Cut and Shoot

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Annika- scalpel

Borrowing it from the nurse, she began to operate .  The blood oozed out as the blade made the cut .

' Anasthesia procedure  is yet to be done Dr.Trivedi '

She was hardly bothered  when the assistant mentioned this .

A- He's vulnerable to NMBA's , he can do good without anasthesia. Are we ok here  Dr.Tripati ?

NMBA's  - neuromuscular blocking agents causes anasthetic allergy.

The other doctor nodded after taking a moment to capture the patient's reactions .

He gritted his teeth and gulped the tight  moan on feeling terrible pain on his arm .

Shivaay- ahh gosh it hurts !

She wasn't distracted rather was deeply immersed to extract the next bullet piece with that forceps . He groaned in pain once again when his flesh was invaded by the tool.

A clear noise was heard when she dropped the last piece on the basin . He let out a big sigh and crushed his eyes .Going through clean cut procedures  without anesthesia is really cruel . How many ever times he has gone through situations like these , but still there's nothing called getting used to it .

Because, pain is still pain .

A- hope you can take over now . Keep me updated of the readings regularly.

' sure Doctor '

She straightly walked out of the ward and cleansed   her arms by the wash stand  after getting rid of those gloves . Twisting the faucet on she rubbed her palm over the right arm and did the same for the other arm , that's when someone smacked her back . She rolled her eyes and splashed water on that person behind .

Vrushali - what the heck Annika !

Wiping her face quickly with some tissues , vrushali yelled at once .

A- you deserve it .

Came annika's straight reply who was still rubbing her back where she just got hit .

V - you...! Well , how did it go ?

Vrushali smirked looking at the OT while annika just followed her look and sighed lazily .

A- nothing much , extraction procedure , location left upper arm . Luckily no humerus damage .  He should be ok .

Vrushali once again smiled sheepishly and patted annika's shoulder smoothly .

V - don't worry , he will be ok .

A- ofcourse , who did the procedure after all .

Vrushali shook her head in disbelief watching annika's smirk .

V - I'm not talking about that you stupid  doc .

Stating it vrushali kept popping her brows along with a lame grin labelling her lips continuously. This irked annika .

A- I guess Dr.Sinha is too free today . Got to update your name on the check board  ,come .

V- no way ! I got appointments lined up for whole day .

She jolted back and replied quickly.

A- then why do you waste time like this doing ghost actions with your eyes .

V- wait  what actions ?...I'm leaving!

She squealed out and walked away at once , annika chuckled watching this .

Shivaay - got them yet ?

Omkara - not yet but soon we will .

S- I threw my mobile in one of the sacks  they had , we only have time until they find it .

Shivaay insisted seriously , Om gave a nod.

Om- yes we tracked it but lost signal suddenly maybe it's switched off . We  are closing around that particular radius which we last got , so hopefully we'd get them soon .

Rudra- senior senior ! They got them ! The heist gang , they're arrested !

Rudra who rushed inside the ward in hurry screamed enthusiastically and jumped to hug Om who turned around , ignoring him royally . He didn't give up yet and tried to celebrate with shivaay who again closed his eyes pretending to go asleep . Rudra felt terrible.

R- I see no team spirit here at all .

He whined falling on the couch while shivaay and Om rolled their eyes around following a common pattern .

Om - it's ok, even I remember being like you during my first case , was ...was it that robbery ,the ATM one shivaay?

Shivaay who casually shrugged his shoulders winced aloud suddenly. 

R- are you, are you ok ?

S- well I feel ecstatic ! For gods sake shut up Rudra , I got shot how will I be ok , urghh!

R- I'll get the doctor.

He ran towards the door and was just about to open it when it straightly slid opened to bang on his head . A pair of arms already caught him before he could fall .

A- I'm so sorry  I didn't know you were standing right here , sorry. Are you ok ?

Rudra was totally into her , he was swayed by her looks within seconds . He kept blinking slowly .

A- excuse me ?

R- yeah yeah , I I'm ok . Good !

Making him stand aside she went through the file until she stood before shivaay.

A- how are you feeling ?

S- not good , it hurts too much . My arm ,it's immobile.

She casually nodded while he complained .

A- can anyone here explain the situation, like how this happened?

Gripping the pen before a clean page , she looked at all the three men one by one . This lady has no  compassion at all , shivaay didn't choose to respond .

Om - why'd you ask?

A- it's a formality , the management has to file a case .

R- actually we are from the department  , I guess you didn't know that .

A- but still, rule is a rule for everyone. It's for the management record , we'll pass the file to the station .

Om- ok  .

