Miasma and Malayize

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Watching through the next several fights, Izuku finds his attention gravitating towards a student that is a part of the general education course. Judging by his last name, Izuku reasons that Hitoshi Kayama is the son of Nemuri Kayama aka midnight. His fight with Tetsutetsu of class 1-B is going to be an interesting display of the teen's strange quirk. Tetsutetsu has a quirk fairly similar to Kirishima's but he changes his skin to that of biosteel rather than the stony callus-like protrusions that occur when Kirishima hardens his body. Izuku can't resist the opportunity to take notes on the upcoming fight. "Hey Deku-kun?" Ochako asks, raising Izuku's attention from his notebook to her. "Did you notice that guy's name?" She asks before pointing to the jumbotron that displays not only the fight but pictures of the two combatants with their names.

"Mr. Aizawa did mention he and Ms. Midnight are married, so he's probably their son." Izuku responds, "He probably has a quirk similar to both of them, I'll have to fight him or Tetsutetsu in the next round so I'm taking notes right now."

"Why isn't he in Class 1-A then?" She asks before adjusting the bandage on the side of her face from her loss to Bakugou.

"Mr Aizawa mentioned that he doesn't believe in handouts, he believes that we earned our spots in the hero course so he wouldn't give his son a recommendation since he'd think it's the easy way out." Iida responds, "He started out in class 1-C as well but won the sports festival his freshman year and was put in the hero course."

"I guess that's fair, just being handed things makes it feel like you never accomplished anything to get it." Izuku responds before going back to his notebook preparing to write down anything he can about Hitoshi's quirk.

In the ring, Hitoshi walks up the stairs to his side with his hands deep in his pockets. His posture is slouched, almost as if he was tired. His dark purple hair looking unkempt as if he had just woken up, strangely around his neck sits an off white scarf that wraps around him several times. In the close up, Izuku recognises the scarf as the same capture weapon that Aizawa uses and had trained him with before he started at UA. Midnight rings a small bell on the side of the arena starting the fight and the moment it's rung Tetsutetsu takes off sprinting after Hitoshi hoping to end the fight quickly. Hitoshi however, takes his hands out of his pockets and removes the scarf from around his neck preparing to counter. As Tetsutetsu gets close enough to start the fight, he throws a wide right haymaker. Hitoshi steps to the side of the attack, letting the capture gear lag behind him for a moment, the slack in the gear catches Tetsutetsu's arm in the crook of his elbow. As Tetsutetsu tries to recover from the wide punch, Hitoshi pulls both ends of the capture gear across each other sinching it over Tetsutetsu's elbow. He turns downwards going to a knee, yanking hard on the capture gear pulling his opponent over.

Tetsutetsu hardens his body turning his skin to steel in order to dissuade Hitoshi from striking him but that's not what the purple haired student is planning. He nimbly maneuvers the capture gear to wrap itself around Tetsutetsu's arms and midsection binding them to his sides before he ties a hard knot behind his opponent's back preventing him from escaping. Tetsutetsu flexes against the carbon steel mesh scarf trying to tear through the fabric but a strange smell catches his attention. Hitoshi is standing over Tetsutetsu having removed his glove from his left hand, holding it out as if offering a hand up to his opponent. From his skin a dark purple miasma pollutes the air, the semisweet and bitter citrus smell causes something interesting to happen. While the audience can't see it on the field, they can see it on the close up shots on the televisions. Hitoshi's eyes are glowing red while he's releasing this miasma and Testutetsu's quirk has suddenly stopped working. "Submit." He says sternly but Tetsutetsu continues to resist the capture gear. "Fine then, have it your way." He says before the color of the miasma shifts slightly becoming a couple shades lighter to almost a lavender colored mist. The camera catches Tetsutetsu's eyes blink slowly for a few moments before shutting as he falls asleep.

"Tetsutetsu is unable to continue, Hitoshi Kayama is the winner!" Nemuri shouts into her microphone before making her way off of the podium. She rushes over to where he's walking off the field before enveloping him in a tight hug. "I'm so proud of you, my baby boy!" She shouts, causing Hitoshi to groan against the public display of affection from his mother.

