just me!
They WHAT?? Oh for fck sake, that's gonna be more blackmail for her to hold against me...
Nonsense! She has your baby pictures! Actually- we all do!
Since when?!
When we went to Abuelas apartment, remember?
Oh right...the photo album book. Ugh, there's no winning..
Cheer up! At least I took pictures from your good angle!
I'll make sure your body is found in a good angle after this.
And that's our cue to get to the first picture! Onto it! Or as Rose likes to say-
...Vamonos pues.

Wait a sec- Did you post this on your inkchat account?
Yup! It's really fun, you should try it out!
I'm good.
But it's fun! Even Sunset has it!
I do but I don't use it as often as you do, Loxo. I'm more...reserved in what I tend to do during my free time.
Makes sense that you'd have inkchat considering how annoying and nosey you are.
Hey! I'm not! I'm just outgoing and energetic is all! Besides, the picture was only sent to everyone we know!
So that's how they caught wind of where I was volunteering work.
Actually...I told them!
Of course you did. Did not appreciate having to serve Marie and the others with politeness.
Awww, come on! Look at the little fluffy bunny tail you had to wear! Who wouldn't want to come see you wear that! Plus, you started to have your fun eventually!
If I had to humiliate myself, I was gonna at least have some fun myself and turn the tables. Plus, Shiver was testing my limit. Thought I wouldn't be able to clap back but she was wrong.
Ooohhh, that explains the aftermath!
What aftermath?
I'll leave it for another day to explain the aftermath!
W h a t a f t e r m a t h ?
You don't know?
No??? What a f t er m a t h ?
Um...I think we should save that conversation for another day like Loxo said. It would be too much for readers to handle right now.
Yeah! In the mean time, let me show everyone the second picture I managed to take of Rose!
Why do you have more than one picture of me?!
Because we all do!
What so you mean 'we'?! Why do any of you have pictures of me?!
You act as if you don't have pictures of us!
I don't?! My entire phone gallery consists of screenshots and pictures of Albeano! I don't even have pictures of myself! You all probably have more pictures of me than of yourselves!
Nonsense! I- ...Actually you're probably right but that's because we love you dearly and want to have pictures of you growing!
I'M 19!
But still a little brother to Marie and Callie!
I'm about to turn you little after I flatten you with this table!
Onto the next image!

You told me you deleted that!
I did! After I sent uploaded it to inkstagram!
I'm going to upload you to the afterlife once this chapter ends, I swear-
Oh dear...
At least I've only gotten your good side like I said!
Oh yeah, my good side apparently being my scarred face. Thanks for that.
Hey! I know a handful of cephalopods who would be rizzed up by scars like that!
Yeah, rizz! You know, what you got!
...The fck is rizz?
Rizz! Like- pick up skills!
What? What pick up skills?
What you were doing after you got comfortable in your suit with customers!
...Doing customer service?
No! You were rizzing everyone up!
Rizz, Klasser!
I don't know what that is??? The fck is a rizz?!
It's not A thing, Rose! It's something you do to grab cephalopods attention!
Serving them?
Loxo, please.
Alright, alright! You'll know eventually Rose!
I don't even know what's happening right now. You and your made-up words.
It's called being in touch with the growing generation and their slangs!
Cod, I wanna end you so badly. Speaking of which, why don't you show the readers what happened after you took that picture.
Not that picture!
Yes that picture.
Fine, I'll do it myself.

You shouldn't have taken that picture of me.
But I had to! It was so fun watching you work as a waiter after losing the bet!
That's why I had you join me in the volunteer work considering you were liking it so much.
You dragged me into the back and forced me to put a butler suit on!
And I'll do it again. Besides, you ended up enjoying it too.
Fine, I'll give you that point because it was fun! I'd definitely like to volunteer there again! The customers were so nice and fun to serve! I even got compliments on my suit! Oh! And my fluffy small tail! Unlike you, Rose, I let whoever wanted to touch it touch it!
Well I'm sorry I have more boundaries than you.
Nothing to be ashamed of! Besides, we all know you only let a very selective few touch your actual tail! Or even just to see it! If you know what I mean by tail!
Don't be ridiculous. I don't have a tail at all.
Right, right, whatever you say, Rose! Jeez, I really had such a fun time working in that café! It's so cool we even got a years worth of discounts for that place!
With how delicious everything on their menu tastes, I'd like to think we'll be regular customers for awhile now.
Definitely. Especially with their bobas. Still can't believe the owner actually let is volunteer there.
I can! You're friends with them after all!
I-...You know you weren't suppose to say that out loud, right?
Why? *loading* Oh! Oops! I take it back! You two are totally not friends!
I'll just have the director clip that part out... *sips boba*
Oh, oh! Don't forget that even little Albeano helped us out in serving customers!
Oh yeah, not that one I have a picture of. Hang on, let me pull it up real quick.

