Chapter 13:Rematch

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"wait so...your saying have a long lost brother?" Mighty asked in suprised as Sonic lift his hand with one finger sticking out.

"correction: long lost TWIN brother" Sonic said making Knuckles to look at him with a annoyed expression.

"i didn't know you have a brother" Mighty said to Knuckles looking at him, Knuckles just closed his eyes and take a deep sigh before opening them again.

"i also didn't know...i just found it out yesterday..." Knuckles said with his hand under his chin.

Mighty doesn't know what to feel about this, he may have a suspension that N/N is related to knuckles, because they look similar to eachother and considering his the second echidna he have seen in his entire life.

Mighty wanted to tell them that he seen him and help them but he doesn't know if N/N even want them to know, especially Knuckles himself.

"I see...well then I'll help as i can" Mighty said Knuckles look at him and smiled.

"thank you Mighty" he said to him, Knuckles knew Mighty know about N/N since he sees him running away before they can get to them, but he also knew Mighty is in between of the decision here.

It's either helping him to get N/N or to keep N/N hidden as long as he can until they found out about it themselves.

But either way Knuckles still treat Mighty as a friend and he knows he just want to respect N/N being his friend.

Though Knuckles didn't know that his dear brother attracted two mobians already, and more soon to come.

"ah, i see alright we'll see you guys soon!" Vector said as he hang up, Espio and Charmy approuch him.

"Who was it?" Espio asked crossing his arms as Vector look at the two.

"it's Knuckles he said he'll meet us here with Sonic and Tails and with additional Mighty and Ray too" answered Vector which Charmy brighten up hearing the two names.

"Mighty and Ray? Here?" said Charmy with a wide smile as Vector nodded.

"but what are they doing here? Aren't they suppose to travel like what they said?" Espio asked as Vector shrugs.

"don't know, maybe they came for a visit but what's bothering me is why their involve about Knuckle's Brother" said Vector putting a hand on his chin.

"so i am right, his Knuckie's brother" the tree of them got starled by a voice but femilliar.

They soon sees the bat mobian sitting on a opened window nearby.

"why hello boys~ don't mind me coming in" she said as Espio narrowed his eyes.

"Rough? what are you doing here?" Vector asked suprised as Rough just place her leg on top of her other leg and slightly swing it a bit.

"Well i'm just passing by and heard you two talking about Knuckles meeting you guys here, and i can't help but to listen" she said keeping her smile.

"how do you know about Knuckles having a brother" Espio asked taking a step and stared at her seriously.

"oh you know, i happen to met a certain echidna in the forest yesterday that looks like Knuckles and we happen to have quite talk" she said and when she said 'quite talk' is about N/N being rude to her.

"and he even made me a flowercrown too, such a gentleman" she added remembering N/N placing the flowercrown on top of her head, she loves that.

" he can make flowercrowns? "Ask Charmy with amaze but Espio signals Charmy to quite down.

"Rough, i know you wanted something whenever you got interested" Espio said keeping his eyes on the bat as she just smiles.

"ah, i guess being a ninja means you know alot about everyone" she commented but Espio didn't respond as Vector and Charmy look at eachother.

"what do you want Rough?" asked Espio or more like he commanded which made Rough to smirk.

"i sneak inside Eggman's base few months ago before the echidna even show his Appreance, and i found interesting findings there" she said with a smile but Espio knew something is off about this so he keeps alert, Rough then continued.

"so...i want to help you guys getting N/N out"



"wait a minute where's Shadow?" Asked Charmy.

A black figure sneak inside, his crimson eyes scan the room his in before getting out of there.

He dodge and avoid any security cameras or motion detectors before finding the security room.

He managed to bust it open and immediately went to the computers to see where Eggman keep the emeralds and turn the security system down.

He smirked when he sees where it was looking at it through the camera since he now have control of Eggman's security.

"bingo.." he said in a lower tone, he was about to turn around to walk away until a huge amount of pain got to his stomach sending him flying to the wall.

He grunted and look who it was only to see two furious purple eyes glarring at him.

And Shadow knew he met him again, the one and only N/N and this time will be a rematch between them.

Shadow stands up and got on his fighting stance, he have fight him before and last time he got beaten to the ground but this time he'll win.

The Echidna just keep his glare at the intruder, he tighten his fists before rushing at him with his fist in the air.

'like last time...' Shadow thought, last time he block it but he got kick in the stomach right after.

Shadow dodge it unlike last time as N/N stop himself before so that he don't hit the security controls and turn around only to get kick straight in the face.

He stumbled a bit before letting out a growl, Shadow stood there still on his fighting stance and sees the echidna grabbed a random furniture and throw it at him.

Shadow quickly avoid it but when he look back the echidna is nowhere.

"sh*t!" he cursed when he lost sight of the echidna and started to look around.

Then suddenly he got round kick by N/N but Shadow manage to caught his leg which suprised him and Shadow punch him in the chest.

N/N grunted in pain as he hit the wall panting slightly, still have his eyes darted at the black hedgehog that is standing infront of him.

Both crimson and purple eyes stared at eachother.

"y..your a b*tch" N/N said at him which made Shadow crack a smile.

