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Yeah, yeah. . . . We need them, no matter how much we hate them.

1. No overpowered Mary/Gary Sues. You are a normal person (when you start out) okay? Okay! Phew. . . .

2. This is my first roleplay where you roleplay individually, so please be patient. And if I suck at roleplaying. . . . Nothing new! With a Knight Pass you can roleplay in group. The people with a Knight Pass are at the bottom!

3. If you do not respect and tolerate the LGBTQ+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer, and everything else!) community. . . . LEAVE. NOW. You are free to be who you want to be in this world so if you disrespect others who have the courage to be unique. . . . Go away. I say love and tolerate! And I'm sorry if you cannot enter because you do not respect me and my fellow LGBTQ+ people. Oh, by the way, I'm bisexual! . . . Well, right now. I might change! Okay, enough talking about this, you get it.

4. No smut. I just don't do that. Sorry.

5. Please, no inappropriate content to character! I don't mind LGBTQ+ things, but anything too "gross" is not allowed.

6. Don't control the other characters! They are my characters and you are limited to one UNLESS I SAY OTHERWISE.

That's all for now. I'll make the forms soon.

Oh, by the way! Certain people have a pass to do certain things! It's called the Knight Pass. Oh my goodness Skyla so original!

People With A Knight Pass:

And you Knight Pass people know why you have one! Okay, now to make the forms!

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