That's my boy- I mean girl. Keep forgetting Albeano isn't a male.
To be fair it's had to tell the difference! And look at Little Buddy! They both look so cute!
Until you realize Little Buddy was trying to serve himself to be eaten.
Oh yeah, forgot that's their main goal in life! Still cute with his little bow tie!
Pretty sure Albeano also helped in cooking. She doesn't look like it but she can definitely cook pretty good meals. Especially if she likes you.
Only thing I had complaints was of how small she was! I almost tripped over here a few times!
Pretty sure she was doing it on purpose. She holds grudges.
Aw, so she's still mad that I went into your house?
You literally broke into my house and stole my sweater. Yes, she'll be mad.
But you never even used it!
You still broke into my house! Albeano doesn't like being around other cephalopods alone. Especially when she already doesn't like you.
I'll get her to like me one day!
Good luck with that. She's very picky.
Just like you! At least her picky-ness didn't stop her from being a little helper around the café!
Honestly, I wished to have been better helped as well. You made it look fun and welcoming.
Oh...don't worry about it, Sunset. Your moral support definitely helped.
Yeah! Next time we can definitely have Jacob tailor you a nice suit or dress for next time we do something like that!
Yeah, instead of...
P-please don't mention it...
*awkward sipping*
Oh! Guess this is a bad time to say I saved the photo!
You WHAT?!

Oh no..
Oh my Cod, Loxo. Why do you have this picture?!
I transfered it from that inklings phone to mine!
Are you serious?
Don't worry, I made sure to delete it! After that Whisper and Shadow took care of the rest!
Not even going to ask you to elaborate considering the cameras are still rolling. Will ask you why you're keeping it.
Because! *loading* ....I don't know! Oh! I actually know! Cause why not! It's a perfect picture! Look at us! It can be used like a warning picture!
A warning picture for what?
To not mess with us when it comes to Sunset! We'll fight tooth and nail for you, Sunset!
I-I appreciate it but I should be apologizing. Had I known that was the only available clothing to wear to help you two around the café...
Mistakes happen. Take Loxo for example.
Hey! I'm not a mistake!
Having you be a member of Hidden Depth is.
But that's not even my mistake! Oh! Another reason I kept this was for evidence!
Evidence for what?
That's something that shall be revealed at another time!
Well, in all seriousness, the photo is focused on Sunset so she should have a say on if its to be kept or deleted.
Oh, you're right! I never thought about it like that! If Sunset wants it gone then I'll delete it for sure!
Um, well, actually... now that I think about it...I think it's okay to keep it.
Really? You sure?
Y-Yes. As embarrassing as it looks and the events that unfolded... it can be a reminder that you two still have my back. It also, um, brings me a level of comfort to know that even though a situation isn't life threatening, you two will still be there to help me. Even if it's just an uncomfortable situation. I know it sounds ridiculous but...
Nonsense! Anything to help you be comfortable! That's what we're here for! Plus, it's not just us either! I don't think any of you noticed but I'm pretty sure Frye was about to sock someone who was staring in the face!
That... sounds like Frye. What held her back?
Marie! She stayed calm and collected like the Marie she is!
Yeah, that also sounds like Marie. I need a recapture of everything that happened from everyone else's point of view.
Now that will take forever!
Might as well end this chapter and call it a day then.
If I'm not mistaken, it's almost time for us to go watch a few turfwars.
Oh right, come on! We gotta go surprise some cephalopods! Hope everyone had enjoyed their Easter days and don't make any bets that you'll definitely lose!
I feel like that was directed at me specifically.
*giggles* Nonsense! Alright, that's it for today!

Eso va ser todo.
Remember your strength...
And don't forget!
We are Hidden Depth!

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