The rise of Spawn.

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A/N: I don't own any of this.

3rd POV:
(New York City)
Chaos is what can only be described as the lovely city of New York is the attraction of an alien invasion. In the midst of it, a (y/a) [stands for "Your Age."] Wearing (y/c/o/c) [stands for Your Choice Of Clothing] with e/c eyes and h/c hair can be seen hiding behind a taxi, as a patrol of aliens known as chitauri were passing by. His name is Y/N, and he is currently trying to find his parents. Peering over the damaged vehicle, he sees that it's all clear and proceeds to go down the street, occasionally taking cover to avoid detection. As he continues to walk, he sees a police officer on the ground. His pistol next to him, he begins to approach the officer, until he sees 3 chitauri walking near his location, shooting dead bodies to make sure they're actually down, acting on instinct, he dropped to the ground and began to crawl to the cop, keeping his eyes on the chitauri as they were closing by and whenever they looked his way, he'd play dead. Once he was close enough he grabbed the pistol, put froze when the chitauri were walking up to him, he played dead again and waited for them to move over him. By the time they were over his body, one of them aimed their weapon at him, Y/N could hear it powering up and prepared to fight until he heard a crushing sound in front of him to him. The boy wanted to look but was afraid that he doing so would alert the enemy. He risked it anyway and saw 2 heroines from the justice league, supergirl and wonder woman.

The chitauri aim their weapons and begin to fire at them but they were no match for the super speed and invincibility that they possessed, once they were killed, the 2 heroines approached Y/N who stood up and faced them.

Y/N: thanks for save.

Supergirl: no problem.

Wonder woman: what are you doing out here? You should be heading to the evacuation zones outside the city.

Y/N: that's where I was heading until I got a call from my dad, telling me to meet up with him since he's in the city somewhere rescuing civilians.

Y/N pulls the clip out of the pistol and checks how many bullets are in it and counts 7 shots, he puts the clip back in the gun and turns his attention back to the ladies.

Supergirl: look maybe finding your dad is a bad idea, this place is a warzone right now.

Y/N: I know it is, but I'm still going to find him. I appreciate you all saving my ass, but I need to do this, so go on, go save the world, I've got my own thing to do.

Y/N didn't wait for an answer as he turned and began running down the street, pistol in hand. Supergirl and wonder woman watch him go before they begin to ascend.

Supergirl/wonder woman (in head): may rao/hera have mercy and guide you.

(Mini timeskip)

Y/N is hiding once again as more chitauri patrols appear, right now, Y/N has his pistol, a combat knife and a crowbar to open any doors. He's found some survivors and gave them directions to areas that are safe to travel to the evacuation sights without getting caught, when Y/N sees the area clear he begins to slowly move, using the environment to his advantage. As he continues to move, his phone vibrates and he grabs to see that it's his dad calling him, he answers the call and puts the phone to his ear.

Y/N: [dad?]

???: [son! Thank god your ok, how you holding up?]

Y/N: [50/50 right now, these moppets are all over the fucking place. Where are you?]

???: [I've been forced back to the evacuation centres.]

Y/N: [w-what?! Why?!]

???: [those fucking heroes are blocking all the entries, trying to contain the situation. It's not a pretty sight son. A lot people didn't make it through.]

Y/N: [shit.]

???: [don't worry, I can still get you through this, I've hacked into the street cams and I can see you, follow my instructions understood?]

Y/N: [(jokingly) yes sir.]

Y/N looks for a camera and sees it placed on a lamppost, he gives a nod before crouching down.

???: [alright, go towards the car to your right.]

Y/N nods and begins to make his move, carefully looking around. He gets to his location waits for more instructions.

Y/N: [where to next?]

???: [see that bus? I want you to take cover behind it.]

Y/N: [ok.]

Y/N speedruns to the bus and puts his back on it, he suddenly hears something flying at high speeds and looks up to see the batman in his bat jet, iron man, superman and thor attacking their enemies. Iron man fires his shoulder missiles at one of the chitauri which causes it to crash into the bus next to him.

Y/N: holy shit!

???: [calm down, your ok, just keep moving. I've checked the other cams and I've found no enemies near your vicinity, just go straight down.)

Y/N: [ok...(inhales then exhales) ok.]

