Klaus's Symbiote Companion

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Name: Selene

Gender: Female

Age: 200 Billion Years Old

Species: (True) Saiyan Symbiote Hybrid

Height: 5'7


Normal Form:

Power Level: 700 Octillion

Origins: She was created from Klaus's very Ki by his own hands and he mixed in a couple traces of DNA that was left from his kind as he managed to create his own Symbiote and the Bio mass biologically fused with the Saiyan DNA and it made Selene as a result.

Reputation: First Saiyan Symbiote Hybrid, The first lifeform that Klaus has ever created, Has absorbed the powers of countless entities ranging from Gods like Thor to Kryptonians like Superman Prime and even some symbiotes, Is the Queen of her own Symbiote hive which consists in the millions, Made her own Symbiote species making them an subspecies from the Original Symbiotes as they are stronger, faster, and smarter.


Has absorbed SuperBoy Prime and Superman One Million which gave her the abilities of a Kryptonian except for the weaknesses.

Has absorbed a incarnation of Thor giving her the powers and abilities of the God of Thunder.

Fought many low tiered Arrogant Omnipotent beings and she absorbed them into her biology making her stronger than before.

Has even bonded to various Kaiju species with the most powerful being around the level of Godzilla Earth

Has absorbed the Infinity Stones into her being in a different Marvel universe.

Has even absorbed one of the Flashes from a different universe making her a part of the Speed Force.

Love Interest: Klaus

Personality: Eternally grateful to her creator, Strong Willed, Stubborn, Secretly is obsessed with Klaus, Determined to become stronger, At times can be intimidating considering that she's technically the first lifeform that Klaus has ever created, Dominant, has Yandere tendencies.


Zenkai Boost: Though not on the same level as Klaus, Selene's zenkais are still superior if not outright better than the Legendary Super Saiyan due to being a hybrid of a Symbiote and a Saiyan. Like all Saiyans, she can recover faster and increase in performance against any adversity, either by healing from great injuries or enduring great struggle in battle. It allows her to recover from harm in relatively short periods of time. During which, she will imprint on the injuries and/or experiences and instantly learning from it. As it does, her mind and body adapts to the said struggles, allowing her instinctual methods and natural resistance to noticeably improve, which also increases her physical might and general efficiency as she recovers, thereby lessening the chances of the problem happening again. The more severe the damage she recovers from, the more significant the improvements will be, effectively making prolonged battles more favorable to her.

Saiyan Symbiote Hybrid Physiology: As a Saiyan-Symbiote Hybrid, Selene possesses superhuman attributes and powers far exceeding those of humans and even most other deities. Much of her power and apparent invincibility comes from her metaphysical link to her creator and that is Klaus who is considered the strongest and most powerful Saiyan of all existence.

Symbiote Domination: As the first Saiyan hybrid involving a Symbiote, Selene is able to mentally influence and dominate symbiotes even if she were to be sealed away; driving them insane with bloodlust and hunger. She is also capable of remote-piloting them, enabling her to see through their eyes and directly control them; and can manipulate their biomasses even when not in direct contact with them. Symbiotes infected by Selene's will usually have green orbs in place of their eyespots, and are more powerful than symbiotes who disconnect from her hive-mind; sometimes even gaining new powers and abilities as a result of the connection. She is also capable of forcibly removing symbiotes from their hosts either by psychically blasting them off or by ripping them off with her bare hands.

Energy Construct Creation: Selene can create and manipulate various energies in a manner that creates matter from virtually nothing. It is unknown whether some of the creations she made were the manipulation of matter, molecules, or entirely quantum energy constructs.

Energy Projection: Selene is able to manipulate multiple forms of energy with precision.

Parasitic Inheritance: Aside from her creator, Selene can copy the powers and abilities of other beings by interfacing with their genetic code.
She can even give her hosts said powers and abilities but she'll end up absorbing their overall abilities which in turn makes her stronger.

Constituent Matter Manipulation: Selene possesses the ability to shapeshift her biomass into various shapes and forms. This is most-commonly utilized to create bladed armaments such as swords, spikes, bludgeons, knives, claws and axes. She can also discharge her biomass as projectiles, though these projectiles only last for approximately 30 seconds before crumbling into dust.

Fangs and Claws: She frequently manifests fanged jaws and razor-sharp claws on its fingers and occasionally toes; which can be used as weapons in combat.

Superhuman Strength: Selene possesses incredible superhuman strength, the physical strength endowed by Klaus's Ki after he was finished creating her was immense. She is strong to destroy entire universes on a whim just one barrage of ki blasts.

Superhuman Regeneration: After absorbing various characters with immense healing capabilities, she can heal her wounds instantaneously which benefits her Zenkai Boosts.

Superhuman Agility: She can transverse through many obstacles with her parkour skills and even the smallest shapes due to her slim physique.

