Emergency lights and Beautiful eyes

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Read it when you have time, it's a long chapter.

Dear Rudra,
How are you? And the girls,are they still angry on you ? I hope they forgive me one day for trying to kidnap them * smiles nervously * . Thanks for asking about my health in your last mail, I'm glad you did. I'm doing good, it hurts less than before, but I know that bruises are gonna last with me. Doesn't matter anyways because I deserve all this. I just hope you do well, I know how sad and devastated you must be feeling right now, I wish I could be with you* yearning eyes * . But don't worry Rudra, you've coped up with more anyone could even think of handling so we will get through this too, please don't loose faith. I hope you find the accountant work I got you not much of a trouble, sorry I couldn't do better. People at your home are so worried, especially your grandma. I didn't want to mention this and trouble your heart but couldn't stop myself from telling the truth because they really are upset and sad without you. I didn't find any suspicious activity around your home like you had mentioned, seems like they're finally letting things go . But it's upto you to decide whether it's ok to return now because after all that has happened I still doubt if things can ever be as fine and ok as they look*fingers crossed*. I'll let you know if there's any serious activity here . Just hold on and be fine Rudra , everything will get better *virtual hugs *.

Yours lovingly,

If Rudra even felt a little bit of anything called better, he would have noticed this yours lovingly that has been repeated again in this mail which was not the case before the previous couple of mails. It was always yours gratefully until the last one and this mail today. He was too far from this recovery. He sat there still staring at the system screen straight with a blank face until someone pat his shoulder from behind.

' is it done? '

Rudra snapped out of his thoughts and immediately responded with a nod.

R- the closure bill? yes sir give me 10 minutes.

' ok fast '

Rudra closed the mail window and clicked the excel sheet to continue with his work. He saw the clock striking 8 at night and hoped the girls had kept the emergency light charged well, there's this power shut down in the town usually implemented at this part of the day.

Rithi- Riya, Riya...

She climbed upstairs to reach the terrace and found her sister seated there in the middle ,alone .

Rithi- there's no power and I got worried of not finding you down. What are you doing here?

Keeping the emergency light down she asked taking her seat beside Riya who just shook her head randomly .

Riya- what's there to worry, you knew the power is gonna go off.

Rithi- don't be so mean everytime Riya, even I lost her ok. Loosing annika doesn't give you the right to act rude all the time.

Riya was instigated at once.

Riya- shut up Rithi, none asked you to come here.

Rithi- but it was dark and

Riya- I was doing just fine without you.

Rithi - you are so like her you know, pushing everyone away and away until they start to keep distance on their own. But know this, I ain't gonna do that. I will stay with you because she told us to hold onto each other no matter what.

Rithi spoke these words straight with a strict attitude while Riya couldn't help but cry hiding her face on her knees.

Riya- she was a stupid and you are too.

Rithi couldn't see her like that, she just kept rubbing her back to comfort her.

Rithi- if that makes you feel better, yes Rithi is so stupid.

Riya chuckled a bit and wiped her running nose with her left sleeve. Rudra who just came there watched all this from afar, he quickly wiped his tears and went towards them.

R- are we having moonlight dinner today!

He tried pouring some excitement in his tone, the girls faces turned to bring stiffness on them when they recognized his voice.

R- taste and let me know if it's good.

He served them first and started eating the rest.

Riya- worst.

Rithi- yes worst.

Rudra passed a tight smile and resumed eating, it wasn't that bad though.

R- sorry for that, will try to improve tomorrow. By the way you know something? My grandma says that people become stars after when they leave us.

Rudra said behaving joyfully, trying to divert them.

Riya- that sounds so stupid.

Rithi- yes it does but no offense to your granny. Death is death, a person dies and that's it , they leave us forever.

Annika's sisters , ofcourse what else to expect from them, Rudra sighed with a smile. That's how plain she keeps things with her siblings, so there's no comforting needed anytime. And one more thing she had thought them is to never let go of each other even if they're the last two beings on this planet. Practicing that has become one toughest task for these two as they find each other beyond annoying. Maybe it seems so tough because they couldn't actually imagine being the last two ones here, not without her sitting infront and telling them to imagine because in that case they knew they weren't alone. But now things are different.