Y/N slowly begins to walk to where he was told to go, as he was walking past the part of the bus where the chitauri crashed in, the same chitauri lunges out and grabs Y/N from behind, making him drop his phone.

???: [Y/N!!]

Acting on in instinct Y/N headbutted it, before elbowing it in the stomach, making it let go, Y/N turns around and kicks it the alien into the bus, he grabs his crowbar off of his back before impaling it on the side of its neck, without stopping, Y/N grabs the crowbar with both hands before throwing the chitauri down to the ground, leaning close to its face, Y/N speaks.

Y/N: fuck you!!

He then yanks the crowbar to the right, slitting the throat of the alien, he then pulls the crowbar out before leaning his back on the bus, catching his breath, he sees his phone next to him and picks it up.

???: [fucking hell! You good?]

Y/N: [yeah, I'm fine. I'm gonna head straight down now.]

Y/N gets back up and puts the crowbar on his back, he then grabs his combat knife with his left and places it under his right arm which is holding the pistol, he then continues walking.

(Mini timeskip)

It was difficult but Y/N managed to make it to one of the evacuation centres, it was just ahead of him, all he had to do was just walk it down there. When he was close enough, the soldiers saw him and allowed him through. Y/N sighed in relief, he finally made it, just as he was about to enter the safe haven, an explosion from a building caught his attention and he turned around to see a chauturi leviathan (I'm not sure if they're called that) coming out of said building, and charging down to him, Y/N braced himself for the oncoming death but fate had other plans as a green hand came in front of him and held the leviathan in place before smashing it down to the ground. A roar was suddenly heard and the hulk came crashing down on it and began to smash into it repeatedly until it stopped moving. Y/N turned around and sees green lantern (Hal Jordan, not Guy Gardner or john Stewart).

Green lantern: you ok?

Y/N: yeah, I'm good, thanks.

Y/N turns around to see the hulk jump into the air roaring before disappearing from sight.

Green lantern: don't worry about big green over there, guys tough. Go to the evac zone, I need to go and provide air support.

Not giving a time to respond, GL flies up into the air. Y/N stares a little before running to the entrance, once in, he goes to a wall and sits down leaning on it. Looking up into the sky of New York, Y/N can still see the portal is still opened, Y/N gets a message on his phone and sees a message from his father.

Y/N: POV: I looked at my phone and saw the message my dad sent.

???: {I'm heading to where you are now son, be there soon.}

I put my phone away and look around the area and see people being healed by medics, some are huddled together either praying to whatever God or are holding on to eachother. I'm honestly disappointed in today's heroes, I remember looking up to them but as I got older I started seeing them as annoyances....well some of them. That portal should be closed by now, we've got indestructible heroes that should be able to close it easily, people are dying and I don't think anyone is going to rescue them!! I hear a noise and see the batjet land and out comes batman along with cyborg, flash, spiderman, captain marvel, wonderwoman, supergirl, nightwing, black widow, teen titans and the fantastic 4 meeting up with the dark knight, the group appeared to be talking about making their next move or figuring out how to close the portal. I put my hand in my pocket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. I only ever smoke when I'm either pissed off, stressed or I feel like it, and I'm feeling all 3 of those right now, the only time I ever felt like this was when my father trained me in hand to hand combat and using every known weapon. I hit the bottom of the cigarette pack and take out a cigarette and put it at the edge of my mouth before lighting it up. I inhale a bit before pulling the cig away and blowing smoke out, I really want this day to be over.

???: I don't think smoking is a good idea.

I look up to my left and see a woman with reddish hair that looks to be on fire near the end of it, she's wearing a purple costume with a bit of white in it, it's also quite.....revealing. It took me a moment to realise that it's starfire of the teen titans.

Y/N: yeah.... well I don't really care right now, I was supposed to have a relaxing day before all this happened, smoking is the only thing that calms me down when I'm stressed, angry or feel like it and I'm feeling all 3 of them.

Starfire: I.... suppose that is a well enough reason. Do you mind if I sit here?

I looked at her, eyebrow raised. Did starfire ask to sit next to me? Nice. But why though??? It took me a second to realise that she was looking at nightwing while holding her left arm, the look she had was one of sadness and...anger I guess? I don't know. Shrugging shoulders, I motion for her to sit.

Y/N: be my guest.

