Hallticket and Gold chain

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Om- fast you dumb, the warden will be here soon!!

Om leaned pressing his stomach against the corridor wall to grab veer's hand who was now trying to make his illegal entry inside the hostel. Behind him was annika climbing the ladder . She smacked his butt insisting to move fast for he just passed a glare and moved forward taking help from Om.

A- veer!!

V- annika wait, I'm not Bear Grylls ok I'm just an amateur.

A- shut it and move!

Om- gotcha

Om pulled him up as he grabbed his hand and in reflex Veer almost kicked the ladder which shook like hell. Annika was petrified now as it was ready to fall any minute.

A- woah!!

If not shivaay who stood beside Om there had caught her on time, she would've fell along with the ladder only.

S- soon we don't have time!

Om took veer and rushed to the room leaving shivaay to take care of Annika. She climbed quick and leapt to jump in but slipped again for shivaay acted within a blink grabbing her waist to have her caught tight safely. And in this process she completely fell over him ,her lips almost brushed upon his for a few seconds before she tried to get up. Both acted as though it didn't happen actually. Since her hair got stuck with his shirt button, she couldn't move only.

A- sss, do something.

S- I'm trying.

It's gonna take time, he sighed and ran inside the room holding her close. Om and Veer who witnessed them entering inside almost hugging each other looked blunt showing no reactions at all.

V- shivaay, I know you like her but aren't we still young for all this?

A / S- shut up !

Both were seriously engaged in handling her hair so they just gave this short sharp response at his face.

S- ahh this is not happening, we have to cut some.

A- dare you!! Just focus.

Annika warned showing what bad she could do if anything happens to her hair and worked with his button while he rolled his eyes and sighed.

She sat down to start braiding again after it got entirely spoiled by the stunt they just did.

Om- ok so, which side it is then?

A- Shivaay , a typical teenager you are . Look at all these celebrity photos on the wall.

S- I hate doing such stuffs , collecting photos and all , silly.

Om- not us, it was already there when we first came here.

A- whatever, we need a plain background to take picture right.

V - we can just hang something, got your scarf?

A- hmm ok. We don't have a choice anyways, no studio's would open this early.

They were asked to submit their passport sized photos required for hall ticket , but since the boys got late last night after their football practice, there was no time to get this done. Annika being the ever so sincere creature also had forgotten about this, being completely engaged in preparation for the upcoming revision exams. This was the last day for submission so here they are, with plans of cutting out passport sixed pictures from an instant print camera.

V- hey one more one more!

Om- one for each, that's it veer!

V- hey I didn't even smile properly .

Shivaay immediately kicked his leg and asked him to move off which he did with a small face.

Om- do something useful , cut these according to the required measurements.

Om clicked shivaay's picture, and then it was annika's turn.

She sat erect showing a decent smile, her eyes failed  to stay in focus as she noticed shivaay who stood behind Om. He suddenly wetted his lips for she almost froze there.

Om clicked and checked the print, he wasn't convinced.

Om- annika focus , where are you looking?

Only when shivaay rose his brows in question, she shook a bit and looked back at the camera again. He turned back to swallow that smirk he couldn't keep concealed all this time.

A- all done?

Om- yup!

V- how to go out now?

S- I'm sure the warden must've gone to eat, it's time ,so that wouldn't be a problem but you should be fast.

V- we've won races together, forgot already?

S- not talking about you.

Annika stood up in attention showing how prepared she was to rush when he said that sarcastically.

A- hey Om, where's the other picture, the one you took first?

Om- it's not needed right?

A- hmm ,just wanted to see

S- it's getting late

He shouted suddenly to grab everyone's attention while annika shook a bit on hearing his voice. They didn't wait after that and just ran accross the corridor to get past the hostel building before anyone notices. They did succeed.