Rithi noted down something in the small notepad she carried, Rudra avoided the glance of it knowing what exactly it was. They're keeping expenditure updates, whatever he's been spending for them. They had mentioned to return it back with full interest once they group up and are able to earn their own cash. He spoke his denial but as usual the stubborn devils weren't ready to listen. Well, they had been stubborn before too, he had handled it but now, they have a more to add in the list. They feel angry, betrayed and what not, Rudra just sat there quietly staring at the stars after when they left downstairs. He couldn't help but smile at their plates which looked clean, shiny as if they'd just been bought. They didn't find the food good enough to swallow the whole steel plates along, he worried. Only if he knew that the little devils have had eaten worse versions of these, especially those which Annika cooks... they wouldn't like talking ill of their late sister's cooking skills now. The point is they knew Rudra wasn't so bad in cooking like they pretend he is, it's just their way of showing anger.

He couldn't forgive himself for doing that to them, he didn't even have a choice though. It's been two months to that day, two months to that dreadful day.

On that day,

After admitting sharon and all the others in a safer place, Rudra awaited for the immediate measures to come into implement. But nothing happened as like what Om told him. There was no lockdown announced, no extra support given to take control over the situation, not even a bit news of what was happening at the school, the virus, the infection spread, nothing. He grew doubtful and marched to the authority's room but stopped just by the door when he heard something suspicious.

' The CM is very upset , with the election date coming close if this news spreads it will be a hell lot of problem for our party. So we are concealing it with the help of shadow squad'

'Shadow sqaud?'

' People with no particular uniform,no constant identity,and no mouths to ask questions. Their only duty is to serve when asked. Every state has got such a sqaud to do deeds behind the screen. Police can't be trusted with such work. So we're bringing them into this, our first work is to strike off everyone who's got information . That is, who knows things. Where it all started and who are all involved, I've asked for the list. Once we get hold and vanish all those people, one big of a headache would come to an end.'

Rudra was shocked listening to it, now at this moment, he didn't even regret agreeing to Tej's belief. 'Humans are worse than animals.' There was more he could have heard but he decided to run, he didn't know how much time he's got until those shadow guys or whatever they're called gets to him. Because he knew his name would be in the very primary list they're preparing.

Sharon who was lying down weak on the bed saw Rudra hurrying inside suddenly.

Sh- what happened?

He didn't say anything first but blurted out everything when she insisted again. Sharon grew worried.

Sh- we all had our faith on them , if they themselves ...have come up with something like this ,none can...help us unless ourselves. Go from...here.

She found it difficult to speak.

R- I have to inform senior and angel first. They're in danger too. Damn!

He was frustrated when it said the line was unreachable.

Sh- what if she missed the phone somewhere in the comm...otion. Please don't waste time.

Rudra kept quiet, he couldn't think of anything . They heard someone coming which alarmed the both. Rudra didn't want to take any chances, he said something to her and hid inside the small cupboard kept in that room.

Sharon adjusted herself to not seem so nervous that she actually was. The officer came in.

' Are you feeling ok now? '

Sh- uhh... Yeah I'm in pain but I've been treated well. I'll be ok.

She muttered just this while he watched around and room and then again at her.

' do you know where Mr.Rudra is? '

Sh- Mr. Rudra? I don't know, he helped me get....here and left.

The person thought for sometime.

' ok we have some seriously important work with him, so let us know once you know something of him '

Sh- ok.

He came out only after waiting for so long inside, thinking that they'd check every room in that floor to confirm.

Sharon had a completely worried reaction while he seemed tensed.

R- she's not picking, I'll have to check.

Sh- Anyway Om sir is with her, you go.

R- he doesn't know any of these plot plays yet. I can't.

Sh- I'll... I'll tell them when they come back.

Rudra was still not convinced and she had to keep nagging him. But at some point he realized he had to move then and there, not for his sake but the twins. They are involved in this, so people would come looking for them too. He was thrilled by the thought of anything happening to them. So he decided to leave, but where? They would track him down in no time, it was like the whole big government was against them. That's when Sharon offered to help, she asked him to stay in her native place for a while. Since they hadn't filed her as well as Vrushali's name officially in this case, they wouldn't be wanted. As far as Sharon is concerned, she's just a poor victim of a fire accident. So there won't be any eyes on her. Rudra agreed thinking of all these green points, he took the girls before anyone could notice and fled the city.

They contacted rarely for a while. Rudra was grief stricken when he saw the news and came to know about the fatalities in that hospital. It came out as a completely different tale though, a cooked one. They said that the hospital was built in a damp area, which was approved by the previous government at their time of reign. And that's why it blew down like that.They had turned the game fully for their favourable safe play and innocent people got stuck in between. They exchanged informations only through mail considering the risk. If someone can hide something big like this so easily, they very well are capable of doing even worse things. He was very much hopeful that somehow they would have gotten out,but when Sharon shared the demise news of Annika, Om and Shivaay, Rudra broke.