Starfire: thank you kindly.

Starfire moved and sat down next to me, every now and then she would take sideways glances at nightwing before sighing softly and looking at the ground while I would have a puff every few minutes. Glancing at the fiery bombshell, I decided to start a conversation.

Y/N: not to sound rude or anything, but why are you sitting next to me? Shouldn't you be talking with them (motions to the heroes discussing) or finding civilians? Or fighting the chitauri or finding a way to close the portal?

Starfire: batman and captain America has ordered me and the titans to hold position and defend each evacuation centre, each small group of heroes are being placed in specific areas to keep the citizens safe.

Y/N: (sighs and drops cigarette before stepping on it) I should've figured, it's always authority that seems to get in the way.

Starfire looks at me with confusion.

Starfire: what do you mean?

Y/N: what I mean is, is that apparently you guys have all these special gadgets, magic, powers etc. And yet you guys are being ordered to defend us, I'm not saying it's a bad thing to defend the evac centres but come on, we have people that can destroy the world and yet they don't know how to close one lousy portal.

Starfire looks away for a moment, I can tell she is contemplating what I'm saying, maybe I can get one person to see my view. Starfire looks back at me.

Starfire: while I agree with what you're saying, there are still lines that cannot be crossed and we need to follow the orders given before things spiral out of control.

Y/N: a wise man once told me this when he worked in the military, whenever he did things that went against protocol or unnecessary, he always said this, "you draw the line wherever you need it."

Starfire: what does that have to do with what we're talking about?

I don't respond as I grab a coin out of my pocket and start flicking it up in the air over and over before replying.

Y/N: those words mean that you sometimes have to make your own line and decide how far it can be stretched, because sometimes, you have to take the gloves off and get dirty so the world can stay clean.

After that, it was quiet between us, I continued to play about with my coin, occasionally rolling it around each of my fingers while staring at the portal that still leaked out chitauri. It was until a few seconds later that starfire spoke.

Starfire: I suppose in some ways, there are lines that have to be crossed to get the right result huh?

Y/N: exactly, if you look at everyone around the world, you could tell that they want the same thing. A cleaner world, we have people like the joker and Loki causing chaos and all they get is imprisonment and are then broken out by their allies only to be put back in jail, it doesn't solve anything, people will continuously die and the heroes can't make the right decision. you think that every person that does a bad deed deserve to die?

Y/N: nah... not everyone deserve to be put down, only the people who are irredeemable.

From the corner of my eyes, I saw starfire nod her head a little in agreement. Well it looks like I succeeded in having at least one person see the views of the people....or some people..... or just my view. Silence set between us once again. I looked at starfire and saw her stare at nightwing with the same look of anger and sadness.

Y/N: why do you keep looking at bird boy over there?

Starfire: it is nothing.

Y/N:......I'm gonna take a swing and say trouble in paradise?

Starfire:.... I suppose you could say I'm having that, we had a..... falling out of sort.

Y/N: what happened, if you don't mind me asking?

Starfire: we had an....argument, he never made time for me since he stayed at Gotham with batman working on a big case, among other things.

Y/N: want my advice?

Starfire looks at me and gives a little nod.

Y/N: don't rush things, take your time when it comes to relationships, if you go talking to him repeatedly, theres bound to be more arguments and then there will be no future for you 2.

Starfire looks away for a moment before looking back and giving a little nod and a smile. She then has a look of realisation and she looks back at me with smile and giggles.

Starfire: my apologies, I've been speaking to you, yet I do not know your name? What is it if I may ask?

Y/N: the names Y/N.

Starfire: mine is Koriand'r, I'm from the planet Tamaran.

Y/N: nice to meet ya.

Starfire: (smiles) a pleasure to meet you as well.

3rd POV: as the 2 continued conversing, they didn't notice nightwing glancing at them from the corner of his eyes while paying attention to what batman was saying. Nightwing's main focus was on starfire and how she was smiling and laughing along with Y/N, he internally narrowed his eyes at Y/N in jealousy. He and starfire have been argument ever since nightwing went back to Gotham and he's never gotten a chance to sort things out with her. Once batman has done explaining their plan of closing down the portal, the group breaks away, allowing nightwing to walk over to starfire. The mentioned 2 begin to stand up from their seating position as they continue their conversation.

