Clarke's Memories Part 2

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Clarke {Adult} Memory 

Clarke was being rushed to the hospital. She was screaming in pain.

"Clarke! Clarke i'm right here." Dick said

"Someone get this baby out of me!!" Clarke yelled in pain

"She's giving birth." Hayley said

"Clarke let me know if there's anything I need to do." Dick said

"Give me some drugs!" She yelled

"No!" Everyone yelled

"Drugs are not your friend, Clarke." Tommy said

"Either somebody give me some drugs or i'll rip your heads off!!" Clarke yelled

Everyone laughs as the nurses had ran to help her.

"Clarke i'm going to need you push on the count of three." The nurse said "One..."

Clarke lets out a scream and pushed the baby out.

"Congratulations it's a girl." The nurse said

End of Clarke {Adult} Memory 

The Mikaelson Mansion (Next Morning)

Everyone had gathered around in a circle so they can watch more of Clarke's memories.

"Anyone choose a memory." Freya said

{Adult} Memory #1

Clarke was on a rooftop and she watched as the criminals had stopped the truck.

They were about to load it up some more when she said, "A little late for a charitable drop off isn't it boys?"

"Who the hell are you?" The thug asked

"You may call me Banshee." Clarke said 

The thug passed out. Another one grabs a gun and she lets out a sonic scream making him crash into a wall.

The Mikaelson's watch in amazement as she defeats all of the criminals without breaking a sweat.

End of {Banshee} Memory #1 

"Wow she's really good at fighting." Hope said

"I wonder who taught her?" Rebekah said

{Banshee} Memory #2 - Part 1

"What the hell happened to her?!" Klaus yelled worried when he saw her injured. 

Clarke was laying injured on a women's couch. "Who are you?" Clarke asked. "I'm the lucky girl, who pulled you out of the garbage."  a dark skinned woman said

Clarke feels around for his mask. "You've seen my face?" she asked. "That's just great." "Can you at least try and tell me how you've ended up here?" the woman asked

"These people that I was trying to stop they took a kid and murdered his father to get to me." Clarke explained. "And i'm guessing you tried to stop them and it turned out to be a trap?" the woman asked. "Yeah walked right into it." Clarke groaned. "Did you at least find him?" the woman asked. "No. the kid wasn't even there." she said

"I've got to get out of here." Clarke said. "Wait, you're still injured." the woman said. "I have to get out they're knocking your neighbor's door, just to find me." Clarke said. "How do you know that?" the woman asked. "I just know." Clarke said. Then a knock came on the door. "Go hide." the woman said and Clarke hides behind a wall. 

"Hi, can I help you?" the woman asked. 

"Sorry to bother you so late ma'am. My name is detective Foster at the 65th precinct, we've a had a disturbance about a few blocks from here, and we're asking everyone if they've seen or heard anything unusual."  the man explained 

"What kind of disturbance?" the woman asked. "Armed robbery, some dickhead with screaming powers attacked a bodega on 38th, the owner put up a fight and the perp fled on foot, leaving a trail of blood in this direction. Probably long gone by now but just in case, have seen anything tonight?" he asked

"No, sorry." the woman said. "just being thorough. Have a good night ma'am." the man said. "Thanks you too." the woman said and then closes her door. 

"See, there's no reason to be stabby, and were you right about that cologne." the woman asked

"He didn't believe you." Clarke said she grabs a fire extinguisher off the wall and stops by the stairs. 

The Mikaelson's watched in shock when Clarke dropped the fire extinguisher on the criminal's head. 

End of {Banshee} Memory #2 - Part 1

"Nik you pick one." Freya said

Klaus walks up to another door and opens it.

{Banshee} Memory #2 - Part 2

A woman was staring outside the window and she heard a The Banshee scream. The guard goes to open the door but it was knocked down by a sonic scream.

"Cypher." Clarke said with an angry look on her face

"Clarke Forrest I've been expecting you." Cypher said as she smiled

"Where's the kid?" Clarke asked

"Kid?"  The Mikaelson's yelled in shock

"If you join me i'll release the kid to you." Cypher bargained

"Never." Clarke said

"Well then I guess you're going to have to kill me to get the information out." Cypher said

"Oh i'm going to enjoy that." Clarke smirked

End of {Banshee} Memory #2 - Part 2

{Banshee} Memory #2 - Part 3

Clarke arrived at the warehouse where they were keeping the kid. She knocked down the door and began to attack everyone.

As Clarke was fighting the henchmen one of them tried to attack her and she threw something at him. 

Kol laughs hysterically when the guy falls down unconscious.

"Hey I know you're scared kid, but you don't have to be afraid anymore." Clarke whispered. 

"They killed my dad, I have no one else." The kid cried

"Why don't you come and live with me, is that okay?" Clarke asked. The kid nodded his head. "Come on let's go." Clarke said as she picked him up

End of {Banshee} Memory #2 - Part 3

"That's it for today." Freya said out of breath

Everyone lets go of each other.

"She really is a badass." Hope complimented

"She defeated every single bad guy with barely a scratch on her." Elijah said

"How can she be a mother and a vigilante?"  Rebekah asked 

"Guess that's something we'll ask her when we meet her." Hayley said

"Alright everyone let's get some rest."  Marcel said

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