The Final Push

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(Y/n) POV

I am fighting with our newfound reinforcements to push the Grimm back, Tai and myself are in the middle of a frenzy fighting back some 50 Grimm.

Tai: (Y/n)! Your axe!

(Y/n): Yeah!

I let Tai grab my axe head and I spin him around while he takes out all the Grimm surrounding us, Tai lands and I quickly move his head and let my armor take a strike from an Ursa Major. Tai then uppercuts the Ursa in the chin sending it into the air, as it falls down I bull rush it hitting the Grimm in the gut and send it careening through several other Grimm.

Tai: I can see why Ruby likes you!

(Y/n): Really?! Now?!

Tai: Just don't go breaking her heart, kid!

(Y/n): Why would I do that?! She's the one who helped me rediscover myself.

Tai: Good! Then I'll feel better knowing she's happy with someone like you!

Knowing I have Tai's approval, sort of, I continue leading the charge against the Grimm and we're finally pushing back. I just hope Ruby is having better luck then us.

Qrow POV

I am facing off against Tyrian and getting the upper hand on him, between our first fight and now it is clear Tyrian's insanity has only gotten worse, which while it does let him hit harder and dull's his sensitivity to pain, it also made him careless and predictable. He lunges and I quickly spin my scythe and deflect his hit and block his tail. He then shoots his guns and I quickly back away to dodge, then I come back and slice off his tail. Tyrian screams and launches at me and I sidestep and hit him in the back of his head with the pommel of my weapon and knock him to the ground. He struggles to get up and I ready myself for anything.

Qrow: Give up! You can't win, Salem will lose and peace will return to Remnant.

Tyrian: You can't defeat the goddess of this world. No one can. HeheheHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Tyrian launches again and I simply dodge to the left and knock him out for good, even though he's insane and can't be helped, I still can't kill him. He was simply misguided.

Ren & Nora POV

Ren and Nora are struggling against Watts and Hazel, but Nora's no quitter and charges at Hazel and the two collide creating a shockwave between the two of them, Nora then headbutts Hazel then smacks him with all the force she can muster and smacks Hazel through several walls. Nora goes after Hazel and the two continue to pound each other. Meanwhile Ren and Watts are attempting to outsmart eachother, but Watts is currently having an easy time of it.

Watts: Ironwood rejected my genius and called me insane. Well, look where that has gotten him.

Ren: You only fight for revenge and that will be the end of you.

Watts: And what keeps you fighting?

Watt's attempts a punch to stumble Ren, but Ren simply grapples Watts' arm and throws him over his shoulder and pins him on the ground.

Ren: I fight for my friends.

With Watts taken care of, Nora is really whamming on Hazel trying to break his Aura, Hazel tries to go for a grab, but Nora blocks his arms and then hits him in the gut with her hammerhead. Nora then grabs Hazel and knees his head then body checks him and Hazel falls on his back, Nora then winds up her hammer and brings it down on Hazel's head and finally takes out his Aura. Nora then kneels down to Hazel before he passes out.

Nora: Revenge is a fools errand. You're not mad at Ozpin, you're mad at yourself for not doing more for your sister. But she lived and died being a Huntress you should be proud of that.

Hazel then passes out and Nora drags him back to Ren and sees he handled Watts, the pair then give a each other a quick kiss before heading to join their leader.

Jaune POV

     Speaking of which, Jaune is struggling but has managed to land a few hits on Cinder. Cinder sends a stream of fire towards Jaune and he deftly blocks it and starts pushing through the stream and shield bashes Cinder causing her to lose her balance. Jaune then slices at her Grimm arm and cuts it off, Cinder screams in pain and throws a punch with her other arm, Jaune blocks and wraps his arm around Cinder's to inhibit her movements. Jaune then punches her in the face three times and swings Cinder around and slams her head into a wall. Jaune then lifts her up and tosses her to the other side of the room. He then combines his shield and sword into his greatsword, and charges Cinder and slices at Cinder and knocks her up in the air, Jaune activates his the dust infused in his sword and slices Cinder again while in midair, he then does one final massive swing with all his might and knocks Cinder into a wall destroying her Aura and leaving her helpless.