Nightwing: (lightly shoves Y/N) hey, stay away from my girl.

Y/N/starfire: what the hell dude/Dick?!

Y/N: what's your problem?!

Nightwing: your my problem, don't try to flirt her.

Y/N: is that what you thought I was doing?!

Starfire: dick, he wasn't flirting with me, you're misinterpreting the whole situation!

Nightwing: then what could you 2 be doing?! Cause you seemed to be all chummy with eachother and the way you looked at him-

Starfire: (angrily) now listen to me dick grayson, Y/N has done nothing of the sort, you are blowing things out of proportion, all we did was talk, I spoke to him about our relationship issues and he's been a GREAT help!

Nightwing: shouldn't we consult our relationship issues together?

Starfire: well considering how all we do is fight, like now for example, it has become impossible to talk! You know what? Until you learn to calm down and think rationally do not bother speaking to me!

Before nightwing could say more, starfire turned away from him and walked away, not before grabbing Y/N by the hand and taking him with her. Although a little surprised by the act, Y/N just followed her. He quickly took a glance at nightwing and saw him frowning at him, Y/N turned away and continued following starfire, once they were far away from nightwing, Y/N decided to speak.

Y/N: you uhhh alright there?

Starfire: I'm.....(sigh) fine.

Y/N: yo-

Before Y/N could continue, a chauturi leviathan came flying to the evac centre, dropping chauturi troops on the ground who then began firing at people, the justice league and avengers began picking signals from other centres being attacked as well and began splitting off to defend the other locations

Y/N: oh shit.

Starfire: stay behind me!!

Starfire quickly charged at a chauturi and with her super strength, punched it through a barricade, looking to her right she ducked below a shot and flew at another before grabbing it and using it as a human shield as a squad of them open fire on her, she then tosses the lifeless body of the alien away before her hands glow green and fire at them, burning their body to ashes. Another chauturi appeared right next to her and was about to attack but died to a shot to the head, she turns to where it came from and saw it was Y/N gun raised.

Y/N: you're welcome.

Y/N ducks below a hit from another chauturi before elbowing it in the stomach and firing a shot to its head.

Y/N (in head): 5 left in the clip.

More shots come his way so he ducks in cover. Starfire sees a few civilians about to be attacked so she fired small shots of green energy at the chauturi at that location, she saw a few more chauturi on their flying vehicles firing at people, she glanced at Y/N who saw what she was looking at and gave a nod as to say "go ahead," she nodded hesitantly and began to chase them down while Y/N focused on his little predicament and peeked a bit to see how many enemies there were only to recoil back as a stray shot nearly hit him.

Y/N: goddamn it.

The chauturi keep getting closer and closer until they are right above and next to him.

Y/N (in head): time to Express some rage.

Y/N pushes a chitauri away from him before turning to his right and firing at another one in the head.

Y/N (in head): 4 left.

Y/N then feels a sharp pain at the back of his leg and screams out in pain before turning around and shooting at the chitauri behind him, first shot hits it's stomach before managing to get one in the head.

Y/N: fucker!!!

A chauturi puts Y/N in a headlock from behind, causing him to struggle. Thinking quickly, he grabs the knife in his pocket and stabs it in the leg 3 times, however it still didn't budge.

Y/N (in head): time to pull something risky.

Thinking quickly, Y/N pulled the gun on himself and fired into his left shoulder, making it go through him and the chitauri, making it let go of Y/N who fell to the ground and turned around and aimed the pistol at the chitauri.

Y/N: see you in hell.

Y/N pulls the trigger and the bullet lands into its intended target and drops to the ground, Y/N gets up and drops the pistol, he hears growls behind him and sees 5 chitauri with blades coming out of their wrists. Y/N puts his knife on his right hand and has it in reverse grip while he grabs his crowbar with his left. The 5 aliens roar and charge at Y/N, said person dodges an overhead strike before ducking at a swipe from another and stabbing the alien behind its knees before smacking it over the head with a crowbar and stabbing it in the throat. Y/N suddenly felt a sharp pain in his back and turned around to see a chitauri stabbing him, gritting his teeth Y/N reverses his grip on his crowbar before smacking it across the chitauri's face, making it recoiled away and pull the blade away from Y/N who kicked it away and smashed the crowbar in its face, impaling it in between the eyes. Y/N then gets pushed by another chitauri into a wall who then repeatedly stabs Y/N in the stomach. Holding in his screams, Y/N pulls it into him and stabs it repeatedly in the back of the neck with ruthlessness before said alien drops dead, Y/N puts a hand over his wound and grunts in pain before hearing a roar, he looks up and barely dodges getting impaled, he stabs the attacking chitauri in its left arm before going to slit its throat only to feel himself get pushed down to the ground and feels weight on him, he then feels the knife get pulled out of his hand and being lifted up so he could face the chitauri he stabbed in the arm. Said chitauri raises it's right arm and a blade comes out of it.