His wife Nitya caged him in her arms and kept caressing his hair while he remained still, staring at the ceiling seeming to be lost somewhere else. Stuck with his dad's words, he didn't want to show up as a failure in front of his father. She kissed his hair once, twice, he didn't move. Nitya sighed huge and suddenly smiled on seeing his head which was now pressed to her chest moving up and low along her breaths. She then tilted his head in try of lingering her lips on his face as she spoke.

Nitya- are you fine DK?

Daksh who just zoned back in, immediately pecked her lips and prolonged to taste her lip buds for a few seconds before pulling back . Showing a tight smile, he cupped her face and then spoke.

D- are you fine baby? How's our kid doing inside?

He put his palm with spread fingers on her big bare belly to trace it softly.

N - we both are very much worried about daddy.

She mentioned showing her small pout which he kissed again and smiled.

D- daddy is fine, he's doing amazing . You know daddy loves you both so please don't worry of me and take care, that's all I'd want. Do you understand nits baby?

N- ok officer!

She pretended to salute when he sounded like he just made a command, and immediately positioned herself to press her neck inside his crook. A sudden strong cologne hit her nostrils for she pulled back  a second and exhaled through her mouth, it was not making her nauseous. But that's not what which troubled her now, it's not his actually. Nitya knew what it meant and she didn't wanna talk about it cause she knew that he loves her boundlessly . She didn't want this to create differences between them, that's how she has practiced to be bound to her own delusional continent pretending to be an ideal couple . Well, he does love her sincerely, so nitya was confident he'd change one day cause he had mentioned so when they discussed of this long ago.

She chose to wait for that day.

L- thank god aunty, your plan worked. I was so scared that he'd leave.

Pinky tightened her lips and smiled in worry.

P- for now, yes. But it's not gonna hold him for long. We have to do something big so that he never even thinks of going back to India.

L- you're right aunty, I don't want shivaay's life falling in danger again. Please don't let him leave this place.

Shivaay who came to check on his mom, stood rooted by the door when he heard them talking. He was shocked to know that his mother actually pretended to be sick before him. But why? and what's with the danger leena's talking about,He was confused but that didn't stop him. He quickly picked his phone and made a call, walking away from the room.

Om thought travelling by boat would bring no attention from anyone so he, vrushali and annika were now present inside one, making their way back to the city. It wasn't actually easy to convince the coastal people to help with this but he convinced them somehow. He wore a cap and scarf to keep his head and face concealed to some extent and gave the girls an entire black burqa each to keep their identity hidden.

Vrushali vomited again as it was her first time in a boat , only now she had found out that sea travel is not her thing. Om caught hold of her head from behind while she emptied her stomach and fell back on him when done.

V- oh my god, I can't anymore.

Om- how did you even become a doctor?

V - excuse me! They teach to cure patients ,not this.

Annika' s giggling noise grabbed their attention soon, she was found smiling and laughing on her own. It was clearly noticed by the person incharge who soon understood she's not well. Om immediately scooted towards her and touched her shoulder.

A- Om, you remember when I and Veer sneaked into your hostel for the hallticket photos. Shivaay's saying that you were too scared to let us in that day, really?

She asked him and kept looking at the empty spot near her while Om smiled nervously and just shrugged his shoulders.

Om- annika, you must sleep. You didn't have a blink of sleep in past few days. It's not good.

A- I'm not sleepy.

Om looked at Vrushali helplessly who inturn just passed an assuring blink. Let the night pass.


P- shivaay! Shivaay get up now it's time.

She came inside the room mentioning this all the way, and soon remained thrilled on finding an empty bed with just a small parchment placed on the middle.

' I'm sorry mom, I don't know why you lied to me. I know you don't want this, but I feel like I don't belong here. I'm going back, please take care . Love you mom '

Tears ran down her eyes as soon as the paper fell off her grip to reach the floor. She sat on the bed, crying hysterically. Leena who was passing by heard this and rushed inside . Her eyes began to shrink when she noticed the words in that message. Her whole body was shaking now.