Om then explained the scene , from the chasing start to how shivaay got shot while being an inch close to catching the one .

A- hmm , done . Thanks . I'll write you some meds for the pain , don't worry .

S- very kind of you .

Shivaay mumbled sarcastically , annika  passed the prescription to Om and moved close to sit on the bed . She tightened the cast wrapped around  his arm and attached a strap to settle it around his neck .

S- ahh !

He moaned again , she glared. 

A - don't ask for quick discharge  .

S- but I should go .

A- better don't,  be here atleast for a week . You don't have any damage in the bones but still , you have to stay under our eyes . It should be ok ...?

She looked at Om questioningly who nodded soon in approval . Annika then turned her gaze towards shivaay who kept shrinking his eyes in pain .

A- got the courage to take a bullet,  hope you can bear with the pain too .

He pointed a sharp glare at her. She continued tieing the cast . That's when another staff entered suddenly  and marched straight to annika .

' Doctor ,have you seen Dr.Vrushali ?'

Annika didn't expect someone to rush in and shout in hurry like that,  she wriggled a bit and pressed his arm  by mistake . Shivaay screamed immediately .

A- sorry .

He frowned at the cold reaction she had throughout while annika turned back to glare at the intern .

A- is this how you speak at the hospital, infront of a patient ? Don't raise your volume ever again, got it !

' sorry Dr '

A- what is it by the way ? Vrushali ...she has appointments , did you check in her domain cabin ?

' yeah I already did but '

A- what is the hurry , why do look tensed ?

' I think it's regarding preetha's case, they've come to get the autopsy report but I couldn't find Dr.Vrushali yet .'

Annika thought for a few seconds and then spoke .

A- ok , give me a minute .

She quickly turned facing him and carried on with the band .

A- Dr.Tripati would let you know about the schedule for dressing change, try not to move the arm .

S- hmm .

After completing , she arched her neck left and right  , rotated her head around  to ease herself.

A- I'll check on Vrushali , you can carry on with your work.

Saying this she walked out of the room, the intern was going to follow annika but someone just blocked her path.  Rudra , it was .

' Any help ?'

R- yeah , need some details .

He had that idiotic dreamy grin glued to his face throughout .

' what ?'

Rudra immediately picked his mobile and passed it to the staff .

R- I need her contact number , this ...Doctor who just left .

Om rolled his eyes to make a full circle and hit his own head .

' no way ! , she'll kill me if she comes to know this '

R- is she that scary? She just looks a beauty with brains kind of girl for me .

' Never ,  Dr.Hitler she is ....oh god , please, please forget what you just heard '

Shivaay who was staring at the two all this time , slowly turned his position and tried to capture some sleep .

Rudra was more intimidated on seeing the person shiver like that .

R- does my pretty angel scare you that much?

' pre pretty angel ?!!! She's really cold and strict and dominating and what not . Our whole intern group hates her you know , shit...I blabbered again . Please remember to forget everything,  please '

She didn't wait there after that and just caught a grip of her legs and ran out to escape .

Rudra looked at Om with a defeated face who signalled him to just vanish off from the room .

R- why ?

Om kept insisting on that and finally Rudra obeyed . He walked out , Om followed him after checking on an asleep shivaay .

R- what !!

Rudra palmed his chest just over the heart and made the  face of an horror stricken kid . His eyeballs were in the verge of falling down from the sockets . He couldn't believe what he just heard .

Om- yes .

R- my pretty angel is senior's Ex ?

He emphasised the last word loudly and Om scowled at him for that .

Om- are you deaf ? I just said it .

R- bu but how ?How on earth it can happen !!

Rudra started whining making a dramatic face for Om had to drag him inside the ward again to stop getting people's attention .

Both remained  stiff on finding an awake shivaay who was now standing by the window , watching something outside.

Om - shivaay you must rest .

S- I can't spend a week here , a mere day seems to long .

Om- so ? Shivaay don't think of anything stupid. Just follow the doctor's order.

Shivaay slowly looked at Om and then Rudra .

S- you like her, the doctor ?

Rudra was bewildered , what will he do if he nods. He just shook his head in all directions which confused shivaay ,Om quietly enjoyed the scene though .Rudra's reactions were hilarious. Shivaay once again looked at Om and insisted .

S- seven days is huge , please talk to her and make it three .

Mentioning this he climbed on the bed and laid back . Rudra was in the verge of crying,  before even he could experiment his feelings  , there appeared a speed breaker.  He actioned his  complaint to Om who shrugged helplessly and looked away when something caught his attention . He walked close to the window to get a clear view .

He saw annika arguing with some men  infront of the building .

How was it ?

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