Y/N: come on then, kill me asshole!!!

The chitauri impaled Y/N in the stomach before moving the blade to the left, slowly opening his stomach, Y/N cried out in pain and started yelling profanities at the 2 chitauri, the chitauri them pulled the blade out before laughing and prepared to finish the job, had it not been blasted by green energy, killing it, the chitauri that held Y/N recieved a punch to its face, possibly crushing it's skulls with the force it took, Y/N fell to the ground, holding his stomach and groaning in pain, tears in his eyes from the anguish he just went through, a hand was placed on Y/N's arm and he felt himself get turned over and managed to see a familiar colour of fiery red hair.

Y/N: (grunts in pain but manages to grin) hello sunshine.

Starfire: friend Y/N! Don't move!

Y/N ignored the fact she suddenly called him 'friend' as he was still trying to keep himself from drifting away into an abyss of darkness.

Y/N: (winces in pain) I'm starting to lose feeling in my body.

Starfire panicked and thought of a way to seal the open wound, but it was gonna hurt.

Starfire: stay with me friend Y/N, I have way to close the wound, but it's gonna hurt... a lot.

Y/N: (sarcastically) yipee!!

With her right hand she fired a low powered laser on the wound which slowly began to close the wound as she progressed further along the opened stomach. Y/N screamed bloody murder as the searing pain was too much and he was beginning to pass out. Hands were clenched so tight that he was beginning to draw blood. Eventually his suffering ended and he was panting, his vision was hazy and blurry, his hearing was horrible as starfire tried to speak to him but it was jumbled and echoed. It was only through sheer willpower and determination that he was able to regain his bearings.

Starfire: (echo) friend Y/N!!! Y/N!!!! (Normal) Y/N are you alright now?!

Y/N: (grunts in pain) define "ok?"

Starfire: don't move for a moment, you need time.

Y/N: yeah well, (grunts in pain) time isn't always on humanity's side.

Starfire looks around before carefully picking up Y/N in a bridal carry before taking him to a wall and placing him down and having his back lean against it. Once she does that, she sees that a few heroes such as, supergirl, wonder woman, captain marvel, human torch, spiderman and Hawkeye arrive and begin assisting injured civilians. Starfire turned her attention back to Y/N who was having trouble staying awake, stafire put her right hand on his cheek to have him face her.

Starfire: stay awake now, you have people that need you, right?

Y/N: (coughs blood) I don't think I'll live long enough to see them.

Starfire frowns and checks the wound that she patched up and sees its closed but the damage was already done and he lost too much blood, there was no telling if he was gonna even survive. Y/N sees a chitauri with its left leg busted and right arm dislocated, its left arm twitched making him narrow his eyes for a moment before he sas it look up so fast, Y/N would have thought that it snapped its neck, it grabbed its weapon and aimed at a girl who had her back turned and was talking to someone, Y/N panicked and used what little strength he had left to push starfire out of the way and run to the girl.

Y/N: NOOOO!!!!

Y/N managed to push the girl out of the way before-


The shot went through Y/N, making him fall to the ground with a gaping whole in his chest. Everyone stood there gobsmacked for a moment before starfire in a fit of rage rushed the near dead chitauri and implanted her fist into it's skull, killing it. The fiery tamerianian removed her fist, inspecting the her blood covered hand, thoughts swirled in her head, she would feel horrified if she killed someone or something, but it felt different this time, it felt..... satisfying.

Shaking her head clear of those thoughts, she turned around to the fallen form of Y/N and ran then kneeled next to him with a look of worry, looking at the wound she could see it went straight through and punctured his heart, she placed her hands over the wound and began applying pressure on it. Civilians were being moved back by the heroes and began checking if any chitauri were faking being unconscious.