Annika and Om were at the hospital he knew. But the cooked up story for shivaay at the school was even more uglier. Since there was a minister who had died there , they had made it look like an antisocialist attack, more of a riot which exploded and that a big group was caught and punished for killing so many lives. In reality there was no such group, just innocent people. There were many other theories on these events when people were so much curious about the happenings at first. They didn't believe all this at once.But as the days passed by, they had to deal with other things which required their curious eyes so they just turned blind after giving their useless pity sights and words to the souls and ran to do their jobs . The government gained what it wanted though, they pretended like they helped the survivors from the hospital. Sympathy from people for loosing that party's main minister, they used everything well and good.

Lucky for them,they were able to dismantle the bombs kept at the other hospitals as there was much time difference between one and next , they took the time needed and disposed it. That's how Tej had planned it, so that they run from one hospital to the next for life and just die out there all of a sudden.

Rudra just couldn't cope up with all this and sit idle, he was enraged like anything but for the sake of those kids, he controlled himself. It wasn't an easy task to tell the news to them, Riya and Rithi fell miserable on watching annika's name being announced in the list of the people who lost their lives to the disaster there. There was a common funeral being held in memory of the whole lot, but Rudra restricted them from attending it. That's where their anger peaked. First they didn't know why they had to leave the city all of a sudden, then their only sister's death news, and the worst part of it was they were not even allowed to see her for one last time.

The girls were grudge-filled.

And somewhere across the sea there was Pinky trying hard to wake her son that morning. He was a complete sleep sack these days but she didn't want to complain though.

L- aunty, why do you keep calling his name so loud. He's gonna taunt you again.

Pinky- show some pity on me too Leena, look at the clock first.

She sang these words and patted his face again, he woke up this time, cringing badly.

S- what's your problem mom! Lower your volume please.

He sat up and stretched his arms awide. Leena smiled on being right about his complaints while Pinky groaned.

P- my problem, son look at the time first! Go fresh up and come, let's have breakfast.

S- all thanks to the dozen tablets you make me take at night.

He spoke as though he was talking to himself.

P- you're just recovering from a serious accident, without tablets what will you do?

S- you always got something to tell in defence.

He walked straight into the restroom after waving a his hand for Leena who stood by the room door and reciprocated the same before her face turned quiet small when she noticed Pinky's worried reaction.

L- it's a holiday for me, I rarely get one so come on.

She dragged him along the streets of California, he's never been much out lately to be certain,after the incident,so Pinky liked the idea when Leena suggested . Shivaay wasn't very much interested in roaming all day around, but with Leena he was atleast comfortable enough to push this yet another day in this foreign state. It's just a matter of few more days then he would be back in India, back to his job,back in his uniform,so he was ok with this.

L- hey try this, it's so ni oh gosh!

Shivaay immediately grabbed her hand when she slipped suddenly.

S- careful.

L- yeah thanks.

She smiled confusedly when he kept staring at the star tattoo on her left hand, just over her wrist .

L- what is it?

S- nothing, reminds me of someone.

He shrugged leaving her hand, Leena just stopped breathing for a minute.

L- ss... someone? someone special?

He smiled a bit casually while it only made her fear grow more.

S- my ex, annika . I've never mentioned her before I guess?

She shook her head slowly without letting her nervous self take over her reactions.

S- we were together since school days, and one day suddenly she broke up with me saying I was distracting her. That she wanted to focus on studies and stuffs like that. It didn't make sense, I hated he

He stopped noticing Leena's curious look and then continued.

S- I mean I tried hatin.... I wanted to ha

He paused once again and smiled .

S- know what? I'm still trying to hate her, forget her completely. And there's no hope in me that I'd succeed, but I'm still trying. It's been five years now .

Leena showed one of those tight smiles which people have on their faces when they go nil of words to explain what they have in mind that moment. She felt her palms going cold when he took annika's name. And that second she was sure of this, he had never ever lived without thinking of her. She was always in his mind, and in his heart? It's all just gonna hurt him so bad someday.

Leena teared up thinking of that disastrous evening.

On that day,

She made her way inside the doctor's room to ask him about the side effects the infection attack was going to leave on her body, as she already felt like she was loosing so much weight. Leena stood bewildered on finding the doctor packing stuffs in hurry, his arms and legs trembled like anything .

L- doctor, doctor what happened?

' Le Leena, you should go too. Please leave this place . Go! '

L- what is it doctor?

' they... They are coming for us '

He seemed horrified as if he had just seen a ghost inside his closet. Leena knew nothing though.

L- who is, doctor first stop panicking and tell me.

