Chapter 19:Welcome Back...

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A child fell to their knees, panting for air because of exhustion their feeling.

"c'mon don't just sit there" he heard his father called out to him, the child shakes his head starring at the grass with failure in his eyes.

"i...i can't papa i..." the child stop in his sentence as he let out a hiccup.

"what do you mean you can't?" asked the father as the child looks away feeling failure and disappointment.

"i-i just can't papa! I...i...i'm too weak...i can't even compare to Knochel i..." he hiccup once again trying to keep his tears in but he failed as small tears run down his eyes.

"I'm not strong enough!" the child yelled, the father is silent starring at his child...



N/N slowly open his eyes, he wince at slight pain he felt, he lift his head and his eyes immediately widen seeing.

He recognized this place, it's Eggman's laboratory.

His breathing became faster as his eyes widen seeing the room he doesn't want to be in, especially the one who owns it.

He start to move only stopping when he noticed he gets cuffed in a metal slab, his eyes widen more seeing his robotic arm isn't attached, he cursed under his breath.

He heard something opened making his eyes widen in fear and quickly look, nervousness starting to caught up to him as his pupils shrink seeing Eggman himself.

Eggman walked in as the doors closed shut behind him, N/N still have look at Eggman with fear.

Eggman's expression is blank which made N/N feeling more afraid.

Eggman start to approuch him which made N/N panicked and tried to struggle.

Until he stopped starting at Eggman, if his ears is longer they would immediately folded on his head.

Eggman lean closer as N/N's eyes widen more.

" failed..."

"LET ME OUT YOU SON OF A B*TCHES!" A loud yell of pure anger is heard, a red echidna is lock in a metal capsule as he keeps banging on it.

He tried everything to get out but these metal bands on his wrist is consuming his strength and power making him weakened.

He keeps banging on it, the one thing on his mind is his brother N/N, he knew his in trouble and he have to get there for him, but he start to feel his body weakened, more energy he use it made his body become even more weak.

Soon his legs gave in causing him to collapsed, he panted for air, it's hot inside of this thing he can't move much because the space is small.

He wipe the sweat of his forehead as he panted more, he growled in frustration as he bang one last time before dropping his fists, he felt angry, his very mad at himself for getting knock out unconscious so easily.

If only...if only he was careful...he hate to think this but...

He closed his eyes as he tighten his fists.

He hope the others would come...

"do you guys feel something weird?" Sonic suddenly asked making them to look at him.

"why would you asked that?" Tails asked as Sonic shrugs.

"i don't know i just...i feel like someone is wishing for me to be there" Sonic said putting a hand under his chin.

"okay that sounds wrong to me" Mighty said, he also have a feeling but the way Sonic describe it sounds wrong.

"me too...say where's the echidna brothers?" Amy asked earning either some shrugs.

"don't know, probably at the Angel Island" Ray said drinking his chocolate milk.

"well I have to go guys" Sonic said standing up.

"your ganna go to the Angel Island to give N/N flowers again aren't you?" Tails asked earning a jealous stare from Amy and a fake smile from Mighty both feeling jealous at this moment.

"You bet!" Sonic said with a wink as he dash off, Tails only let out a sigh shaking his head slightly, While Ray sweatdropped when he sees Amy and Mighty's expressions looks like their planning something.

Sonic arrived at the Angel Island holding a bouquet of (F/F) with a smile on his muzzle.

He walked through the forest heading towards the old altar of the Master Emerald.

He slightly push a large leaf that is blocking his way as he smiled seeing the old altar just ahead.

"N/N! It's m..." Sonic's smile dropped seeing someone starring at the old altar.

It wasn't N/N or Knuckles, Sonic's face darkens at the sight of this Mobian wondering what their doing here.

The Mobian turn around to face him, it was none other than Shadow the Hedgehog himself.

Both hedgehogs stared at each other for a while as the atmosphere around them is filled with silence.

"...what are you doing here?" Sonic asked, obviously his the last Mobian he ever want to see.

"...i could ask you the same thing" Shadow replied back as emerald green eyes stared at ruby crimson eyes.

After few silent seconds Sonic look away and walked pass him.

"I'm here for N/N" Sonic said as Shadow out a scoff and crossed his arms.

"that's coincidence I'm also here for him too" he said as Sonic stopped in his tracks and turn around to glare at him and Shadow glared back.

Sonic look away from him to look at the old altar, but he noticed something.

Sonic titled his head as his face soon darkens, in a instant he start to run up the stairs, he know Shadow is following behind.

They both arrived at the same time making both of them to glared at eachother.

But soon they stopped when they see the old altar is...empty..the Master Emerald is there echidnas on sight.

"that's weird..." Sonic said looking around, Shadow stared at the Master Emerald for a bit before looking around as well.

"Knuckles...would never leave the Master Emerald unprotected..." Sonic said as he start to feel worry.

"N/N...would always sleeping at this time.." Shadow said right after making Sonic to look at him as Shadow look back.

"...he always sleep at afternoon" he said as Sonic raised a brow wondering how did Shadow even know that.

"don't ask and this isn't the time...i have a bad feeling.." Shadow said as Sonic look around and put the (F/F) next to the Master Emerald and continue to look around with worry.

Wondering...where are they..?

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