Kyla(Genderbent Klaus)

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Name: Kyla


Height: 6'2

Species: (True) Saiyan

Battle Armor:

Lore: She was once the same entity as Klaus but she was physically separated from him courtesy of her lover Drip and Brone (Both are OCs owned by Rajaem74) making her a separate entity from him. She has all of Klaus's memories and experiences.

Personality that differs from her Male counterpart: Dominant, Yandere(Side effect since she like Klaus was cursed with the Mark so she has yandere tendencies because of this despite not being cursed) , At times stern, Is more affected by her PTSD than Klaus, Intimidating when someone talks behind her back

Ki Abilities

Barrier(Same as Android 17)

Ki Sword

Big Bang Kamehameha ×100

Final Kamehameha

Omega Blast


Galick Kamehameha

Spirit Excalibur

Death Beam

One Handed Kamehameha

Sphere of Destruction

One Handed Final Flash

God-like Big Bang Attack

Destructo Disc

Crush Cannon


Galick Gun

Final Flash

Final Explosion(Last Resort)

×10 Kamehameha

Final Shine Attack

Special Beam Cannon


Time Skip

One Handed Spirit Bomb

Abilities: Same as her Male Counterpart 

Lover: Drip the Hedgehog (Owned by Rajaem74)

Son: Lotus (Adult)

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