Chapter 10:Eat...just Eat

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They played longer than they expected, N/N look at the sky and sees the orange and yellow of the bright sky meaning it's afternoon now.

"you should go home" N/N said to Cream stopping her and look at him as she blinked.

"Yes hun now that you mention it what are you doing in this forest in the first place?" asked Rough as Cheese look at Cream that blink.

"..w..well" Cream started feeling slight nervousness, N/N slightly raise his brow.

"...your lost aren't you?" he asked her as Cream blink in suprised then slowly nodded.

"well your mother will be so worried about you" Rough said making N/N to look at her.

"you know her mother?" he asked as she nodded with a smile.

"of course i do, i already know her longer" she replied as N/N just stared at her, he soon noticed she's still wearing the flowercrown he made and blink a bit.

He thought she would throw it away but didn't expect her to keep it, he shrugs at the thought of it and turn his focuse back on the child.

"can you help me get her home?" he asked her as Rough look at him suprised.

Her? His asking her? Well that's new, she smirks at the sudden request.

"hmm...let me see my schedule" she said pretending to look for her schedule making N/N roll his eyes, he hold Cream's hand and start to walked off with her which startled Rough.

"fine then I'll get her home myself" he said as he continue to walk off with Cream and Cheese, Rough blink for a while as she quickly follow them.

"hey! Fine I'll help!" she said going after them.

The door opened revealing to be a older rabbit blink in confusion, but soon her eyes widen seeing her child.

"Cream!" the mother called out as Cream smiled letting go of N/N's hand and quickly went to her mother and hug her as Cheese flew towards them.

"where have you been? Do you know how worried i was? I was about to go out and search for you" she said full of worry, N/N watches the scene infront of him, for some reason this felt...femilliar...a worried mother caring for her child...

"by the way! Mommy this is Mr N/N and Miss Rough is here too! They help me get home" Cream said pointing at the two behind her, Rough slightly wave still have her usual smile as N/N just stared.

The older Rabbit smiled as she stood up infront of the two.

"thank you dears for bring my Cream back home, i wish i could repay you" she said as N/N slightly shakes his head, he have the chaos emerald now since he asked Cream for it earlier which she happily gave it to him.

"no need, it's time for u-" soon a loud grumble is heard stopping them all, they all blink and wondered where it came from but their eyes all laid at N/N that have his eyes widen.

"..was that you?" Rough asked as N/N blinked and shake his head.

"" he replied, he felt his stomach twisted which made him bit his bottom lip, it slightly hurt and wonder why is he feeling like this.

The older rabbit is confused a bit until she realized something.

"are you perhaps hungry?" she asked making them to look at her.

Hungry? Is he hungry? He doesn't know really.

"hun, when was the last time you eat something?" Rough asked N/N was about to speak but stop himself.


Silence filled the atmosphere around making N/N starting to feel awkwardness in this situation his in.

"...i..i don't know" he answered if his being honest he haven't eat anything ever since he woke up.

" don't know?" Cream asked with slight concern N/N however just shrugs not really care about it as he turn around.

"it's fine, i need to go and go ba-" he stopped when a hand suddenly grabbed his shoulder.

He blink and turn around...

And he immediately regret it...


"what do you think dear?" the older rabbit which he learned named Vanilla asked him.

N/N swallowed the (F) bread he just ate and his eyes sparkled but didn't say anything, too busy eating but he manage to nod.

Rough just stood there dumbfounded, the echidna that doesn't give a care about anything else and will literally break a bone is now eating like a puppy...

"huh" Rough only said this kinda interest her.

Vanilla smiled watching the echidna enjoying her baked bread but she did feel bad for the echidna that haven't even eaten anything for a long time.

N/N finish swallowing and drink some water, seeing that the plate that was once full of (F) beard are now gone and only crumbs.

"thank you Miss Vanilla" N/N said slightly bow his head for appreciation which she giggled slightly.

"no need to bow dear, I'm just glad you enjoy it you can come next time if you want to have some more" she said with a smile which made N/N blink but nodded with a bright smile.

Rough watch the scene infront of her, this is actually her first time seeing N/N act like this other than being rude to her or act so obedient towards Eggman.

The two left the house waving farewell to the two rabbits as they return it aswell.

"come visit us next time Mr N/N!"

"chao chao!"

Cream yelled out as Cheese spoke right after as Vanilla have her hands together and still have the gentle smile to her face.

Soon N/N and Rough walked farther going back to the woods, Rough looked towards at N/N and sees him having a relaxed smile to his face and looking calm.

"didn't know you have that" she said to him with a smirk making N/N to look at her with his usual expression.

"hm?" he questioned with a brow raised doesn't know what she meant as Rough just smirked.

"you know what i mean, well i have fun, see you sweatheart~" she said N/N just didn't really care but then his eyes widen when Rough kissed his cheek, she giggled and flew off as N/N just stood there...dumbfounded

"...what the f*ck was that?" he questioned, doesn't know what she did or why she did it.

He blink for few seconds before shrugging and continue his way, he pulled out the radar from his deadlocks looking at it and seeing the other signal close by.

He stared at it before looking at the direction and ran off.

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