Starfire: you idiot!! You were already hurt enough! Why risk you health any further?!?!

Starfire kept her hands on the wound, hoping she could keep him alive until proper help arrived.

???: son?

The alien hero turned to see a man in a military uniform, he had a beard, blue eyes and wears a hat on his head, on his shoulder, there was a symbol the looked like a skull being impaled with a sword and wings on the sides.

Y/N: d-dad?

Price drops his gun before running and kneeling beside Y/N, panicking at seeing him so pale and hurt.

Price: stay with me son!

Y/N: dad-

Price: don't speak. (Shouts) I NEED A MEDIC!!!

Y/N: dad listen to m- (coughs) me, it's ok.

Price: you listen to me, and shut your trap, I'm not losing you like this!!

Y/N: dad please-

Price: no, you're gonna b-

Y/N: DAD!! (Coughs blood) just stop.... (tears appear around his eyes), I'm at the end of my rope.

Price: son... please, stop exaggerating... you're-

Y/N: dad.... it's.... fine... (looks at starfire) give me your (coughs blood) hand, kori.

Starfire slowly raises her left hand and Y/N grabs it. Starfire feels something fall into her hand and feels Y/N's grip become a bit stronger, she looks back at him, tears appearing at the corner of her eyes.

Y/N: you draw (coughs then gasps) the line, wherever you need it....take the gloves off and get the world can stay clean.... (looks at price) (cries).....I love you dad....and.....I- (coughs blood) I'

Y/N's grip on starfires hand weakens until it drops to the ground permanently, the life in his eyes leaves and he dies with a hollow smile at his father. Price is silent, his face not giving away any emotion before he lifts his sons limp body and holds it close to himself, one lone tear trailing down his face before it lands on Y/N's cheeks and trails down his face almost like he was crying too. Starfire frowned in sadness before looking at the hand that Y/N held and saw it was the coin that Y/N was flipping when the 2 spoke.

A/N: this is the coin.

Starfire looks at price and stretches her arm out to price.

Starfire: I believe this belongs to you sir.

Price glances at her hand and sees the coin that he gave Y/N, he stretches his hand out and closes her hand, she looks at him in confusion.

Price: he gave that to you. (Looks at Y/N and closes his sons eyes) he was never a fan of heroes as he grew up and frankly I'm on the same boat, but.... (looks at starfire) I think my son saw something in you. I can't see it and I think it's a waste.... (starfire looks down) prove me wrong, (she looks back at him in surprise) and show me what my son saw in you.

Starfire merely nods her head before standing up, looking at everything around her as she blocked all the noises. She saw the people that are dead, the mourning families that are crying out in sadness, rage and agony, the burning and destroyed buildings that look like they're about to collapse any second, she then looked at the portal that still poured chitauri and frowned, she then looked at her hands and sees the blood of the chitauri and Y/N's. Her comm suddenly activated and she could hear the director of S.H.I.E.L.D nick fury.

Fury: [everyone listen up! You have a nuclear missile heading straight for New York!]

Batman [superman, think you can redirect it?]

Superman: [yeah, I'll grab it and take it far from earth.]

Starfire's frown grew. Redirect? this was the perfect way to stop the chitauri, she shook her head, she shouldn't think like that, the chitauri were a civilisation as well, her thoughts were conflicted. She suddenly began hearing all the sounds around her, the burning flames, the agonizing cries of civilians and the battle against the invaders, what caught her attention though was the voices of the people that were near her.

???: don't leave me!!!

???2: mommy where's daddy?

???3: somebody help!!!

???4: please wake up!!!

Starfire's hands clenched, her green energy swirling around them.

???5: I lost everything, I can't lose you too!!!

???6: why aren't the heroes doing something?!?!

???7: let me go!! I have to find them!!

???8: all these deaths could've been prevented if those heroes acted quicker.

Starfire grits her teeth, tears flowing down her cheeks, she looks down at Y/N's dead body, emotions swirling within her, despite the small interaction they had, she saw him as a friend, someone she could go to when she had problems, someone that could hang out with her, but that's all it is now, a lot of things COULD have happened, but she didn't react quick enough, she wondered what would've happened if she killed those who were irredeemable, how many lives would be saved from anymore suffering? Her anger rose as the possibility came to her, the people would feel safe, they would feel like they could walk out and feel protected, they would feel-

Starfire's thoughts were halted when Y/N's last words to her came back.

