Under Siege

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Cole POV

Cole would be waiting nervously outside the medical tent where his friend was being operated on to amputate his left arm. He could hear the screams from O'Niner as they began cutting the arm off. As he was waiting the others arrived.

Me: Sergeant, it's good to see you. I thank you, your team, and the Jedi for their assistance.

Rico: No problem sir. I don't believe we got properly introduced. I am Sergeant Rico, this is Private Melgon, he and I covered your retreat. And these two are Jedi Knight Drak'on Mazon and Jedi Knight Trilla Merzan. I believe you already met Corporal Stryker. Speaking of which where is he?

Me: He's in the medical tent helping in my lieutenant's operation. I am Commander Cole. I was actually meant to rendezvous with you General. But our gunship was shot down. And all my men...my brothers, were killed when we went down. Either in the crash or were blown out.

Drak'on: I see. And I am sorry for your losses Commander. Did you know them well?

Me: Yes, sir. Trained with them all on Kamino.

Me: Now, once Stryker finishes I would like to speak to you and your squad.

Rico: Yes, sir!

Time Skip

Rico POV

O'Niners' operation succeeded, though O'Niner would have to get a cybernetic replacement once the battle ended..Thoughts would go through my head thinking about what the Commander wanted to speak to me and my squad about. I hoped it would be a promotion.

Cole: Rico, again I thank you for helping save me and O'Niner. You're probably wondering why I asked you here.

Me: Yes sir.

Melgon: Is it a promotion?

Melgon asked with excitement in his voice.

Stryker: Don't get your hopes up kid. And quiet till the Commander is finished.

Cole: Well, Melgon isn't wrong Stryker. You are all getting promoted, and you will all become Arc Troopers.

Everyone: What?! Is this a joke?!

Cole: I hope not, because I would like to recruit you into the newly formed 575th Special Forces Corp, or the Knight Corp.

Me: We would be honored sir. And I think I speak for all of us that we would love to join.

Cole: Good, I'll inform the General.

Then all of a sudden an AAT shot hit the cliff ridge causing an rock slide destroying multiple walkers and gunships.

Random Trooper: We're under attack!

The trooper would get shot by a B2 battle droid in the back causing him to let out a blood curdling scream.

Cole: We need to fall back! Get the wounded and get them on any gunships we have left! Anyone who is still able to fight cover them! Now move!

The fight would soon turn into a full blown combat zone covering the battlefield in scrap and blood.

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