Sewage tanks and White birds

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Shivaay kicked the door on his way in, his anger stayed at peak. After seeing so many bodies being dragged out from the burnt building, his heart just couldn't take it. Small children, crying to have lost their arms legs and their parents to the fire. It's a sight he'd never forget till his last breath, heartbreaking it was. He rushed to the stadium to meet Tej and just kill him for this deed. If Om had not stopped him, he'd have already entered the room where Tej is, it would only pave way for another brutal incident to happen. Not that they were feared , but the current circumstances didn't allow them to act very brave. As much as they wanted to kill him, he must survive so that they could get to veer.

This is not about knife and gun anymore.

Killing with weapons seemed more tolerable because the cops knew what big science can do if given power .

Tej seemed to be in his proper state now, they inspected through the camera. Shivaay didn't wait anymore, he quickly prepared to connect with him. Found a landline fixed to the wall in that room, team immediately linked to it. Tej woke up on hearing the ring, he smiled at the camera for a second and marched to pick the call.

T- how many? 100 , atleast 150 corpses?

Shivaay and the others looked wrathful on hearing his sarcastic words. Still, he controlled himself saying this is not the right time, got other things to handle now.

S- Tej, you're caught with us. Now it's our play to decide whether you live or die. So stop acting smart and tell us, where is Veer?

He crushed his eyes tight when Tej cackled aloud.

T- shivaay I didn't know you were such a fool, you seriously think I'm locked here because of you? That you've captured me, you won and I lost? Oh come on, I am here because I want to, so stop dreaming shivaay and about finding my son. Do some work and earn your pay, be a man. Instead of wasting time here, go search for my son, and don't forget to update me about the fatality rate haan. It's gonna be huge, I'd really be happy to know the numbers.

There was pin drop silence for a few seconds, Tej had to say some hellos to make sure the line wasn't dead yet.

S- Tej

T- yeah boy?

S- I . will . kill . you. Whether you're a beast, monster, or everything of what I can't handle I don't care. Even if I end up dying, you'd be dead a second before I loose my breath .

Shivaay spoke his warning in a calm and composed way , his eyes reacting just the opposite though, burning in red. Tej chuckled immediately.

T- best of luck shivaay.

Rudra watched her with atmost attention while she practiced to walk again after being on bed for the past few days. She struggled at first but picked up soon and made it.

R- I think that's enough, please don't overdo yourself.

He voiced out his concern but she seemed determined.

A- I'm tired of this bed, I have to know what's happening out there.

Saying this she loosened out from his grip and walked alone, Rudra followed her in worry ready to handle her carefully any second she misses a step but she was doing good on her own. He was happy seeing her smile in confidence.

R- uhh... Can I ask you something angel?

She chuckled at the word angel . Poor guy he himself had suffered a bullet accident and has trouble walking , still he was helping her. He's really a sweet person. She knew.

A- hmm.

R- why did you cry?

Annika stopped walking and looked at him immediately, Rudra shook a bit on her sudden reaction.

R- I mean, it was so sudden. I was with you and you seemed ok but, I don't know suddenly you

A- because I was sad.

She interrupted him to give her answer .

R- why? You are cured and alright now, ok now! Then why so sad?

A- cause I made someone else sad.

Annika frowned when he smiled for her reply.

R- you're talking about senior right? I don't know what's the problem between you two but if you're so worried for him, please talk and solve it.

A- it's not that easy Rudra.

R- it always is.

She shook her head and smiled when he mentioned this showing a thumbs up.

R- you know, I doubted if senior was not straight and all when he used to deny girls who'd propose him . But now I know the reason.

Annika kept watching him in keen without blinking.

R- he's mad for you.

A- he hates me.

R- oh does he really ? Angel why do I feel you're scared.

Annika's reactions changed at once.

A- Rudra

R- you're scared of loosing him and you're scared of having him at the same time. This sounds like a big headache itslef, it either has to be yes or no. You'd loose yourself if you're stuck up here in this stage.

The atmosphere grew quiet suddenly, she was lost in her deep thoughts. The loud news headlines is what which brought her back, she was shocked on knowing about the fire accident at the hospital.

A- so many cases... My god! Rudra, Rudra please take me there.

She hurried collecting her things, Rudra disapproved though.

R- you can't, you must rest!

A- rested enough Rudra, I have my patients there, I... I don't know what hap... I am going with or without you.

R- please don't be stubborn, you're still recovering.

She didn't pay heed to his words and just started packing her stuffs and zipped the bag.

A- what kind of doctor am I if I fear and step back when my patients need me the most?