"Well that answers that question." Iida says as he turns away from the scene on the field. "Figure anything out about how his quirk works?" He asks as he looks over Izuku's shoulder at the notebook he's been writing in.

"From what I can tell is that his quirk works in two ways, we saw his eyes turn red like Mr. Aizawa's do when he cancels our quirks and the mist he was releasing was a dark purple when he was doing that. Then when Tetsutetsu wouldn't give up, he made it so his quirk would cause Tetsutetsu to fall asleep. There was a change in color when it happened and his turned purple and continued glowing."

"That doesn't mean he can't do it at the same time." Momo adds in, "He might be holding that as an ace up his sleeve."

"True but he also could not be able to do that at all but I don't want to take that bet." Izuku responds watching as Midnight lets her son go, allowing Hitoshi to leave the field. "What do you guys think?" He asks, turning to Todoroki, Iida, Ochako and Jirou who's seated next to Momo.

"I think we probably should help Yaomomo with her fight, she's fighting Tokoyami next." Jirou says, prompting the bird headed teen to turn to face her.

"Am I chopped liver or something?" he asks rhetorically.

"No, but your quirk is more powerful than hers is so you're at an advantage now hush we want to help her fight you on a level playing field and not just be completely out matched like sparky over here was." Jirou responds, pointing an accusatory figure towards Kaminari as his fight with Ibara from class 1-B didn't go very well for him.

"I guess that's fair." Tokoyami says as he stands up from his chair and begins making his way to the exit to head to the field. "Good luck, I won't be pulling any punches and I don't expect you will either." He says before offering to shake Momo's hand, to which she accepts.

"I have a plan in my head but I want to know what you all think, it could help." Momo says as she sits back down. "I was thinking that since Dark shadow is a shadow he can't be away from Tokoyami for long periods of time in direct sunlight and has to return to him to recharge in a way. So I was going to stall for time similarly to how Midoriya did and try to tower him out."

"That would work if you fought Kirishima or Tetsutetsu but I don't think it will with Tokoyami, Darkshadow is weaker in the sunlight yes but he doesn't have a time limit per say so he could use him as much as he wants to keep you from ever landing a hit on him. If anything, exposing him to more and more light would probably work better." Iida suggests, "You could create either flashbangs or a series of lights with high lumen levels to blind both Tokoyami and Darkshadow and let you get an opening."

"I don't think causing our friend permanent damage to his eyes would be all that fair Iida, but using lights would be a good idea. I think a better idea would be to create LED lights around the arena to get rid of any shadows what so ever. The sun is directly above us so creating a field of lights would work and wouldn't blind him." Todoroki responds. "Though you instinctively close your eyes when bright lights suddenly appear so going with Iida's method could also work, it's just risky and could damage his eyes."

"Will Yaoyorozu Momo and Fumikage Tokoyami come down to the field for the last match of the first round?" Aizawa requests prompting the black haired woman to stand from her chair and begin heading down to the field after thanking her friends for the suggestions.

"Coming down to the field we have two of the strongest members of class 1-A! On the north side, she's smart as a whip, can doom the local economy and probably make mini nukes! We have the vice president of class 1-A Yaoyorozu Momo!" Present mic announces as Momo begins making her way across the field towards the arena. "Entering on the south side, if we had the rights we'd be playing Lincoln park for his entrance. He's dark, brooding, crow shaped and a man of the shadows, give it up for the fried chicken of darkness Fumikage Tokoyami!" Fumikage shoots a glare up at Mic in the announcer booth before making his way to the arena.

Midnight strikes the bell on her little podium beginning the fight and immediately Tokoyami is on the offensive pressing his attack against Momo. Dark shadow flies across the arena with his claws stretched out preparing to strike her. Momo reflexively ducks to the side allowing Dark shadow to pass her as she uses her quirk to create a large shield over her left arm. Just as the shield is created, Dark Shadow's claws slam against the metal causing her to stumble backwards from the force of the strike. On the next pass from the sentient shadow, Momo swings her arm outwards at Dark shadow just as he raises a hand to strike her. The edge of the shield catches the shadow in the beak dazing him for a second creating a small opening for her to use. The skin on her other arm begins to glow with blue and purple sparkles coming off of her skin as she uses her quirk. From the glowing areas, russian nesting dolls with Momo's face on them pop out of her and land on the ground. "Looks like Yaoyorozu is on the defensive, but she's making children's toys?" Mic asks the audience. Dark shadow comes in for another attack, scratching both claws towards Momo but she's prepared for it.