' Mr.Shivaay... He had asked me to go thr... ough all the sei... seized property which they got from the stadium when T Tej was caught. There were so many papers, study cases, so much.He was right about it, If Tej had injected the vi... Virus into his own body, he definitely had a way out too. If not... he... he wouldn't have taken that risk because this virus reacts differently in each person. I... studied the reports, test results... formula... I... foun....antidote formula. It is 87.9% in sync with the antibodies we got from the ki... Kids. '

L- that's a good news, why panick then?

' no! It's not that simple! '

She made him drink water, he took time to compose himslef and then spoke.

' I have prepared the antidote for testing,but we still need large amount of raw materials to synthezise more. But... but all those raw materials should be imported, they're not available in our country. So I contacted our state's ministry first, and informed them the seriousness of this situation. Then... but then... '

He grew tensed again, she didn't know why.

L- then?

' my cousin works as a clerk in the ministry office. He said he heard someone speaking about this at the washroom '

L- about what!

' that they have no plans of... initiating the importing process because that would make this infection thing go viral into a big international issue. Our whole country's name would be at stake. Especially our ministry group will be completely vanished if known that they've been acting so dumb and idle about such a big threat all these days. So they had decided to close up everything '

She frowned immediately.

L- means?

' I don't know, they're are going to do something with the shadow group... squad... Something like that. I'm so scared, ever since my cousin had called last, I couldn't get in touch with him. I fear they must have caught and did something to him, and next they would come for me... Everyone! We should leave!! '

Leena caught him immediately when he was moving out.

L- wait! Does shivaay know?

' no, I couldn't contact anyone. '

L- where is he then?

' I don't know! Om told shivaay is at some school and there's been a big collapse there, the infected are eveywhere it seems. '

L- and why didn't you tell Om all this?

' I didn't know anything then, I just told him about the positive results . He was in hurry to go to the hospital, to get annika and Rudra he said. Then only I informed the authorities and just sometime ago I came to know about their cruel plans. '

L- so you mean to say, shivaay might be suffering out there and you are packing to leave?

' do I have a choice? I will die if I stay here! '

Leena was petrified after hearing everything. People talk shameful about her job and what will they call this which the people in power are doing? All she could think of now was to save shivaay somehow. She was ready to die for him.

L- ok... Ok you scared selfish moron, give me the antinote or dote whatever it is.

' moron? '

He seemed offended but she hardly cared.

L- give it or I'll

'Ok ok... wait'

He opened the portable refrigerator and collected the small glass bottles from inside. He then gave all of it to her along with a file.

' this file contains all the details. And these are the antidotes. You know how to administer this ? '

L- no but I've been there, when you used to poke that big needle into my skin like I was some thick cushion you just newly bought.

The doctor had no comment on that. She kept everything in a bag and prepared to leave but stopped when he asked to.

L- what!

' are you really going there? It's a big mess there '

L- yes I am.

' ok, Om sir said about some secret tunnel in there through which he navigated his way out. Through... near... I think he mentioned beach station road, yes that's what he said. Take that route and you'll get to the inside of the school. In that case you'd reach soon and the bad guys wouldn't even know if they're really coming . This is my car key '

Leena was taken aback when he gave her that.

L- are you serious? What will you do? Why?

' I want to be one less of a scared selfish moron , it's ok ill manage. You go now! '

Leena suddenly got emotional and muttered a sorry before rushing out of there .

She was terrified on seeing the scene inside the school, none could even imagine being in there. Though she was so scared and thrilled she couldn't let go of her will to bring shivaay to safety. She entered the ground, fortunately for her they were all lying on the ground unconscious, she didn't have to bare with much and fight that time. She ran across turning the bodies to check for him. Her eyes watered, hands became chill while she did the drill one by one. It was dangerous but it didn't stop her.

Leena almost lost her hope and sat on the ground with a thud and that's when she saw him, lying motionless on the ground. It was a horrible sight for her, she pushed the dead man away who was half lying over shivaay and dragged him apart from all that. He didn't seem to open his eyes while she tried calling, patting his face, only then she noticed the bite mark on his shoulder. She hollered like anything, and laid on him to check for his heart beat. She did hear something. Immediately she dragged him with the help of a trolley like thing kept there, used in grounds to carry sand .

She was halfway far from that spot but still hadn't injected him yet fearing she might do it wrong and it will take him away. But she has to, Leena stopped the car under a bridge , an empty road it was. She grabbed all the things and started to prepare but she couldn't just do it. Her suffers and fears were so blocking her hands , that's when she noticed an ambulance , parked facing that side of the road from where she just came. She ran towards it at once and found a lady standing outside it.

L- excuse me?

'Hmm? '

L- are you a doctor?

