Chapter 8 - meet me by the old tree

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Knuckles was on his way home when he sees Amy scowling at him and said, where the hell have you been? Knuckles replied, just had a little need to move the hell on Amy.....Knuckles stopped in disbelief that he cursed at her as he thought, did I just curse at her? He never cursed that often but only I maybe paying attention to Sonics cursing too it was like they were raising themselves.... Amy said, I need to move on? I am not moving on.... Knuckles said angrily, YOU KNOW WHAT AMY YOUR FUCKING OBSESSED PLUS I HAD SEX WITH A CERTAIN SOMEONE WHO IS THE FUCKING SAME AGE AS ME, GOTH, AND A DAM ORPHAN!!! The red echidna was shocked as he heard what he had said come right outta him and then he ran up to his he heard Amy's voice yell out in shock and anger, YOU HAD SEX WITH SOMEONE ELSE?!

Knuckles pov

No fucking way...CRAP..I AM CURSING!! I must've paid attention to Sonic's cursing while seeing him beating the hell outta them, & scowling at them....*I started to think about him* why can't I get him off my mind?.....dam he is so attractive and so....I DID NOT JUST THINK THAT?! I was so lost in those thoughts I didn't notice him leaving a note on my window seal and ran off....but when I noticed the said:

I know it's all sudden...'s not often I get to talk to someone at this hour. ....I am always picky about my own curfews... if you want to know why we're like this that badly... well guess I can't stop ya.... meet me by the old tree that's deep within the cemetery where my fucking excuses for parents are.... so we can talk...

From: Sonic

I was stunned...surprised that he wanted to talk to me...& in an old tree at that cemetery....I thought their parents were's no wonder the two hedgehogs were so dangerous & dark at the same time.....yet I felt sorry for both of them I snook out of the house and went to the cemetery to see him sitting underneath the old tree.... he was out of it...staring at the moon in isolation....I walked towards him and sat next to him as I said, hey you okay? He looked at me with both his eyes (yeah his eyepatch was right beside him and off) he then looked away and said in dull-tone as he stared at the random tombstones, before I was born my brothers life was a living hell for two years...I would only imagine how horrid his life was....because of those so-called parents of ours....I couldn't imagine why he would be this way but....I asked, if your brother was the one who suffered....then why did you hold a grudge on them?.... he answered, because they died after I was born....during laying asleep in that womb of hers....I kept hearing very bad sounds & a lot of harsh yelling....she was alcoholic....she couldn't even help it....*balling his hand into a fist while growling* can't help it my ass....she just wanted to be so dam was all because of eye was is precisely why I have a dolls eye...I was stunned he went through all that..I mean I heard rumors about the disappearance of the Kurasaki brothers but I just wonder if this is one of them....I asked him, Sonic are you saying that your....he interrupted dull and emotionless, yeah Knuckles...I'm one of the Kurasaki brothers...Kazuki Kurasaki...I was shocked by him....he was one of the brothers that he stood up and attempted to leave but I caught him by the hand as I yelled, HEY WAIT!! He turned around and said, What?! I looked at him with concerned eyes and said as I took both his shoulders, I know you've been through a hard time with your brother but....that was in the past your parents are gone....aren't you two at least satisfied? He looked at the ground, shook his head no and said, even if our parents are dead....they left some deep scars in our hearts....we can't even set foot outside the shadows of our own darkness. I asked, but didn't you two at least try to? * he looked at me* I know you two don't want to but I know you can if you tried... then he looked away again and said, we'll try but I doubt we'll succeed... after that I snook back in to the house so no one knows.

Sonics pov

After I put my eyepatch back on and was done talking to Knuckles I snook back into the orphanage and went to the bathroom to wash my face....I couldn't help but wonder why I cant me and my brother get over what's fucking in the past...I thought as I looked in the mirror, why would we get over the fucking what....those fuckers got what they why aren't we satisfied?....they ruined our lives....but we can walk outta the darkness....can we?...we should just be the way we are...right?.... but that's when I realize something....I was...crying....I don't know why I whispered, I crying? can't be...I haven't cried in 13 years.... then a familiar voice said, you know K's its okay to show how you feel rather than hide it.... I turned to see Cyprien who walked right next to me as I said, oh...hey Cyprien...I didn't see you there.... Cyprien and my brother were the only ones who knew my situation of being in fucking love..... Cyprien said, so did it go? Did you tell him the truth that you..... I answered, yeah he was shocked....took it well but shocked.... I sat down on the floor as he did.....Cyprien said, that too...but that's not what I meant....I mean did you tell him how you feel....Kazuki...he's not going to find out on his own.... I said, yeah I know Cyprien am I supposed's hard to explain but he wanted us to.... Cyprien cut me off by placing a hand on my shoulder and then said, I think he knows you and your brother are in pain and need to move on.....I know I've been down that road before when I was depressed myself.... I literally forgot Cypriens parents died on his birthday....poor guy I always felt sorry for him....but who can blame him....I mean he's been my friend since I was 2. Cyprien said as he gave me a small smile, listen no matter what obstacles get in your way...ya need to move on and yourself Kazuki and everything will turn up....but remember no matter who, what, how, or where we, your brother, me, Vince, Dave, Joey, and Steve will always have each other.... I gave him a small smile for the very first time as I whispered, ...thank you....Cyprien. After that talk we went back to bed.

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