Chapter 24:Darkness...Light

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Knuckles frozed in one place, eyes widen starring at his twin.

His A/C fur is now abyss black, his purple eyes once is now pure soulless glowing white, his right arm where his robotic arm should be have now a dark purplish shadow claw.

He heard a laugh making him turn his head in a instant and sees Eggman laughing, this pissed him off.

"you...BASTARD! WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY BROTHER?!" the red echidna yelled as Tails is afraid on what his seeing.

"Oh Knuckles! Just his new upgrade do you like it?" Said Eggman in a mischievous tone.

"I'm not playing around!" he shouted at him again as Eggman smirked.

"well...your a echidna aren't you? Why don't you take a closer look?" he asked as Knuckles glared at him, he look at N/N.

His eyes widen more...he felt his full of..dark Chaos Energy...Knuckles let out a growl Turning his hands into fists.

" overfilled him with dark Chaos Energy?" he asked in a angry tone as he look at Eggman.

"correct, it's hard to tame him under my control when the transformation is complete but it's all paid off" he said with a smirk.

Knuckles glared at N/N, this is bad. N/N doesn't have much experience on Chaos energy and now being overfilled him with tons of it is abusing his mind...

This isn't just Dark Energy inside of him...his in a Dark Form.....

If this takes longer...N/N's mind would go to blank because of this.

He have to be fast, he need to get these Dark Energy out of him.

But he needs a Chaos Emerald for that which he doesn't have for the moment.

"N/N...why don't you and your brother play?" Eggman said to N/N which N/N turn his head to stare at Eggman, he then stared at Knuckles.

In a instant he dash at him as Knuckles quickly dodge him, well barely, he quickly look around and sees Shadow unconscious nearby, he quickly look at Tails.

"Tails! Get Shadow's emerald quick!" he yelled at him which made Tails startled but nod as he immediately move.

N/N noticed Tails but Knuckles punch him, N/N caught his fist and throw him to the wall.

Knuckles grunt in pain, he tried to stand up only to get punched at the side getting hit in the other wall again.

Tails tried getting to Shadow, N/N notices him as he use his shadow claw and it began stretching and pinned Tails to the wall aggressively, earning a yelp of pain from the younger fox.

Tails struggling to get out but N/N tightens his grip on him which suffocating him.

"GRAH!" N/N heard a scream behind him, when he look over his shoulder he suddenly got piled on by Knuckles taking him to the ground.

Because of this he accidentally let go Tails which he collapsed on the ground and gasp for air as he cough.

"TAILS!" the fox heared him getting called out as he look over and sees Knuckles getting hit to the wall by N/N repeatedly since Knuckles is clinging on N/N's back.

"T-THE NGH! EMERALD!" He shouted at him trying to resist the pain as he felt his spine rapidly hit aggressively.

Tails quickly look around and sees Shadow nearby, in a instant he get up and run towards him almost tripping when getting up.

Knuckles is trying to keep N/N busy as N/N grabbed his arm and throw him over his shoulder, hitting the floor with a loud thud.

Knuckles gasp as small blood came out of his mouth.

Tails trip but his near Shadow, he quickly put his hand on Shadow's quills trying to find the emerald.

Knuckles struggled to get up but only get stomp by N/N while N/N harden his foot to keep Knuckles on the ground, Knuckles gritten his teeth in pain.

"N-N/N.. Ngh" Knuckles grunted trying to get up but N/N harden his foot to keep Knuckles on the ground...or maybe breaking his spine using his foot so he hardens it even more.

N/N stared at him with a blank expression.

Knuckles then managed to move his leg hitting N/N foot making him knock off his feet, Knuckles took this chance as he quickly get up despite his back is hurting.

But unfortunately he got pinned to the wall by N/N, he have his hand at his throat tightening it as Knuckles gasp and struggled breathing.

Knuckles managed to look at him and N/N sees him looking.

Purplish eyes stared at Blank White.

N/N stared at him with a blank expression, no emtion whatsoever.

"I...I'm...h-here.." he struggled say, N/N didn't react as he tighten his grip on him making Knuckles struggled getting some air even more.

"r-" he gasped "rem-ember...t-hat..?" he asked as his voice goes lower and lower.

"I-I..." he gasped again "Wo-n't lea-leave" he gritten his teeth.

N/N tighten his grip on him every time he spoke, what he have in mind, Knuckle's words didn't go through him.

"Y...Y/N.." he managed to say again as his face Turning blue from this suffocation.

N/N stared at him, his tail flickered.







A A/C child keeps on crying he tighten his small bow, infront of him is a dark red echidna.

He stared at the crying child that is sitting on the ground, right arm covering his eyes as tears drops to the dirt.

The adult stayed there for a bit before approuching the child.

He kneel down and stared at him.

"...Y/N.." he called out his child's name.

The child let out a hiccup as he lift his head revealing purple eyes starring at blue ones.