Jaune looks over at Oscar and see he's beaten Neo, he then looks back at Cinder who is struggling to get up. He approaches Cinder and pins her with his foot.

Jaune: Still think it was worth it?

Jaune raises his sword but before he can.

Nora: Jaune!

Jaune looks over and tears are actually starting to form in his eyes.

Ren: Is this what Pyrrha would want?

Jaune looks back at Cinder and finally decides to honor Pyrrha's memory and lowers his sword and proceeds to restrain Cinder and toss her next to Neo.

Ruby POV

Weiss and the others are trying to give me an opening to use me silver eyes. Weiss summons several Lancers and they each hit Salem in quick succession. As soon as they come around to try again, Salem uses a firey shield and causes an explosion and destroys the summons. Blake and Yang though are already going into their attack, Blake goes to strikes and Salem attempts to counter, but Blake has used her Semblance to get behind Salem and kick off her head and jump in the air. Blake then throws her grapple at Yang and the two then proceed to wrap Salem with Gambol Shroud's ribbon, Yang then activates her Semblance again and punches Salem across the face with all her might, God I love how strong Yang is. Salem is sent flying into the wall, Weiss then uses her glyphs and tries to seal Salem in ice, I start to get my silver eyed powers ready. once Salem is trapped, I let my powers loose with all the emotion I have to save the world. Everyone is blinded by my powers, and we can faintly hear Salem screaming, as my powers die down, I drop to my knees in exhaustion. Weiss and the other quickly check on me and get me to my feet, we all look and Salem has turned to stone, she then starts to turn to ash ending her threat to Remnant for good.

Ruby: We did it?

Weiss: Yes, I think we did.

Blake: Let's hope this doesn't become a regular thing.

Yang: Man, I could sleep for a month after this. But, great job sis. I knew you could do it.

Ruby: I couldn't have done it without any of you, thank you.

We all gather around in a group hug as everyone else rushed into the room. We all look up and see everyone standing there, Jaune then asks.

Jaune: Is it, over?

Ruby: Yeah, it's finally over.

Weiss: Can we get out of this dreadful place it's bad for my skin.

We all chuckle and hugs are given all around.

Qrow: Good job, kiddo. I almost mistook you for your mother when I walked in.

Ruby: *giggles* Do you think she saw?

Qrow: *looks up towards the heavens* Yeah, I believe she saw everything. She would be proud of you, as are all of us.

I hug Qrow and we all drag our prisoners out to the palace steps where (Y/n) and the army are waiting. I walk forward and declare...

Ruby: Salem, is defeated!


I see (Y/n) out in front, a little worse for wear but otherwise okay, I rush to him and jump into his arms and wrap my arms around his neck. The crowd keeps on cheering for several minutes, I stay by (Y/n)'s side the entire time while also greeting and thanking everyone for their help. I find Dad and give him a big bear hug, when we separate he leads me back to (Y/n) and intertwines our hands with big smile on his face.

Tai: I expect grandkids in at least 5 years.

Ruby: *blushes* DAD!

(Y/n): Easy there pops, we're getting ahead of ourselves.

I can't stay mad for long because (Y/n) then pulls me to him and removes his helmet, I quickly wipe some blood from his lips and we kiss each other. We separate when the need for air became too much and we continue to celebrate with everyone else and I'm also see Oscar and Ironwood positively reconnecting after Atlas. We then help gather the wounded and I help (Y/n) honor the dead who fought so valiantly for a cause bigger than themselves. I know (Y/n) feels the weight of every death on his shoulders and I promise to be there for him to help ease that burden.

(Y/n): I know it was necessary, but the cost was great.

Ruby: Sweety, they all knew the risks. some of them might've even knew they were going to die, but they still came and fought for something beyond themselves. I can't think of a more honorable end to ones journey. Those of us that survived should celebrate them because their sacrifice helped lead us to victory.

(Y/n): Yeah, your right. Thank you, Ruby.

I kiss (Y/n) again and we finish giving the fallen their last rites, we return to the ships and head back to Bigge to prepare for the future.

(A/N): Whew, that's was intense. What did you guys think of the entire battle? Let me know in the comments and consider following me so you never miss any new content from me. Have a great day and thank you to my followers for your continued support. PEACE OUT!!!

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