Y/N: you draw (coughs then gasps) the line, wherever you need it....take the gloves off and get the world can stay clean.

It was then that something in her snapped, more tears flooded her face, as she turns her gaze fiercely at the portal, she knew what she needed to do, and she also knew how to do it, with an overflowing amount of power she took off to the sky and headed straight for the nuke. As she flew over the sea, her comms went off.

Captain America: [starfire! What are you doing?!]

Starfire: what I must!!

Batman: [starfire, this is batman, pull back, let superman take care of the nuke.]

Starfire: apologies batman, but I'm disobeying that order!

Batman: [I know what your doing starfire, it's the wrong thing to do, your crossing a line!]

Starfire had enough and said one last thing before closing the comm channel.

Starfire: a wise friend told me something batman, "you draw the line, wherever you need it."

With that, starfire closes the channel. She eventually manages to see nuke and moves out of the way just as it passes her, she flies after it before getting under it, she grabs it, hands gripping tightly onto the metal before flying faster back to New York, bomb in hand. Once reaching New York, she sees the portal and pushes her body against the missile, slowly moving it upwards until it was upright and went straight into the portal where she saw the entirety of the chitauri fleet, letting go of the missile, she began flying back as she saw the missile hit the mothership and explode, destroying everything in its path, focusing on the portal, she noted that it was getting smaller and used her power to increase her speed, barely passing through, just before the portal closed she saw the remains of the fleet succumbing to the destructive power of the nuke, she then looked down and saw all the chitauri fall limp and die without the mothership to guide them. Starfire slowly floated down as people looked at her, once her feet touched the ground, people began going to her, silence enveloped before they all began cheering and clapping, some crying tears of joy as the nightmare was over, people began thanking the green eyed alien profusely. Starfire took it all in and felt a sense of accomplishment, she then flew to where Y/N's body was and saw captain price there still holding him however he was looking at starfire with approval in his eyes, he nods to which she does the same, she kneels, a silent question is asked by her. Price knows what it is and gives a nod, starfire looks at Y/N's body before grabbing it and gently lifting it in a princess carry and slowly walking away, as the crowd slowly dispersed as they allowed her to walk by, price following silently behind her.

(Major timeskip - hell)

A familiar h/c teen can be seen waking up and looking around, he sees himself surrounded by swirling infernos, screams of agony were heard all around, he stood up and looked around and saw charred corpses, people with no skin on their bodies screaming bloody murder. Y/N walked backwards, terrified of what he's seeing and suddenly felt arms wrapped around him, he turned and saw a charred face screaming at him, Y/N struggled and eventually freed himself but fell down to the ground, he began crawling away and tried to calm down his ragged breathing.

???: hello Y/N.

Y/N quickly turned around at the sound of his name and saw what can be described as evil incarnate, it was a gigantic demon with what appeared to be hair on his scalp, glowing green eyes, sharp teeth and a freakishly long tongue. This was malebolgia.

Y/N: w-what the fuck? W-who are you?!

Malebolgia: (laughs) my name is malebolgia, and I have an offer that you cannot refuse boy.

Y/N: (gulps) what kind of deal? and where the hell am I?

Malebolgia: SILENCE!!! (Y/N shuts up) now, to answer your second question, we are in my domain or more commonly known as hell, well one of the floors of it. (Chuckles evilly, freaking Y/N a bit) Now for your first question, the deal is simple, I want you to become my general for my army.

Y/N: why the heck would I-

Malebolgia: do it? It's simple, don't you wish to return to your father?

Y/N froze at the mention of his father, malebolgia maliciously smirked at this, he had the soon to be general of his army hooked, now to line and sinker. Malebolgia then used his power to create a mirror that showed the mortal realm in front of Y/N. In the mirror it showed Cpt price sitting in a kitchen at the table, on the table was a pistol and a picture of a smiling young Y/N getting his hair ruffled by a smiling cpt price. Said man himself was looking at the picture, a flood of emotions can be shown in his eyes but the most prominent one was sadness, he then downed a glass of whiskey as a tear fell from his eye. Seeing his fathers state made Y/N frown, his eyes downcast. Malebolgia grinned, he was succeeding.