Tears running down the child's muzzle as he stared down in shame, The Father used his hand to wipe off the tears from his face. 

"...a bear and a mouse got trapped in a blocked the entrance and water raises...which one of them live?" his father asked, the child stopped and look at his father. Blinking in confusion.


"who do you think survives? The bear...or the mouse?" the father asked him once again, the child blink and stared down...He look at him once more.

"T-the bear.." he answered and sees his father closed his eyes and slightly shake his head.

The child blink in confusion wondering why his wrong.

"no..the bear didn't survive...the mouse did" his father said as the child is confused, he wipe his tears and stared at his father.

"w..why? How?" the child asked as the father smiled, he lift his hand with his index finger raised.

"because my child...the bear might be strong...but the mouse is clever... Sure the mouse lack strength but do you know what it have?" The father asked as the child blink.

"...uh..."the child doesn't know what to answer as the father smiled and boop his nose which cause the child to snapped put of his thinking and stared at him.

" the can fit through small holes from the rocks that blocked the entrance...the bear can't move the rocks or the cave will the bear drowns...but the mouse lives..." the father said starring at the sky as the child blink, realization hit him as he blink in suprised.

" and that is why you don't need strength to become use this instead "he said as he point the child's head as the child blink.

" but the most this" he said as he move his finger and point at the child's chest, the child blink and titled his head.

"my...chest..?" the child blink in confusion, the father let out a chuckle and shakes his head.

"no...but your heart, use your mind and heart on battle...fight what you believe of.." the father said with a smile.

"tell me my child.." he said earning the child's attention.

"...what do you wanna be?....a Warrior? Or a Archer?" he asked again as the child blink and point at himself.

"me..?" he asked as the father nodded.

The child think for a while, he soon smiled and look at his father.

"A healer!"

N/N stared at Knuckles as Knuckles keep struggling.

"a healer? Why?"

Knuckles continues to struggled, trying to gasp for air.

"because I wanna heal good people!"

N/N tighten his grip more as Knuckles start to go unconscious but still trying to stay awake.

" I also wanna heal you, mom and brother if you all got hurt!...because I love them and..."


Knuckles slowly open his other eye, starring at N/N helplessly. He shakily stretch his arm reaching for him

"I love you!"
"I love you.."

N/N stopped for a moment as hid grip loosen a bit.

He suddenly got hit by something hard, Making him look and sees Tails glarring at him with determination.

He look what he use to hit him with and sees a wrench nearby.

He look back at Tails as he let go of Knuckles, he immediately gasp for air and cough but panted for getting suffocated in a while.

N/N approuched Tails as Tails have his eyes widen but still keep his glare at him.

"catch me if you can!" he taunt him and started to run off spinning his tails for extra speed.

N/N's walking speed up a bit and soon his running after him as he grabbed one of his tail and slam him to the floor earning a loud noise of pain from the fox.

He tight his grip on his tail as Tails have his eyes widen starring at N/N with fear.

He raise his fist in the air ready to smash his tail as Tails closed his eyes as N/N immediately bring down his fist.

In a instant N/N let go of Tails's tail and fell on his knees.

Tails stared suprised as he look behind him and sees Knuckles holding Shadow's emerald, breathing heavily as the emerald glowed variously.

"what?" Eggman said in confusion seeing this, Knuckles panted as he close his eyes.

"the servers are the 7 Chaos Emeralds is power...power enriched by the heart. The controller is the one that unifies the Chaos..."

He said as his body started to glow along with the emerald, N/N fell on his knees as he start to shake, he tried to get up but the emerald refuses as it keeps him down.

" the 7 Emeralds are the servers. Chaos is power, enriched by the heart. The controller serves to unify the chaos..."

He continued his voice start to echoed as Tails quickly stayed back.

"what are you doing?!" Eggman yelled at Knuckles but Knuckles didn't give a care about him soon the other Chaos emeralds appeared around N/N one by one.

"The server are the 7 Chaos. Chaos is power. Power is enriched by the heart. The controller is the one that unfies the Chaos.."

Knuckles continued as his dreads started to move on their own and start to float.

"By the power and heart...answer my prayer.." Knuckles began as N/N glared at him and tried to go after him, but one by one each of the emerald hold him down as they float around the dark echidna that is struggling to get out.

Knuckles opened his eyes revealing glowing purple with green pupils.

N/N glared at Knuckles as he use his shadow claw as it began to stretch, reaching for Knuckles in such speed.

"save this pure soul from darkness......" he continued.

"what is he doing?! Stop him!" Eggman demanded, soon robots entered as Tails's eyes widen and look at Knuckles in worry.

Knuckles tight his grip on the Emerald.

"answer my prayer.." and with that the robots instantly got destroyed with just a shockwave of energy and very bright light hit N/N surrounding him with pure light, all of them blinding them that are watching the scene.

A scream is heard but soon everything went silence...

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