When Dark Shadow strikes Momo's shield again, she drops a nesting doll out from under her shield catching the shadow's attention. Suddenly the doll pops open revealing the cylindrical shape of a flash grenade within. The pin is already removed and the lever flies off the moment the top of the nesting doll pops off of it. "Ah... crap baskets." Dark Shadow says as he recognises the grenade. The grenade goes off creating a blinding flash of light, blinding both Tokoyami and Dark Shadow. Dark Shadow himself shrieks when exposed to the sudden blinding light, raising his hands over his eyes as his size shrinks slightly from the flash bang. Tokoyami himself shields his eyes with his entire arm and grunts from the pain in his eyes. Around the arena the other nesting dolls go off in a staggered pattern not giving Dark Shadow or Tokoyami to recover, Momo had created a set of welders goggles over her eyes to protect her from the flash bangs. She darts around the arena as each of the other flash grenades go off. Dark Shadow attacks wildly but his size continues to get smaller and smaller with each flash bang that is set off. Momo herself is creating a series of electronics as she darts around the arena setting up large tripods opposite of where Tokoyami is standing.

Almost a full minute after the last flashbang went off, Tokoyami removes his arm from over his eyes and blinks a couple of times trying to get used to the light once more. As his vision returns Momo is standing at the far side of the arena with the welders goggles on holding a switch in her hands. "Looks like Yaoyorozu has the upper hand! She's created flood lights to beat back Dark Shadow!" Momo smirks before pressing the big red button in her hands, the lights immediately flick on, flooding the arena in blinding white light. Dark Shadow is forced back into Tokoyami as all shadows are illuminated and dissipated from the arena. Tokoyami is once again forced to cover his eyes from the light. With her opponent once again blinded, Momo walks up to Tokoyami then creates a flashlight shaped object in her hands with the grip of a pistol attached to it. She levels the weapon towards her opponent before firing it launching a wide blue weighted nylon net over Tokoyami that wraps him up and pulls him to the ground. "You can't use your quirk and you're trapped." Momo declares but she sees the bird man smirk from within the net. "I forfeit," he says, prompting the audience to start cheering once again at Momo's victory.

"Progressing to the next round is Yaoyorozu Momo!" Present Mic declares as Momo turns off the lights behind her then helps her friend out from underneath the net she shot at him.

"Here is your bracket for the next round!" Midnight announces, turning everyone's attention to the big screen.

Round one: Izuku Midoriya vs Hitoshi Kayama

Round two: Katsuki Bakugou vs Momo Yaoyorozu

Round three: Shouto Todoroki vs Mina Ashido

Round four: Tenya Iida vs Ibara Shiozaki

"Let's get this show on the road! After the lights and creations are removed from the arena, Izuku Midoriya and Hitoshi Kayama please make your way down to the arena." Present Mic requests prompting Izuku to get up from his seat then head down to the arena.

"Good luck Deku-kun!" Ochako cheers as he climbs the stairs to head down to the arena itself. "Do you think he's gonna win the sports festival? He's made it this far and got further than I did."

"He has to fight whoever wins in the match between Bakugou and Yaomomo, and it's probably going to be Bakugou. She can hold out for a while but Bakugou is far too fast for her to be able to think up then create anything strong enough to defeat him. Say what you will, but at least he respects his opponents enough to not go easy on them just because you're a girl." Todoroki says, recalling how Bakugou treated Uraraka in her fight against him.

"I still think he could have held back a little, it's not manly to blast a pretty girl at point blank range." Kirishima responds but he's elbowed in the side by Mina for this statement. Though the compliment from Kirishina does cause her to blush slightly.

"Don't go flirting with Uraraka, she's got a crush on Deku." Mina chastises but all this succeeds in doing is making Ochako's blush worse.