Malebolgia: and his another thing, don't you want to clean the streets, to rid the world of the people like the joker, or the goblin?

Y/N's eyes became cold when he mentioned them, meanwhile the king of one of the floors of hell grinned even wider (if it can even do that) and continued.

Malebolgia: just imagine, people will praise you for what you did, no more suffering would come and they could rest easy knowing there was they're own angel of death watching and killing anyone that would harm them (chuckles evilly), so.... do you accept my deal?

Y/N says nothing for a moment before saying something intangible. Malebolgia smirked.

Malebolgia: what was that?

Y/N: .......yes.

Malebolgia cackles, finally! He has the perfect general to do his bidding.

Y/N: you'll send me there immediately right?

Malebolgia: but of course~~

Malebolgia lifted his hand as green flames surrounds it. Soon the flames appear around Y/N and slowly start swirling like a tornado and begins to ascend slowly.

Malebolgia: you will lead my army and destroy my enemies, understand?

Y/N: yes.

Malebolgia: you will kill anyone that will get in your way, understand?

Y/N: yes!

Malebolgia grinned even further, he was close to having his great warrior.

Malebolgia: and you will CONQUER everything!!! UNDERSTAND?!

Y/N: YES!!

The flames fully cover Y/N, his screams echo. Malebolgia laughs. Finally, it is beginning, he will finally have control over everything.

Malebolgia: good.....

The flames die down and Y/N crumbles to his hand and knees scorch marks are shown on his clothes and body however, A black ooze suddenly attaches itself to Y/N and begins to cover his entire body. Y/N groans in slight discomfort as he feels his wounds being healed, but that wasnt all. He began to feel power corsing through his veins, it made him feel good, unstoppable...... unkillable.

Malebolgia: arise my faithful general......


(Meanwhile in the mortal world)

Around the world random miniature portals could be see opening momentarily, showing cities, arenas etc. One world shows an island, the most noticable thing is a statue of a dragon. Another portal shows a city with banners on them, on the banner shows 2 letters, said letters being "KI."

A/N: I had more worlds in my head but I forgot most of them, I know 1 of them was street fighter but I couldn't figure out how to describe a certain map or something since it's been a while since I've seen anything street fighter related, if/when I remember then I'll add them as I progress through the story. Speaking of the story, back to it!

(Timeskip - years later)

In the streets of gotham, cars can be seen driving to their destinations, people walking on the sidewalks to head home and keep themselves away from the criminals that lurk in every alleyway, up on the roof is a figure covered in black with a red Cape. A storm appears and it begins to rain heavily upon the city of thieves and murderers. Lightning strikes, illuminating the figure to reveal a white symbol, the figure has his eyes closed and appears to be looking down at the streets beneath him. A newspapers flies by and gets stuck on his leg, the headline reads "new vigilante in gotham city, hero or killer?" The articles then gets carried by the winds and flies away.

Y/N POV: When I made the deal with the devil, I thought I got the best deal I could ask for, I had my own army, I became a demon that would hunt down anyone I like and how I like it, and to top it all off, I finally get to see my old man. Only problem was I never thought of the negative side of this deal, and that's what truly cost me. When I came back to life my first thought was to find my old man, only problem was I couldn't, and it wall because of what that's bastard malebolgia did to me. The damn fucker locked some of my memories away, one of them being who my old man is and what he looks like, another problem was that no matter how hard I tried I could never go back to being human, I was bounded by the deal I made to malebolgia, and I'll forever be a monster just like him..... but right, in this moment, a monster is what this world could use right now. Oh, how silly of me, I never told you who I was, the name is Y/N, but please, call me spawn.

(Creepy but satisfied laughter)

And I'm going to be the one who saves the world from the people that destroy it, they can run and hide, but I'll find them, and when I do, I won't show mercy........

3rd POV: lightning strikes once more to reveal his masked face.


Not a chance in hell.

A/N: ok...... I just wanna say, thank you for being patient with me, ever since covid 19 hit, my life has been all over the place and it's been a real struggle to write shit, anyways, hopefully I'll be able to write more frequently since, I can't really go anywhere but no promises. Anyways thanks for reading this story chapter and as always..... PEACE✌✌

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