"I'm already a b*tch" he said before punching him unconscious but the echidna grab his fist before Shadow can react the echidna pulled him causing Shadow to stumbled and punch him straight in the stomach with such strength causing Shadow to wince at the pain.

The Echidna let him go as Shadow hugged his stomach and glared at the echidna.

"what are you doing here?" asked N/N but Shadow didn't answer.

"i said what are you doing here?!" N/N demanded which got frustrated when Shadow only smirked at him.

N/N's eyes widen and quickly dodge the Chaos Spears that Shadow summoned causing few machines in the room to get hit, N/N quickly look at the Security controls and sees it not getting hit which made relief to him.

Shadow took this chance to attack as he quickly spindash him to the wall causing it to have a small crack because of the impact.

Shadow sees the echidna laying on the cold metal ground, which he just stared at him and turn to walk away.

Only to hear running footsteps behind him, making him look but the echidna quickly managed to kick his legs causing Shadow to lost his balance and fell on the ground.

The Echidna didn't let the black hedgehog to process on what's happening as he quickly pin him to the ground, grabbing both of his arms and sit on Shadow's stomach so that he won't able to kick him.

Shadow glared at N/N but his eyes widen when he sees what position their in, but N/N is oblivious he continued his glare.

Shadow blushed and he just realized that the echidna on top of him is kinda short.

't-the h3ll?!' Shadow thought, he didn't understand why his feeling this way towards the echidna infront of him, now at the mention of the echidna he haven't seen him up so close before.

His dangerous purple eyes glarring at him like daggers, his beautiful A/C fur and deadlocks that slightly shines around the room.

Shadow's heart start to beat faster the longer he stared at the echidna, but tried to focuse on the situation.

"get off me" he said continuing his glare towards the echidna on top of him.

"not until you tell me what your doing here first!" the echidna snarled at him, keeping him in the ground.

"why would you think i would answer your question?" Shadow asked in more of a mocking tone.

The echidna let out a growl showing his teeth.

"then I'll just beat the answer out of you!" he said with pure frustration.

However the hedgehog didn't feel the same the way the echidna felt towards him, Shadow blushed even more after hearing that.

Shadow only smirked at the echidna making him confused on why his smirking.

"let's see about that" he said as he headbutt him in the forehead causing N/N to yelp in pain letting go of him.

Shadow quickly get up seeing N/N rubbing his sore forehead before skating off.

N/N sees this and let out a growl.

"I'm not done with you!" he shouted but Shadow keep skating away.

He bit his bottom lip when he remembered the position their in, thinking about it making him blushed even harder.

He shake his head, he is confused about this new feeling as he didn't even know what it is.

However he heard something from behind making him look.

His eyes widen and quickly dodge a red blast that was heading towards him hitting a wall.

He look where it came from and sees N/N still managing to follow him however his shoes have now wheels on them which is why he still manage to follow and his robotic arm is now a blaster.

N/N is still isn't giving up and ready to shoot him again charging up his blaster.

Shadow blink but soon a smile appeared on his muzzle.

This echidna interest him, he managed to keep up with him other than Sonic, his better than the other echidna which is Knuckles...he actually enjoy fighting him.

Shadow continue to skate away as N/N follow him through the halls.



Orbot is just walking down the hallway humming a song.

He then heard something making him look behind him.

His optics widen as a yellow blur zoom pass him making him go in circles because of it.

"woah! Waa!" the red bot cried then another A/C blur zoom pass right after causing the small bot to spin again but faster this time hitting the wall

Dizziness came to him which is weird considering his a robot.



Shadow keeps avoiding each blast the echidna shoot at him, the echidna let out a growl in frustration before charging his blaster again.

He was about to shoot but stops when he sees something.

He then aim his blaster that was not in Shadow's direction and Shadow sees this which cause him to stay alert.

He shoot it as he hit the code pad destroying it, Shadow look infront of him and sees metal wall starting to block his way.

Shadow speed up to get pass the metal wall as N/N smirk thinking he got him trap.

But soon his smirk drop when he sees Shadow slide out of the metal wall completely closing in front of N/N causing him to quickly tap his shoes together making the wheels go away.

He tried to stop his speed causing a loud screech is heard since under his shoes are metal.

He manage to stop himself before hitting the metal wall his blaster transformed to a robotic arm and panted afterwards.

When he realized what happened he yelled out in pure anger punching the wall making it to have a mark, he pant and look very angered that he failed to keep the black hedgehog trap.

He have to find a way, he look around for a way to catch up to the hedgehog, he turn around and run off.

Shadow break the glass container that contains a green emerald.

The emerald glows sensing a high amount of chaos energy which is Shadow himself.

Shadow grabbed the emerald and look at it, he seems to smile when he sees nothing have happen to it, he then put it inside of his black and red stripes quills.

Shadow then sees something in the corner making him narrowing his eyes.

He goes approuching whatever it is but also ready to use Chaos spears if needed.

When his close enough-

"OW!" Shadow yelled out in pain covering his nose.

The one who bite his nose is a blue flicky with a bandaged wing glarring at Shadow.

And now Shadow is confused about this.