Superhuman Reflexes: She possesses reflexes far greater than any normal human being. This allows her to easily react to danger and events, and perceive the world in slow motion.

Superhuman Durability: She can take a great deal of damage from opponents who rival her power or greater but due to possessing Saiyan genetics in her biology, she easily shrugs off such attacks and keeps on fighting.

Superhuman Speed: She can move at speeds much faster than the speed of light making her one of the fastest beings in the multiverse.

Reality Warping: She is remarkably talented with this power and can accomplish just about anything with it, and it is her trademark as well as her most utilized ability. She can warp reality, whether it be by making objects or living beings appear out of thin air, or by reshaping objects into something else entirely, or by creating unreal dimensions and large time loops.

High Tier Nigh Omnipotence: She has a tremendously vast supply of supernatural power, making her the most powerful being that Klaus has ever created so far. She could effortlessly kill and banish lesser omnipotent beings at a whim, as shown by how with a single touch, she single handily killed off many beings which consisted in the thousands.

Healing: Though not of the level of her creator, Selene could easily heal others of any injury, wound and disease.

Immortality: Naturally, since she was created by Klaus who is essentially a very powerful God himself, she's essentially immortal as she is immune to aging and diseases.

Abilities gained from absorbing Superboy Prime and Superman One Million

Solar Energy Absorption: She can enhance her powers and abilities when she comes into contact with a yellow sun or a blue sun. She could absorb yellow sun energy to give herself superhuman powers. This power differed from that of other Kryptonians. Selene's absorption was far more efficient, giving her much greater power.

Electromagnetic Spectrum Vision: Selene could see and identify radio and television signals as well as all other broadcast or transmitted frequencies, which allowed him to dodge radar signals to avoid detection. This also allowed him to see the auras generated by living things.

Solar Supercharge: After absorbing the Kryptonians, Selene remained in Earth's sun for 15,000 years, increasing her abilities to unknown but presumably immeasurable levels--she is known to dwarf the might of even the massively powerful Lucifer, who is himself more powerful than the gravitational pull of a collapsing star and is multiple times faster than the speed of light.

Power Distribution: She is noted as being capable of sharing a portion of her power with her fellow symbiotes that are connected to her via colony, this fraction alone itself being a degree of power "far beyond any held by any superhumans ever"

Super Breath: Selene is able to create hurricane force winds by exhaling air from her lungs. She can chill the air as it leaves his lungs to freeze targets. She can also reverse the process to pull large volumes of air or vapor into her lungs.

Heat Vision: Selene can, as a conscious act, fire beams of intense heat at a target by looking at it. She can vary the heat and area affected.

Super Hearing: Her hearing is sensitive enough to hear any sound at any volume or pitch. With skill and concentration, she can block out ambient sounds to focus on a specific source or frequency.

Enhanced Vision: Her vision can process the entire electromagnetic spectrum as well as allowing vast control over selective perception and focus.

Telescopic Vision: This is the ability to see something at a great distance, without violating the laws of physics. Though limited, the exact extent of the ability is undetermined. In function, it is similar to the zoom lens on a camera.

X-ray Vision: This is the ability to see through any volume of matter except lead. Selene can see things behind a solid, opaque object as if it were not there. She can focus this ability to "peel back" layers of an object, allowing hidden image or inner workings to be observed. The exact type of energy perceived-such as x-rays, cosmic rays, or some other energy invisible to normal humans-is unclear. This ability perceives an ambient energy source though, it does not involve the eye projecting a concentrated, possibly toxic, beam to be reflected back from objects.

Microscopic Vision: This is the ability to see extremely small objects and images down to the atomic level.

Infrared Vision: Selene can see with better acuity in darkness, and to a degree in total darkness.

Vortex Creation: She can use her speed to manipulate airflow for various purposes.

Shock Wave Projection: She is strong enough to create powerful sonic booms with just the clap of her hands. She can even do this through her voice, to generate sonic screams.

Abilities gained from absorbing Flash:

Speed Force Generation: After absorbing the creator of the Speed Force, Selene has become the very source of the Speed Force, and generates it with every step she takes. For this very reason, she is unaffected if any other speedster tries to steal or drain her speed.

Speed Force Aura: The Speed Force manifests an aura around her and whatever she is carrying, protects them from adverse effects of her speed, such a friction with the air, airborne particulate matter, kinetic impacts, G-Force and the like.

Dimensional Travel: Selene is capable of breaking the dimensional barrier with her speed to traverse between dimensions, to enter the Speed Force at will.

Electrokinesis: She is the very source of the electrical Speed Force energy that all speedsters generate. This Speed Force lightning emanates off of her, especially when moving at super-speed.

Enhanced Mental Process: Her mental capacities are greatly enhanced by the Speed Force, allowing her to think at the speed of light and perceive events that last less than an attosecond. She is also capable of reading at superhuman rates, accumulating mass amounts of knowledge in seconds.

