Knowing Xavier

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"A true story in which a broken boy hides in the shadows until light finds him."

You know what they say about Xavier?

The bruises on his body? Probably a result of his underground fighting. The scowl on his face? Definitely to warn people to stay away. His deteriorating grades? Obviously maintaining the bad boy façade. The silence he rarely breaks? Clearly, so that he doesn't reveal his secrets. He's cold. He's fucked up. He's an asshole. Or so they say.

They think they know Xavier. They sure as hell don't.

It takes one glimpse of Xavier's reality for Haley to realize nobody knows the person they all think they know. Nobody knows the frightened little boy hiding behind the cool façade, the silence brimming with unuttered screams, the grey eyes concealing all that pain.

Nobody knows Xavier. But maybe Haley can. And maybe she can help him.

Warning: The story contains cursing, and mature themes such as violence, abuse (physical and domestic), and drug use. Reader discretion is advised.

I'm also so done with all the hate comments for Haley. You forget this is a true story so you're talking about real people, oh gosh. Internalized misogyny at its finest, you love the male lead no matter how shitty and the female lead can be angel and still not enough. Women breaking down other women is a sight to behold in Wattpad comment sections.

Hey, all!

Lovely to see you all. Thank you for giving my stories a chance.

Whether you're a first-time reader waiting for Knowing Xavier to leave the Paid program or a rereader, thank you. Knowing Xavier was one of my first stories on Wattpad, and seeing people love the story, my writing, or the main characters Xavier and Haley is just the most incredible thing ever.

After over a year of being a Paid Story, it's once again free to read. I know some of you might be curious as to why, and I'll say that being a part of the program was something I'd never considered. However, when I was invited into the program (yes, it's invite-only), I was ecstatic to explore new horizons for my story and my writing. I've learnt so much during my time and met so many incredible writers. To those of you who supported me, whether by purchasing the story or by earning coins, I'm eternally grateful.

I started writing thinking nobody would ever read my story. So to think people were willing to pay to read was the biggest validation I could imagine. And while it was a great experience, I think I'd like to explore new horizons for myself.

Hence the free story.

There is bonus paid content in the story, however, but you can read and understand the plot without the exclusive content. Most of the paid chapters are in Xavier's POV so if you'd like to know more about him, the content is worth your coins, I promise.

Truly hope you enjoy the story. I'm a sucker for comments and read each one so I'd love for you to share what you think as you read.

Once again, thank you so much for the love and support. I wouldn't be anywhere without each and every one of you.

Much love.


P. S. If you want a sort of imagining of Haley and Xavier, here they are. If you're like me and like to imagine characters as you like, go for it.

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