6.Rom- Com !? Nah.

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Imp Note-
* Do read the points in services.

Story till now- Arthit got a new place to stay, it felt a bit suspicious af if the real owner had no intention to rent it out though he decided against it. What could go possibly go wrong ? Right.But at mid night he opened his eyes in front of 'mr sexy rain guy' aka Kongpob he met once in cafe. Overjoyed and fumbled he signed another contract without reading properly. Little did he know what was the other person up for. Now resuming.


I swear it is that very moment when you really meet a person like a REAL meeting i.e through interaction and you have this gut feeling we arent gonna click together.

That was it. It was at THAT moment.

Although my heart was palpitating at his handsomeness, my brain was debating whether I can trust this entity or not.

He handed me the contract back to read and went to his room.

It stated.




This, Rent Exemption Compensatory service ("contract"), dated July XX, 20XX, is made between Kongpob Suthiluk of SUTHILUK APARTMENTS ("owner") and Arihit Rongjinipat ("tenant"), collectively referred to as "parties".

In consideration of the mutual promises and covenants in this Contract, of which the receipt and the sufficiency are hereby acknowledged, the parties further to the terms as follows.


This agreement clearly states that Arihit Rojnipat, the tenant desires to acquire the housekeeping services of SUTHILUK APARTMENTS. Condominium no. 101, also respect the privacy of the other roommate (the owner), as compensatory services for the exemption of 50% of the rent. The tenant is required to inspect, clean, maintain, repair all the residential properties in the condominium. And also cook, serve, do laundry and clean dishes regularly.

Whereas the tenant Agrees to carry out and complete the following housekeeping services within the agreed-upon living period:

* Inspect the whole area except the room on the east (owner's room)and establish a cleaning plan fit for the condominium.

*Vacuuming the place, dusting shelves and artefacts and maintaining any diminishing aesthetics of the condominium.

*Addressing the owner only by last name basis.

*Special instructions for the room on the east. DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING EXCEPT DIRTY LAUNDRY BASKET AND VACUUMING AND SWEEPING THE ROOM. If anything is found missing or damaged the tenant shall be required to pay extra monetary compensation.

*Cooking three meals per day, including supper and lunch to carry to respective workplaces /university, no junk, alcohol, or other drugs shall be allowed inside the condominium.

* Use fresh and healthy food for meals. Stale food and unhygienic cooking shall not be tolerated.

*Keeping a record of the household supplies and how it is used and keeping them updated from time to time.

*Cleaning, drying, and ironing laundry and also the other drapery in the condominium on weekly basis.

*Use appropriate and safe supplies when fulfilling the housework tasks.

*Meet the minimal expectations of the owner when incomes in terms of fulfilling housekeeping services.

NOTE - If the tenant is unable to do or not meet the expectations of the owner, he/she shall be dismissed from living in the condominium and shall also be required to pay the full amount of the days lived. Either he/she comes up to compensate the damage by any other method other than housekeeping.

Arthit Rongjinipat                         Kongpob Suthiluk

DATE - xx.July.20xx

And the list went on which literally stated me as his slave. and there was one line at the bottom "if failed to do any of the courses, shall be kicked out of the house"

What the fuck. I completed reading thoroughly as I paced angrily in the hall.

"Really, what the actual mother of fuck" I rarely get angry. Emphasis on rarely. But this dude literally hit the mark.

"What the fucking holy smoke of sin have I committed to offend him."

Was he serious? I mean when I met him I was nice and warm. He didn't seem to be devilish either or nowhere near it.

And what does the "If anything is found missing or damaged" mean? What does he take me for? A theif? I know he doesn't know me, to trust me enough though who greets their roommate with such monstrosity. My instant crush/potential happiness turned to be a major disappointment, my love interest has gone down the drain.

I can't clearly state if I am angry, or disappointed.

My estimated rom-com turned to be not romantic at all, rather I was in for a horror story. Also now I no longer found him handsome. They say you love the person inside, now I can see it.

I crumpled the sheets and sent them in the air scattering them in the hallways. and stomped to my room. I climbed the bed, covering my head with the comforter.

I have lost my sleep and tiredness and was filled with rage, but I decide to sleep on it anyways.








I can't sleep until I do something. I sit up in bed agitated.

No one.

I mean NO ONE crosses Arthit Ronjinipat like this, the former hazer of SSU engineering college. Spoilt Brats like him are supposed to be taught some etiquettes.

I needed to do something so I took my journal from the bedside table and scribbled ''killing Mr. Sexy Devil" smirking at myself.

I was half-awake, I had no intention to get up after the whole sleepless week. The pillow is so soft today, I snuggled in close. It was bouncy. I squish it. Hmmm.....It's so soft,...it felt warm I snuggled in closer.


Back to present

The next thing I knew that I was on the floor with a sharp pain in my back. This is the fucking worst. Not to mention I hate being woken up, but he literally flipped me off the bed. OH GOD, My back. Didn't I tell you he was the devil? It's not even one day and he has managed to get me this annoyed.

"What the fuckk" I growled.

"Get up" he stated.

But I was way beyond annoyed. I grabbed his hand and yanked him beneath me pinning him on the floor.

"What the fuck did I ever do to you?" I growled. I didn't even start the plan according to my list, so I can still say that. Right.

"You existed," he said.

"Oh," I agreed and let him go. But wait, did he say my existence is itself a nuisance.

"Hey..was—" before I could even say anything he was out of the door. He is such a devil. So manipulative as hell. I walked out to take a shower to see breakfast already laid out.

Is he planning to poison me? I thought. I didn't touch it and went to the fridge and grabbed some milk and eggs, and flour. Yess, SOUFFLÉ PANCAKES! I am annoyed, so it was sugar time.

He didn't say anything to me not touching the food, he just ate quietly. Oh god is that THAI. Yukk! That food looked like it had no spice, no butter or even any amount of oil in it. I noticed as I flipped my pancakes.

Once done with the pancakes,I grabbed a steamed bowl of rice and fried it with oil and chillies.

Just forget the devil in front, it will all be okay I said to myself as I took my plate of pancakes and placed it on the table, getting a closer look at his food.

WOW, such a difference, We indeed can't go together. I mean look at the difference. His meal was literally dull and grey while mine was freaking coloured with all the butter and oils dripping.

If he was north, I was south. I think while I get back from the kitchen with my rice bowl, sitting across him. I diligently pour honey on my pancake.

Ah ..looking at the delicious pancake really melted my annoyance. I cut through the fluff pancake drizzling with honey and take my bite slowly...hmm savourin...

Fuck I spit it out. It tasted bitter. I looked at the honey bottle. It wasn't honey it was...a dishwasher.

"Next time it would be you who shall be replaced," he said pressing his lips in a thin line leaving with his finished bowls of breakfast.


I swear I had forgotten about my list this morning. And thought I will comply as it was just housework anyway. But he seems to be asking for it.



A/N- Aiya!Why do you think Arthit couldn't diffrenciate between Honey and the thick warm colored dishwasher?

BTW.bDear readers caution! It is a fiction. Never sign something without a proper read. EVER! (pfft.)

And Don't forget to vote, and follow along love.

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