L- but how! You have kept all this things hidden right, passport and all then how can he travel? I'm sure he

Sh- what! But how is that possible?

They heard shakthi's loud voice from afar , both went downstairs to check. He looked tensed.

P- what happened?

Sh- one of our private jet is missing from the bay , and, none can find khanna who is actually incharge of that jet.

Pinky slowly turned towards Leena who had the same horrified face like her, now they knew how he left.

V- we're almost there, you should wake her up.

Om- the medicine won't let her.

It was a tough one but Om had no other choice, annika hardly sleeps nowadays, so he started taking help from small pills for her. Not often but he got this dose for her like every week or the other, last night he mixed it in her food and that's why she's still lying, lost in her deep sleep. Vrushali suggested this and wrote the prescription herself.

He gently placed her inside the car and asked Vrushali to wait by until he comes back with some money. Well that's one hell of a job now cause he can't use his card which might be blocked ,tracked, anything . So he thought to sell his gold chain.

Vrushali kept caressing annika's head soflty until something struck her mind all of a sudden.

V - god!

His pant pocket was torn and since he couldn't trust the other people on the boat last night, Om had actually given his chain to Vrushali asking her to keep it somewhere safe. Now he actually left without it as still she's got the chain with her. They carry only one mobile all together and he's got it, too bad. She decided to take it to him.

V- excuse me, can you please take us to the other street there?

' but you said you need to go somewhere else right? '

V- yeah but, uhh my friend forgot something. I have to take this to him.

' sorry, that street is very narrow. The car can't get in there. And seems like the ruling party has arranged some meeting or something. The place is gonna be packed , not possible.'

On hearing what he said, she grew tensed. She knew who this ruling party people actually are. She has to hurry.
Vrushali sighed helplessly and looked at annika once. She asked his mobile to make a call but it won't pick signal only.

V - ok, you just stay here, I'll be back in soon. Don't disturb her, just a few minutes haan.

' ok , please make it soon. '

She made annika lie back on the seat and got down to run across the street.

He was here, finally. Danger? He didn't want to think of that, but what he definitely knew is,something big is awaiting him here. Instinct does that to a person, it becoming true and it not becoming ain't a problem here. It keeps travelling in our mind to keep us intimidated throughout , that's something which needs attention . Shivaay felt the same way today, he didn't know what exactly it was, but there was this feeling which kept his heart paced up.

It was more than 10 minutes now, the driver was still waiting with annika who was asleep at the back seat. That's when he saw a traffice police man approaching by, he was asked to move the vehicle as there were some VIP's arriving . He obeyed and pulled the gear to take a reverse back and wait for them at the other corner, but within soon everything collapsed when the car hit a small boy who was playing behind there. The crowd gathered to bash and fight, he was afraid and stayed inside the car only .

A series of vehicles made their way inside that area, the siren noise was loud and continuous which gained everyone's attention. The police cleared the crowd to some extent, but they were still enraged.

Daksh Khurana was here to claim his position as the  chairman of real estate commission head this day. On seeing the commotion, he asked his driver to stop and got down to see through it . His bodyguards tried to stop him but he wanted to show the public that he was one of them.

D- what happened?

' just a small accident case sir, I'll deal with it, you please carry on sir I'll clear the road for you. '

D- no that's ok, who did this?

' this one '

The cop pointed the cab driver who looked scared. Daksh watched the crowd for a few seconds before saying anything.

D- ok arrest him first and please clear out ,we have to take the child to the hospital.

He then ordered his men to take the boy in his own car, that's how he wanted to show of in front of everyone. Some of them even came close to thank him, he passed a gentle smile and prepared to leave but stopped when his side vision showed him quiet something. Yes, something was moving inside the car, the other car not his. Putting his shades on, he inderectly concentrated to see what was inside.

Just then annika moved in her sleep for the scraf which covered her face all this time, fell off revealing her pretty fine face. He almost froze for a second on seeing her.