Pulling all her hair, she tied it up to make a bun and rushed for Rudra followed her back immediately, insisting her otherwise throughout the way.

Om- shivaay! Shivaay stop, shivaay!!

Om jumped ahead and tried to control shivaay who was hell bent on breaking every stuff in his house. He behaved very much like a mad man. At one point Om didn't only know what to do and he just slapped him hard on his face, shivaay sat on the couch with a thud, eyes flooded in blood red anger.

Om - are you insane!

S- people are dying, going to die, we can't do anything!

He screamed and kicked the teapoy. Om crushed his eyes .

Om- will this undo anything that has happened? Shivaay for God's sake act like a policeman, you look like a psycho .

S- why should I Om? What should I do? I did everything I could, I tried to save people as much as I could, I wanted to stop the event from happening for good but what can I do when the government itself is so into playing numb and careless just to save up their seats? I'm done Om.

Om bent down and grabbed his collars immediately.

Om- no you're not! Shivaay you saved everyone from dying, if not for the antibodies anni... all the infected would be dead by now. You cracked it right just in time , if not...! Stop thinking like a looser and get up, whatever is waiting for us , let's face it, fight it. Come on shivaay!

Om insisted seriously and shivaay sat there tapping his legs hard on the floor for a while , thinking.

She was at the other hospital where all of the survivors were taken now, her legs trembled at the sight. So many familiar faces, tied and bundled in plastic sacks. Annika had tears watching everything. She started taking deep breaths in order to balance her system. Her hand automatically held Rudra's wrist for support who himself was shook on seeing everything.

' someone please help! My mother's not able to breathe, doctor!! '

She heard a middle aged man shouting in the corner and immediately hurried to help him. Rudra here felt like he was about to faint. He somehow caught hold of himself and sat on a bench at the corner, holding his head. Peoples cries and wails were the only noise they could hear.

' Oh my God Sharon!! What happened to my sister, doctor she's fine right? Tell me '

' John nothing will happen to her , don't loose hope. We have to stay strong, Mom is already weak , don't cry in front of her '

' I know, I just... I'm scared Jos. Sharon is very much hurt '

A lady, surrounded with three kids of small age , one very small, just a baby, stood there outside a ward and cried. In between all those loud wails around, Rudra did hear this name, familiar one. He stood up and walked slowly towards the ward, still in shock.

His eyes widened with tears gathering inside when he saw Sharon through the transparent door. Her body condition just brought horror within him. She was hollering , shrieking in pain while the doctors treated her.He quickly pushed the door and went in.

' excuse me sir who are you?, you can't enter like '

The doctor suddenly stopped speaking when he heard silence in the room. He noticed Sharon's deep stare at the new man who came in, he understood Rudra can help.

' sir, hold her down and help me. She can't move '

Rudra came out of his zone only then and immediately pressed Sharon to the bed while she kept staring at him all the while. She peeped a bit to take a look at the floor and then spoke with much struggle.

Sh- your le leg... are you, ok?

R- you should be worrying of you now.

She hardly was able to smile but she tried. This man is good. After everything, he's still here, helping her. Of course why would he not, even though she did worst things, his team escaped from the basement blast because of her. Angry yes,yet he can't deny being grateful .

It was morning already, the day was here.Shivaay hardly slept in the last few days, he was falling still he couldn't back out. He saw happy students enjoying their day, participating in the events with a huge crowd of parents surrounded in the campus rooting for their kids. Panel of so called VIP's seated on the dais, the place was packed. Shivaay could feel his inner self breaking in fear, yes he feared, so much people and what's gonna happen? They had fixed extreme defense around the perimeter, but it couldn't suffice to make him feel any better. He was worried. Half the force was sent to the fire break out as that too was a very much critical situation, people needed help there. Tej knew all this before itself, this fact only increased his fear more.

Om- shivaay, we can hold.

S- I doubt that.

Om- veer is gonna be shot at sight if he shows up here.

Shivaay couldn't hear his words as his focus fell on something else. Om noticed this and shook him.

Om- shivaay.

S- Om, browse for the skeleton sewage line of the city.

Om- sewage?

S- soon.

He muttered looking at all the big round iron plates, hardly visible on the ground surrounded by mud. Sewage tank pipes, they were.

Om- what's this for?

S- Om, Tej and Veer didn't go out from that place as far as we know but Veer is nowhere found. We failed to check this place inside out, what if he doesn't come but already is here? Check if any sewage pipelines from here meets those in the area where stadium is.

Now Om was scared too.

Om - damn,you and your guesses man.