Molecular Acceleration: She can vibrate her own molecular structure at varying degrees for a number of purposes. Selene can push her vibrations even more to alter her atoms and the atoms of others, as well. Whether to seal up breaches in dimensions, create duplicates of herself for short time, and re-structure her body whether being physically morphed and/or being dissembled at the atomic level thus allowing her to develop a resistance to atomic reconstruction and molecular destruction; resulting in her having complete mastery over her molecules and atoms

Phasing: By vibrating her molecules on an atomic level, and by doing so at just the right frequency, Selene can allow herself to become momentarily intangible, and phase through objects such as walls. She can even vibrate other people's molecules to allow them to pass through solid objects and can even do it, when throwing them at superspeed.

Abilities gained from absorbing Thor:

Odinforce: She is capable of manipulating vast amounts of magical energy, referred to as the Odin Power, the Odin Force or the Odinsource, for a number of purposes. With this power, Selene is capable of magical feats such as transporting the entire human race to an alternate dimension, casting foes into deep space with a thought, read minds from across even dimensions, projecting force blasts, manipulate matter for a number of purposes, erecting nigh impenetrable force fields, barriers which can shield entire cities, altering size, endowing people or objects with powers, and compressing the population of an entire planet into a single being. The power of the Odin Force is such that it can stop time itself, and allow her to travel through time. She is even capable of granting human beings the gift of immortality. And is also capable of placing multiple permanent enchantments on items, as she did for her weapon , lasting until she herself cancels them or they are overpowered by a superior enchantment.

Weather Manipulation: She is able to generate rather large storm clouds and create thunder.

Divine Electricity Manipulation: She has gained electrical powers and her powers over lightning are enhanced to the point where she could generate incredible amounts of electrical energy from his own body and summon thunder and lightning from the sky. She becomes able to use lightning to pull and hurl enemies, blast projectiles to pieces, and infuse her weapon with electricity.

Abilities gained from absorbing an incarnation of Godzilla:

Size Manipulation: She can increase her size to that of a Kaiju which is around 130 meters...

Spiral Atomic Ray: It is a red beam that is wrapped in a yellow electrical spiral and has the power to completely destroy the most powerful enemies.

Nuclear Pulse: She can release a powerful shockwave of nuclear energy from her entire body, which is useful when she is restrained or in close combat with a foe.

Radiation Absorption: She now naturally feeds on radiation, but can also draw power from plasma or electricity.

Abilities gained from absorbing other symbiotes:

Camouflage Capabilities: She is capable of shapeshifting to mimic the appearance of any form of clothing, can camouflage with its surroundings to appear invisible, and can even mimic the appearance of other people.

Wall Crawling: She has the ability to cling to walls by controlling the flux of inter-atomic attraction between molecular boundary layers.

Webbing Generation: She can convert its constituent matter into strands of white or black webbing, which it can shoot from the white patches on the back of her hands at high pressure up to a distance of 70 feet.

Genetic Memory: She possesses some psychic ability, making it capable of obtaining information from her hosts and even other people and symbiotes simply by touch; Selene is capable of recalling information from previous hosts.

Telepathy: She can communicate both psionically and biochemically with her host and each other. She often use this ability to overlook her symbiote colony.


Master Martial Artist: Selene is a master of hand-to-hand combat, being extremely skilled in numerous martial arts through her training under Klaus himself.

Master Leader: She is the leader and queen of her own symbiote colony.


Symbiote Workers

Elite Symbiotes:

Symbiote Soldiers:

Selene's throne:


Necro Grimsword

This weapon was created and given to her by Klaus himself and what this weapon does is enhance her dominion and abilities by large amount.

Weapon Abilities:

Divine Slaying: Her weapon's main purpose is the killing of Celestials, gods, and other cosmic entities; and as such it is capable of bypassing their immortality and affecting them as though they were mortal. As an extension of this, the Necro Grimsword feeds off and draws its strength from the blood of gods it kills, and the more gods killed by it or its creations the more power it can provide its host; though this power must be replenished as it is used up.

Enhanced Strength: The weapon augments Selene's strength to the point where she could go toe to toe with Klaus while in his Super Saiyan 2 state which is a feat worth mentioning considering his immense powers in just his base state. Best entire armies in combat all at the same time; and single-handedly defeat millions of gods in open combat - including one that supposedly "wrestled with black holes for fun." However, it is only meant to be wielded by her: Selene is able to destroy an entire omniverse with a single strike.

Enhanced Durability: While wielding the Necro Grimsword, Selene is able to survive prolonged combat against armies of hundreds of other gods.


Super Saiyan

Super Saiyan 2

Super Saiyan Blue

Omni Super Saiyan (Two Limiters)

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