' seems like someone's in there '

He heard one of the cop muttering and reacted immediately.

D- don't worry, I'll take care.

He then called one of his men and gave him serious instructions.

Shivaay arrived to the spot, the cemetery. Before going in, he stopped by a small shop to buy some flowers. He fished out his wallet and took some cash. Before closing it, he kept staring at the left side of the wallet in keen for a few seconds. This again was not the one which he had been using lately, like phone did he miss the wallet too? He thought so. He couldn't sit and purchase a perfect one while leaving from there so he just went through his old things randomly, old in the sense, things he used during his school and college days. This wallet seemed ok, so he just took it.

He blinked out big suddenly when a man came out of nowhere and snatched the wallet from his hand. Within soon he was found chasing the man .

S- hey! Stop!!

But the theif seemed to have a good stamina today, he kept running for shivaay didn't stop too.

N- yes mom, Dk has strictly prohibited me from going to the ceremony. There'll be so much crowd right, so he didn't want me to go there in this condition . But I just couldn't stay idle, so I've come to the farm house now to arrange a party. It's gonna be a big surprise for him when he returns, I'm so excited. Hmm, yeah sure. Ok mom, I'll call you later, bye!

She hung up and engaged herself in preparing for the event . Just then she heard some noise and went out to check. A car was seen approaching in.

N- arun, who's car is this?

She enquired the driver.

' Mam, the person inside is sir's friend. He saw her on the way, and asked me to bring her here, I think she's not well '

Nitya gulped in hard after seeing annika inside the car, she took a few seconds to scan her fully. Soon her fists tightened as she held the car door hard. Annika slowly opened her eyes and closed them at once when the light irritated her, nitya waited calmly.

On seeing the surroundings annika grew clueless.

N - hi, I'm nitya.

Nitya grew confused when she didn't get response. Annika just looked here and there without saying anything.

N - are you alright?

No reply again. She then noticed the cane stick which was kept beside and realized that this girl is actually ill. Nitya is one kind hearted woman, she knew why Daksh did this but showing anger on this poor girl is unnecessary.

N- ok, come with me.

Annika didn't move first but nitya gave her a hand and helped her out. She then took her inside the house.

Shivaay saw the thief  jumping over the fense to enter inside a big villa, he ran across the road and tried  get through the gates but the gaurds stopped him.

S- there's a thief inside this place, I have to get him!

' none could get in without our permission '

S- well for your kind information, someone just did.

' this is VIP area, you shouldn't be here '

S- can you just stop!  I'm telling you that there's a thief insde. I was robbed .

The gaurds heard him fully and then spoke.

' ok, we'll check but you have to wait here '

S- you know what, I should've just trespassed like he did.

' wait'

One stood with shivaay while the other went in to check.

The theif quickly took all the cash and threw the wallet somewhere . He became afraid when he saw a gaurd approaching by his side . He looked for spots to hide.

N- you wanna have something? water?

Annika sat tight, still like a stone. She really didn't know why she was here and what was happening ,  where's Om and Vrushali?

A maid came in and straightaway went to Nitya.

' mam , I found this while cleaning outside '

It seemed like a wallet that she passed.

N - hmm?

Nitya took a look at it and confirmed to whom it belonged.

N - guess you missed this outside, cute picture by the way.

Annika was first confused when she gave the wallet to her. Soon her reactions changed when she noticed her photo attached beneath the laminated side. She was dressed in a uniform, braided hair, neat and clean she looked in that image.

Before she could even know, her eyes teared up, she took the thing closer to take a clear view of it. Annika clearly remembered that day, each and every second of it. She wasn't looking at the camera, her focus was somewhere else that day.Slow tears ran down her eyes as she kept staring at the picture.

Where did this thing come from!

Shivaay was fed up now.

S- this isn't happening, I'm going in.

' you can't! '

S- it's getting late for me , I am going.

He walked past the gate and entered in quickly for the gaurd hurried to follow him behind.

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