'haa? yes '

L - thank god, can you please help me. My friend is very sick, he has to take this injection now .

' sorry I'm not supposed to do that '

L- no, it's not like you're thinking. Please, this would save his life, please.

She fell on her knees and begged.

' ok, but I need a favour too. '

L- sure, anything.

After giving him the dosage, Leena fished his mobile and dialled for Om, Annika, Rudra, none answered. She just didn't know what to do. She then scrolled through the contacts, and called for the Id which said mom.

Pinky couldn't just believe what the person was telling, it was some scam she thought. Shivaay must have lost his mobile somewhere. Only when Leena came live on a video call and showed shivaay's dreadful state , pinky believed. She along with shakthi and a doctor went to India in their private jet.

They were all in OM with an ill shivaay needing immediate medical help. They managed to provide whatever necessary first aid was needed for him. But pinky could take no more, she grew worried sick for her child . Shakthi with all the influence he had made arrangements for immediate departure from the country, all in secrecy, by hiding shivaay's identity as Leena did mention about the threat around.

They decided to even take Leena along, in their private jet. Why wouldn't they?The girl has saved their son's life, they would feel grateful to her all their life.

He was in the ICU for three days, going through serious treatments given by the best doctors in the world. They announced he had slipped into coma which came as the biggest shock for them . They waited, day and night without loosing hope, for their dear son.

And one day he woke up , after 3 weeks and 4 days to be accurate. There came yet another shocking news for them when they realized that he had certainly forgot some part of his life, post traumatic amnesia cause of his head injury. They only noticed it when he spoke normally as if he never knew anything about the attack. The last thing he clearly remembers is that he had come to states to visit his parents.

Pinky knew what it meant, he actually went a few couple of months behind. Yes he came to visit them and went back. After that happened the robbery case, happened the gun shoot, happened his surgery, happened Annika.

His mom declared to keep it that way. None talk about that to him, she made it clear. The doctor had specified it might take him some time to remember everything and not to push him for it, pinky knew none was gonna do that. In fact she didn't really like his choice of being a cop. She wanted a safe and secured life for his son, so now when he is in her hands she decided to have him nutured like that , letting no harm get near him. So according to him, he had met with an accident here . That doesn't explain the bullet wound he's got but pinky convinced the doctor to tell shivaay it isn't really a bullet rather rather some other from the motor bike spare parts which pierced his flesh. Shivaay wasn't completely convinced because he can name a bullet wound with just the sight of it, but still, he believed his mom more than anything so that's how they played with his head.

Leena came to know about the others through the news, she felt very sad . What worried her even more was what would be his reaction if he gets to know? It might affect his health, she feared. Everyone made it that way so that he couldn't get anywhere close to that news. Still, shivaay asked about his mobile, he tried contacting Om but there was no response. People around him lied saying he must've changed his number, considering the number of pit pockets happening anywhere and everywhere. He must have lost his phone shivaay , his mom said. Shivaay approved thinking he would be returning back to work in somedays anyway. Will see to it then, he thought.

Leena was appointed as a junior quality analyst at their factory there. And though shivaay found it weird, for some reason he was able to pick up a good bond of friendship with her. That rarely happens, it last happened with Om and he wondered how it suddnely worked out with this new girl whom his parents introduced to him.

Even she was quiet happy with this life, Leena somewhere deep in heart didn't want shivaay to remember anything. A little bit of selfishness and a more of love for him, she wanted him to be at peace .

But currently today, what's totally unfathomable for her is that, even in this part of his life, he had been thinking only about annika. Before even he had met her after those long five years. She was surprised.

Only if she knew, be it any part of his life, he knew nothing but her.

She came back and discussed with pinky about it, who panicked first thinking their effort was all going in vain . But then she composed herself telling they should handle him very carefully hereafter.

S- looks like some serious discussion is going on?

They both snapped out immediately when they heard his voice.

P- nothing , we were just gossiping. Why aren't you on bed now?

S- really mom? Morning you were literally ready to kick me off my bed, remember ? And now!

P- healthy sleep cycle is necessary shivaay, give some rest to your eyes now .

L- beautiful eyes.

She smiled adding this, shivaay just passed a light grin to acknowledge it and went back to his room. She always says this .

It was past midnight when he felt this sudden discomfort from within in his sleep.

'your eyes are very beautiful , only I have.... the right to say it to you , yes ?'

Shivaay sat up holding his head, what was that now?

How was it?

Honest reviews plss.

Plss vote and comment if you like my story😁

I know I should expect flying heels for doing this but your dear author is already a tall girl so try sending flat slippers instead.

Heels strictly prohibited 🚫🙈😂

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