' I now call upon our cheif guest, Minister Shikar to do the honours '

Shivaay concentrated on the stage when that Minister was called to hoist the flag, he is Tej's first target.

S-Om we don't have time.

Om- positive.

S- shit! Gaurds, come in. Clear the ground and check all the drainage tanks first. Om we have to alert everyone to cooperate .

He instructed through the walkie talkie first and then rushed to make it to the stage. That's when Om noticed something and stopped on the way. It was a truck kept at the center of the ground. Shivaay saw the minister nearing it and questioned.

S- what is he doing?

Om- truck full of white birds, peace ceremony shivaay, before hoisting the flag.

S- whatever ! We got to tell them to stop this now.

Om- we're too late.

S- Om!

Om- shivaay look!

They both were quiet far away from the place but shivaay did try to focus where he kept pointing, and he couldn't digest what he just saw.

There was a big iron plate visible beneath the truck too, they knew what this means.

' 3 , 2 , 1'

S/Om- no!!!

The Minister disclosed the doors of the truck as the crowd cheered, he was shock stricken by the sight first. Birds were dead, and it hit him when he least expected. Ferocious Veer jumped on him and went for his throat within a blink, a second of silence prevailed as people didn't even move after seeing that. And soon there was chaos, they ran shouting.

Veer didn't seem to stop, he kept the count going, children , trainers, everyone who were at the ground now at his reach, he savoured them.

Shivaay pushed to stop Om when he aimed for Veer.

S- people everywhere Om! Everyone don't take the shot until you get a clear sight of Veer.

Shrieks and wails were heard, everyone were trying to rush out . Some corpses down already, with more of them infected, and then comes the dangerous third type, infected and turned. They started attacking too. The ground was already a mess, they could hardly see Veer now. Shivaay didn't wait , he quickly went to the stage and grabbed the mic.

S- everyone who could hear me, who could understand my words, move to the higher secondary block now. To the left! You'd be safe there.

He had this option made up in his mind, suppose if everything falls out. That block is closest to ground and can be held safe to an extent. He had even prepared for an escape route from there, he was scared but he had to carry on with the next things too. People who were lucky enough, rushed out through the exit and entrance point ,they left the campus . But still there was a huge crowd at the other side of the ground who had to cross Veer to make it which was risky now.He ran towards the block and hurried the people to move.

People turned as animals and started attacking each other, some children too. The police crew helped everyone move out and directed those who couldn't to other block.

Suddenly they heard a peak of noise from all the speakers set around there, they all closed their ears and cringed not being able to tolerate that decibel.

' check check 1 2 3 '

Shivaay and Om stopped whatever they were doing and turned towards the stage in shock, recognizing the voice.

Tej is here , seemed like he had studied the pipe system in and out. He grinned with a pride seeing the Minister dead on the ground.

T- beautiful sight! Well done my son . Shivaay,wherever you are, please burry your hopes of saving these people because it's not gonna happen. Human race is about to go extinct . People deserve this shivaay, they're worse than animals so let them suffer. Don't worry, this is not my first hit spot. You'll have companions my lovely people , I've made arrangements at every hospital in the city. There's no help you can get because one by one it's gonna go boom like what happened yesterday. So stand erect and embrace your new lives, your new leader. We as a whole will make this world ours one day.

His every word brought chills in their spines. Someone took a shot on Tej but the pillars ate the bullet, Tej jumped ahead and blocked those who were making it to the entrance. He attacked and killed them.

He was completely in his psychic mode now.

Shivaay stood like a statue, rooted to the place . He almost fell down when people pushed and walked over him . He screamed when they stomped on his arm. Om saw this and helped pulling him up.

Om- shivaay !

Just then Om received a call from Rudra.

R- senior, is everything ok there shall I co

He heard those wild shouts and couldn't just complete after that. Annika was worried by his reactions, she pulled the phone from him and put the speaker on.

A- hello , Om, what is happening there?

Om- Annika we're caught inside here. And it's gonna be a big problem outside too. Don't leave the military campus at any cost.

They both were shocked.

A- but what....where is shi

S- Annika just don't leave the police campus, keep the kids with you. Just do that for God's sake!

Shivaay snatched the mobile and screamed before she could complete.

R- senior but we're already at the lifeline hospital to help the surviors.

Someone just banged on shivaay to run over and he already lost the phone to the floor. It cracked and broke soon when everyone stomped over. He did hear what Rudra said though.

Shivaay trembled and fell on his knees immediately.

How was it?

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Stay repelling is my other book, try reading it if possible and don't forget to post your reviews.

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