"what in the?" he asked in confusion but still have his hand on his nose slightly rubbing it.

The flicky continues to glare at him and suddenly jump on him and start to pecking his head causing Shadow to try and get the flicky off him.

"hey! Ow! Stop it-Ah! Get off!" he yelled out trying to get the flicky off his head but the flicky is to stubborn and continue to pecking his head.

Then the flicky stops making Shadow to shake his head, he look and sees the flicky have the emerald fall out of his quills.

"why you!" Shadow said trying to get the emerald back but the flicky bite his hand causing him to yelp in pain again, the flicky is still bitting his hand as Shadow tried to shake his hand to get the flicky off but it only made worse  because the flicky bite harder.

"you little- stop biting me!" he yelled out managing to get the flicky off his hand as the flicky cried out.

Shadow was about to look at the emerald but only to get punch straight in the face causing him to let go of the flicky and now not only his hand is hurting his face aswell.

He look who it is and sees the same echidna as before known as N/N holding the flicky gently with a worried expression.

The flicky cried out to him as N/N pet it gently which cause it's cries goes down to sad chirps.

"don't worry, i won't let that black rat hurt you again" he said in a gentle tone.

'black rat?!' Shadow thought angrily but soon noticed something.

What was a flicky doing in Eggman's base in the first place?!

After N/N gently put the flicky in his dreads the flicky went inside of his dreads making N/N smiled but soon his smile turn into a frown looking at Shadow.

Shadow then realized that the emerald is still on the floor as both of them stared at it.

Shadow stared at N/N while N/N stared back, none of them move for a while.

Until N/N quickly move to get the emerald but shadow manage to kick him and was about to grab the emerald but yelp and fell to the ground because N/N pull his leg, Shadow tried to kick N/N off but N/N keep trying to avoid it.

Everytime Shadow tried to reach for the emerald N/N tug his leg harder which keeping him away from the emerald.

Bisically their like children fighting over a piece of candy.

N/N pull Shadow even harder and use him as a boost to get the emerald but Shadow grab one of his dreads and pull it causing him to yelp in pain, flicky pop his head out of N/N's dreads and peck his hand causing Shadow to get his hand back.

N/N smirked and manage to grab the emerald making Shadow's eyes widen when he sees N/N open his mouth knowing what he'll say next and he have to stop him.

"Chao-" Shadow cover his mouth which suprised him and grab the emerald but N/N still have his grip on it.

"Chaos Control!" Shadow yelled out as both him and N/N got covered with a bright light then both of them dissapeard.

"and that's the plan" Knuckles said as they just stared at him.

" bisically what your saying is we just bust in Eggman's base and grab your brother and get out of there?" Rough said recapping what Knuckles have said.

"okay that is not what i mean" Knuckles said putting both of his hands in the table and glared at Rough with annoyance.

Knuckles was suprised or more accurately angered that Rough is in Chaotix's house while the Chaotix have a small talk with Mighty and Ray since it's been years when they last see the two retired Chaotix members earlier, Knuckles only let Rough to join because he wants to know what she find in Eggman's base.

"well it sounds like what it is to me" Rough said leaning against the chair with her arms cross slightly tapping her fingers.

Knuckle's eye twitch in anger as he was about to approuch her.

But he was stop when a bright light appeared on the center of the table causing them to stop and look away from the brightness.

Then the next thing they knew is a black hedgehog and a A/C echidna having a wrestling match in the table, all of them have their eyes widen especially Knuckles seeing the echidna for the first time in person.

N/N yelled out as he throw Shadow straight at Vector and stand up, only to realized his surrounded by mobians and standing in the table.

"N/N?" both Rough and Mighty said out at the same time causing them to look at eachother in surprise.

N/N look who called him and sees the two making his eyes widen.

He start to feel overwhelmed taking a step back before running off to get out of there.

" get him!" Sonic shouted making all of them to go after N/N.

N/N quickly stop when the blue hedgehog got infront of him but N/N manage to punch him in the face unexpectedly making Sonic let out a "ow!" and cover his nose that almost got broken, N/N soon notice the magenta chameleon going to sneak behind him as he grab Sonic that is still busy about his nose and use him to throw at Espio making both of them to crash at eachother.

N/N was about to keep going until he sees Rough and Mighty got infront of him which cause him to stop, his heart start to beat faster doesn't know what he'll do.

"c'mon N/N, let's just all calm down and sort this out" Mighty said spreading his arms open.

N/N is silent for a moment before made up his decision.

He suddenly push them out of his way quite roughly causing them to stumbled as N/N went straight for the door.

"your not going kid!" Vector said grabbing N/N which made him freak out a bit and started to struggle.

"okay i got- Ow!" Vector yelp out in pain when a flicky suddenly start to peck his face unexpectedly making him dropping N/N and keep trying to get the flicky away from him while it still keeps pecking him nonstop.

N/N then quickly stand up and reach for the door.

He grab the doorknob and-


Everyone stop on what their doing to see what happened.

Only to see Knuckles starring at N/N's unconscious body on the ground with one of his fists slightly raised and starting to shake...

Knuckles stared at N/N at what he just did...

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