"I didn't mean anything like that, I was just pointing it out. Besides, he's also fighting Yaomomo this round so the statement applies to both of them." Kirishima further digs himself a hole with Mina but their conversation is brought to an end with Mic announcing Izuku and Hitoshi having gotten to the field.

"This round is surely going to be a spectacle! The powerhouse vs the power sapper! He dominated the obstacle course in seconds, outsmarted the lot of 'em in the cavalry battle with his team and pummeled the hardest man of Class 1-A! Give it up for Midoriya Izuku!!!"

"Yay! Go Deku!" Ochako cheers, jumping up and down out of her seat.

"And in the south side we have the enigma, the walking mist, the miasma that snuffs out your powers, the underdog, give it up for Hitoshi Kayama!" Midnight cheers for her son through Present Mic's announcement as both boys walk up towards the arena. "Some of our eagle eyed viewers may have noticed that Hitoshi is using support items to assist him in the tournament. All students that are not in the hero course are permitted to use items so long as they're approved by the staff. With that being said, Let's get ready to rumble!"

"Well well well, you're the student my folks have been talking about. Figured we would have met when the general ed students declared war on the hero course for the festival but you were off training with pops." Hitoshi says as he removes the scarf from around his neck. "What are you learning with them anyways?"

"I can't tell you that, we're about to fight." Izuku responds prompting his opponent to shrug before taking his hands out of his pockets.

With the sound of Midnight's bell Izuku immediately throws a punch at his full power towards Hitoshi trying to end the match as soon as it begins. Hitoshi had released a large amount of his miasma expecting Izuku to have blitzed him much like he did with Kirisihima. The air force created by Deku's punch causes Hitoshi to slide back against the concrete, almost throwing him from the ring, the lilac purple mist surrounding his body is blown away. With the wind blasting him backwards, the purple haired teen sinks a pair of climbing claws into the concrete keeping him from being blown out of the ring. The steel claws drag four long lines into the concrete before catching a piece of rebar within it and holding firm as the air dies down from Izuku's initial attack. Pushing the attack, Izuku switches tactics, flicking his fingers towards his opponent aiming for the claws that keep him anchored to the ground. Trying to stay at range forces him to use his flick attacks to hit his opponent. Hitoshi sees the change in attack from Izuku before barely catching a disturbance in the dust kicked up from the first attack. He darts to the side leaving the claws in the ground trying to evade the attack. The first of the air bullets shot by Izuku strike the spot where Hitoshi's right hand was, sending the abandoned climbing claw flying from the ring.

Hitoshi's hair begins to float upwards as his eyes turn red, the capture gear around his neck begins to levitate allowing him to grab it. Izuku notices that despite the seeming cancellation of gravity around Hitoshi's head, his quirk is still working. Hitoshi throws one of the ends of his capture gear towards Izuku much like a whip with almost the same level of skill as his father. Izuku however had been trained by Aizawa for the past year since All Might had chosen him as his successor, and while he's not as skilled as Hitoshi is with the gear, he knows enough to use the weapon against him. Izuku catches the loop end that was thrown towards him, wrapping his right arm up in it. Hitoshi's eyes widen when he sees Izuku had seemingly caught him with his own weapon, and with a powerful upwards yank of the scarf Izuku throws a large shockwave riding through the weapon. The force of the attack rips it from Hitoshi's grip, giving it now to Izuku. "Uh oh! Looks like Kayama is in a bad spot. Midoriya knows how to use his support gear!"

Hitoshi almost smirks seeing Izuku now holding the capture gear rather than him but with the shoe on the other foot he has to fight against the weapon he was just using. Deciding to switch things up, Hitoshi blinks and when his eyes open again they're now glowing purple rather than red. He raises his right hand over his mouth forming a circle in his fist before inhaling and blowing hard through his hand. The lilac sleep miasma he used on Tetsutetsu floods from his palm being sprayed towards Izuku with much more furocity than Izuku was expecting. So much so that he has to cover his mouth as the miasma nearly covers him before he can throw a punch forcing all of the mist back towards Hitoshi and into the audience. The miasma caused many of the female audience members to fall asleep with minimal exposure. Izuku himself has to stop himself from yawning from the exposure, some of it had managed to get into his system but he managed to cover his mouth in time to resist it. Through heavy eyes he sees Hitoshi breathe in as much as he can, giving him just barely a chance to escape the next spray of sleep mist. Darting to the side using a small amount of his percentage to not fling him from the ring, Izuku watches as Hitoshi turns to follow his movements continuously exhaling through his palm without end. "Seems like Midoriya might be the one in a bind. Hitoshi can circular breath, so there isn't a chance that his sleep gas is going to let up." Aizawa says into the mic, with a bit more enthusiasm than he had earlier.

Izuku circles around Hitoshi as the purple haired teen lets out a constant stream of the lilac colored mist from his hand. With the capture gear in his arms, an idea pops into Izuku's head. He increases his speed darting towards the far side of the arena away from the torrent of sleep gas. With a couple seconds to act, Izuku punches the concrete with his quirk shattering the concrete into small chunks. He grabs a small rock then quickly ties it to one end of the capture gear as tight as he can. Standing up, Izuku darts away from a cloud of sleep mist heading straight towards him holding his breath as he passes through parts of a cloud that are still lingering in the area. He sinches his hand up on the scarf letting just over a meter from the stone be slack in his hand before he begins to spin it. The stone pulls the end of the scarf tight as it spins counter clockwise faster and faster as Izuku begins channeling One for All through his body. The spinning scarf starts getting so fast that it's creating a constant wind current stronger than Hitoshi is able to produce with his breathing. This blows the lingering clouds from the arena and once again into the audience making an entire section on the eastern side of the arena fall asleep. Realizing that his attacks won't work on Izuku, Hitoshi's only option is to get his capture gear back from him. Izuku sees his opponent's eyes flash red and the color of the mist turn a dark purple as Hitoshi begins walking towards him using it to hide him within the cloud. Izuku spins the scarf faster and faster using more of his power to rotate the scarf as hard as he can but it only works for so long.

Suddenly the counterweight at the end of the scarf breaks from the centripetal force causing the line to go slack. Hitoshi uses this opportunity to snatch the slack end of the line and pull it tight in a pseudo-tug'o'war with Izuku. The dark mist cancels out the One for All user's quirk leaving this a pure strength match that Hitoshi is assuming that he's going to win. The two boys fight against each other for the scarf as the purple mist conceals both of them before stopping. With the mist clearing, it reveals that the two had managed to capture each other within the capture gear. "Uh... what do we do here guys? Both of them are unable to continue." Midnight asks, looking up at the announcer booth above her. "Alright, time out." Aizawa declares before using his quirk to cancel out his son's and Izuku's quirks in the ring. "Untie them," he says, prompting Midnight to walk into the ring to free the two combatants. With a single pull on the free end of the massive knot, the entire line goes slack, freeing the two of them. "Seeing as you're both even with the support item, for the remainder of the match it is off limits." Aizawa declares as Hitoshi and Izuku move to opposite sides of the ring to resume their fight. "Time in!" Midnight shouts.

Almost replaying the start of their fight, Hitoshi clouds himself in his quirk erasure gas expecting Izuku to ring him out immediately. However, this time Izuku raises his hand and points his fingers towards Hitoshi before flicking them in his direction. Four fast nearly invisible bullets of compressed air scream towards Hitoshi and he can't see them what so ever. The first strikes him center mass in the chest causing him to slide backwards, the second in the stomach putting him on his ass, the third striking him in the chest again causing him to go sliding backwards, and the last hits him square in the face launching him from the arena. "Midoriya Izuku progresses to the Semi Finals!" Present Mic declares, as the crowd goes wild.

"Woohoo! Way to go Deku-kun! That was amazing!" Ochako cheers as she bounds up and down in her seat. "Did you see that Iida! That was awesome!" She says as she shakes Iida back and forth almost making him lose his glasses.

"That damn nerd. He thinks this whole thing is gonna be a cake walk just because he's All Might's successor. I'm gonna prove to him that he made the wrong fuckin choice, choosing that useless Deku to wield One for All." Katsuki thinks to himself as he glares at Izuku. 

"The next match will begin just as soon as Kayama Hitoshi's quirk effects wear off and the audience members affected by it wake up." Aizawa says into the intercom as the jumbotron camera pans through the sleeping audience. 

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